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  1. Ndy


    I usually reserve them for sauces, but I have put them in tuna salad as well. Added a nice salty bite.
  2. Ndy

    The F Word!

    God, now I hasve to check out youtube - I can't remember if I ever saw season 1 (!) ← http://youtube.com/user/Postmester This guy is in the process of uploading season three. He's already posted one and two.
  3. Ndy

    The F Word!

    I've been watching season 1-3 on youtube. This show is GREAT!
  4. Where was this quote from? Sounds like a fun site. ← here you go. It begins about 30 seconds in. The actual argument lasted like 30 or 40 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvIc7C1egAM...ACEFCE&index=12 I'm a huge nerd.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I agree with your observations. However, it's not a personality contest, or judgment of "chefly attributes," otherwise Lisa would've been gone long ago. The winner and loser is based almost exclusively on the food presented in that particular episode. Actually, I think the concept of leadership may have come from the first season finale, when they were stuck in a decision between Harold and Tiffani. The latter of this pair was notorious for being abrasive and hard to work with. I'm assuming you saw this episode. The precedent set by that show has led some viewers to believe that leadership is a heavy consideration in the top chef decision. If it were, how would Ilan Hall win the title? Marcel reach the finals? Hung? Hung was an outstanding cook, but I hesitate to call him a leader. As Colicchio maintains, "It's about the food."
  6. I think if that happened I would quit watching.
  7. It was great to see Richard dominate as usual, but I'm extremely aggravated to see Lisa moving to the next round. How does she manage to survive? SHE SUCKS!
  8. I say boot all three of them and let the remaining chefs compete. They're the only ones I care about anyway.
  9. Mustard braised rutebega scooped with a mellon baller. ← Nice. That's what I think is cool about this place, all of the tiny elements that go into each dish. I need to visit someday.
  10. I totally agree with you! I wouldn't wash dishes in the same room with Andrew. Anyone who has to start off a challenge with "I'm going to either stab someone or make great F'n food" while looking every bit like he means it, is not someone I want around knives. His constant "This is MY house!" remarks coupled with waving food in the other contestants faces in the store while screaming "What does this smell like? Sucess!" painted a picture of someone who has to bully his way to sucess, not cook his way there. He was downright scary no matter how good some of his dishes were. ← I don't think he was as imposing or hostile as you're perceiving him. I think he's just really weird.
  11. First let me point out that I am not flaming or singling out KristiB50 here. I have high cholesterol and have had to manage it since I had a major coronary 12 years ago. I'd like to point out that the assumption that shrimp is bad for you because it has cholesterol is a misnomer and only half of the story. The cholesterol in shrimp is primarily high-density lipoproteins (HDL). This is what is commonly referred to as "Good cholesterol". HDL's reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL) which is more commonly known as "bad cholesterol. Shrimp are also virtually fat free and loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids. So in reality shrimp when prepared healthily are one of the best proteins you could possibly eat. I poached this from here http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=107 Shrimp Provide Large Cardiovascular Benefits Many people are confused about the fat and cholesterol content of shrimp. Shrimp is very low in total fat, yet it has a high cholesterol content (about 200 milligrams in 3.5 ounces, or 12 large boiled shrimp). Some people have avoided eating shrimp precisely because of its high cholesterol content. However, based on research involving shrimp and blood cholesterol levels, avoidance of shrimp for this reason does not seem justified. In a peer-reviewed scientific study, researchers looked at the effect of two diets, one which contained shrimp and the other eggs, on the cholesterol levels of people with normal lipid levels. In this randomized crossover trial, people ate either 300 grams of shrimp per day or two large eggs. (A randomized crossover trial is one in which groups cross over, trying out both possible protocols.) The shrimp diet did raise LDL levels (bad cholesterol) by 7%, but also raised HDL levels (good cholesterol) by 12%. In contrast, the egg diet raised LDL levels by 10% and HDL by 7%. The results then showed that the shrimp diet produced significantly lower ratios of total to HDL ("good") cholesterol