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  1. furzzy

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    LOVE the really thin slices on the Hasselback (Hasselbeck?) potatoes!! I can rarely get mine anywhere near that thin. Beautiful Job!!
  2. furzzy

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    Funny - in these days of 'hi-falutin' cuisine & 4-star plating, this picture creates a salivation mostly unmatched. No doubt it has a lot to do with "Mem'ries" - that Je ne sais quois Anyone remember Chef Boy ar Dee pizza from a box? Wonder what that would taste like now.....LOL
  3. furzzy

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    Thank you, Ann_T. -- Here's a recent dinner, not beautifully plated, but oh so yummy! Got the Domestic Rack of Lamb on a sale from D'Artagnan (We really prefer domestic lamb - Colorado, in this case) ccooked to perfection on the Big Green Egg- The veggies are all organic/babies, roasted in Duck Fat with only S&P. The potato wedges then finished with a quick saute, also in Duck Fat (which I purchase from D'Artagnan also, in 10-lb buckets, which I repackage into 1-lb parcels & freeze.)
  4. Morten Thank you so much for this topic. This hadn't come up on my radar At All. After the big salad oil scandal ('60s? '70s?) I thought everything was "cleaned up" (if I gave it any thought at all!) And thanks to everyone who added comments. I've learned a lot here, and will investigate further. I love eGullet!
  5. furzzy

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    Would you mind explaining how you flattened the celery to be able to cut those rounds? What cuts did you make? Pictures would be especially nice (I do realize that's a lot to ask.)
  6. I'm not just admiring them. I'm hoping you got them online so you can tell me where you got them. I NEED some of those.
  7. As I'm reading I'm munching on some Poilane. Let's see - toppings are: Brie (I'm not sure which one - I know we have at least 3 kinds of Brie in the 'fridge,) duck Rillettes (home made), Cypress Grove Purple Haze chèvre, & Hudson Vallet Foie Gras (bought th foie, then made my terrine with Armagnac - the Real thing) - all with appropriate "garnishes." A friend flew in just last night from Paris for a few days. She always brings me treats such as the aforementioned Miche from Poilane plus some of their punitons - and lots of other goodies I can't get here.
  8. In tthe Chicago area they boought Wild Oats, which was great, but I'd have to say WF is an improvement.
  9. furzzy

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 4)

    dcarch Love the look of the lobster pasta. CONGRATS!
  10. I loved, loved, loved Roselyn's brownies and chocolate eclairs. Broke my heart when they were shut down. Fox & Obel is definitely up & running now. I'm sure you're right about Eataly - except that F&O has easy/free parking - & there's virtually nowhere to park by the Mart.
  11. furzzy


    Absolutely! I think I found it out by mistake once - one of those serendipity moments, Everything is coated evenly. And I actually use less salt this way.
  12. I have the CookTek - it has a low-high range but ALSO A SET YOUR TEMP function. And it works! Pricey? Yes. Worth it? Yes.http://www.cooktek.com/product/cooking-front-house/cooktops/apogee™-single-counter-top-cooktop I just looked that unit up. It's over $2,000 here in Australia.I'm not surprised. I've had mine a few years, and it was around $1,500. Worth every penny - and I use it for my Sous Vide set up to maintain a steady temp.
  13. I have the CookTek - it has a low-high range but ALSO A SET YOUR TEMP function. And it works! Pricey? Yes. Worth it? Yes. http://www.cooktek.com/product/cooking-front-house/cooktops/apogee%E2%84%A2-single-counter-top-cooktop
  14. Thanks - looks like this may work.
  15. You are welcome furzzy. I hope you let me and others know of your opinion on proper double searing. If done correctly, the flavors are very deep/robust. And safer for long cooks aswell.Help me out with "proper double searing" to give me a head start. How much on the first sear? I'll probably not SV, so how much if any) of the actual cooking goes with the first sear? Then is the second sear mainly for adding the depth & warming it up? I'd like to start this with the knowledge you've already accumulated, rather than re-inventing the wheel. The more I think about it, the more I'm getting into this idea. In my experiences, if using a blow torch, you can get some nice browning on a steak in 30 seconds per side. With a chuck roast or larger roast your looking at around a minute per side, but you kind of have to go by eye. I always go straight from sear to ziplock bag, then right into some ice water to stop carry over, then into the SV for whatever time/temp. After SV I either chill/freeze, or throw on the Infrared grill searing burner for a minute per side and serve immediately.Thanks - not sure when I'll be able to try this, but it's now on my "list" <SS>
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