and lower ratios of LDL ("bad" cholesterol) to HDL cholesterol than the egg diet. In addition, in people who ate the shrimp diet, levels of triglycerides (a form in which fat is carried in the blood) decreased 13%. In just a four-ounce serving of shrimp, you'll receive 28.2% of the daily value for vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is one of the nutrients needed to keep levels of homocysteine, a molecule that can directly damage blood vessel walls and is considered a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, low. In addition, shrimp are also a good source of cardio-protective omega-3 fatty acids, noted for their anti-inflammatory effects and ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. Four ounces of shrimp provide 14.8% of your daily need for these protective fats. See also http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=515 Choose seafood at least twice a week Fish can be fatty or lean, but it's still low in saturated fat. Prepare fish baked, broiled, grilled or boiled rather than breaded and fried. Shrimp and crawfish have more cholesterol than most other types of seafood, but they're lower in total fat and saturated fat than most meats and poultry. ← WOW you are quite passionate about shrimp!
  12. I laughed out loud at Lisa's comment on the other's poor attitudes. Look in a mirror woman...
  13. very well said. I wish we had a thumb's up icon.
  14. Thanks for the article, it was very interesting and well-written.
  15. I've got the same unhealthy fascination. I also bought his three star chef cookbook. He is a totally different person on The F Word, the British Kitchen Nightmares, and Ramsay's Boiling Point. Obviously the producers of this show are pandering to typical American tv tastes. This Sunday morning he made two dishes on The F Word that were made with the pigs he raised in his back yard.. Herb and Lemon stuffed Roast Loin and Pressed Belly. He also did pan seared halibut on top of red wine glazed pancetta, shallots and mushrooms. I was literally drooling on the couch. He's much more relaxed on the British shows. I'd love to spend some time with him. Anybody who thinks the Hell's Kitchen version is really him is uninformed. ← The Hell's Kitchen Gordon is Gordon, but only part of his overall personality. He doesn't suffer fools, that's for sure, but he's not simply a raging martinet. I've not seen Boiling Point, but I've seen a good few KNs, and a couple F words. On the F words he's been 98% pleasant. On KN, he looses his patience all the time and has his freak outs, but the subjects of the rants are not innocents -- head chefs getting head chef pay who can't cook are frequent examples -- and he also devotes his energy to encouraging the impressionables he meets, and even those he thinks are lost causes if it'll get the food out. I saw the pigs too. I was concerned about the kids faced with eating them, but they sure got into it. I just ordered his bio. It's ridiculous really. But these idiots on Hell's Kitchen don't seem to evoke that part of him. ← You also have to consider that he's more or less paid to yell at them. The more chicken throwing the better!
  16. Perfect example why they wouldn't let Andrew talk to the guests.
  17. Praise Jesus! Nikki is gone! Pretty good episode, and I laughed when I heard about yet another catering challenge. It appears Richard is the Top Chef and Top Caterer rolled into one.
  18. They are eating at Olive Garden. A lobotomy would be redundant. I currently despise the Hardee's commercial where the guy makes biscuits and his friends ignore him. The tag line is "guys don't bake." Yeah, I guess testosterone makes it impossible for a man to do anything besides drink beer and watch TV. ← That one kinda pissed me off. There was homophobic undertone was all too obvious.
  19. Almost every aspect of this show is cringe-inducing. I don't feel the need to watch anymore, even for the sake of Ramsay. Does anyone remember when the girl mentioned she'd never had SHRIMP? Why the HELL would you want your party at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant? UGH!
  20. They've had that disclaimer since the beginning, though I don't think the producers play a large role in the elimination decisions. I doubt Tom would stay around if every decision was undermined by a corporate exec.
  21. nice analysis as usual, I enjoy hearing your opinion on each episode.
  22. I think they've taken product placement to the next level with that stupid uncle ben's challenge. Also, how did Antonia win the quickfire with a salad with rice sprinkled on top? I noticed Nikki finally cooked something decent. What the hell was Stephanie thinking? I have the feeling she'll be going home soon with food like that.
  23. I'm betting on Richard to win it all.
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