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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. Shel_B

    Mussel Recipes Wanted

    Yes, I'm familiar with Penn Cove. They have a very good reputation. shel
  2. Shel_B

    Mussel Recipes Wanted

    Thanks - that's a pretty typical recipe, and a good one. I like the addition of the red pepper. Yes, you do have great mussels where you are - and wonderful oysters, too, if memory serves me. One of the best oyster stews I ever had was up in your area. shel
  3. Shel_B

    Vile Recipes

    Hi Kim, I've seen doughnut-based bread puddings that look great. However, Paula Deen's recipe seems way over the top and excessive ... shel
  4. Alton Brown had a show on a few days ago about mussels that got me interested in learning more about these delicious bivalves. I've poked around and found some good-sounding recipes for mussels, but maybe some of you mussel mavens have a recipe or two that you like. I'm especially interested in mussels with pasta, in salads, and eaten by themselves. While I like mussels, I've never prepared them myself. Thanks for any suggestions. shel
  5. Shel_B

    Vile Recipes

    OMG! I can feel my teeth rot. shel
  6. Shel_B

    Vile Recipes

    When Paula Deen appeared on Iron Chef America, she made something very similar to the fudge and cheese dessert, and the judges, although admitting to be skeptical, liked it. shel
  7. While I understand the compositional differences between 18/8 and 18/10 stainless steel, I don't know if there's any practical difference between the two. Does 18/8 scratch or damage easier? Is it more prone to having food stick to it? Is browning or searing comparable for both? What about staining - is one more prone to stain than the other? Any "stainless" gurus out there? shel
  8. Try this: http://www.harpers.org/archive/2008/01/0081878 shel
  9. What a great concept for a restaurant. It will be one of my stops the next time I'm in NYC. Thanks for posting! shel
  10. Thanks for all the suggestions. You've provided some good ideas to get me started. kind regards, shel
  11. I didn't realize there was a "standard" tomato sauce. What comprises such a sauce? Thanks! shel
  12. Hi gang, After this last round of buying canned baked beans, I've decided to make my own. Having read numerous treatises on how to cook beans, and having done so a couple of times with garbanzos, I think I've got the general cooking process down pretty well. However, it would be great to get some flavoring ideas, and cooking techniques specific to making vegetarian baked beans, especially for making a nice, thick, flavorful sauce. I'd also like to eliminate, or reduce as much as possible, the amount of sugar in the final dish. Which beans may best lend themselves to such a dish? Any thoughts or proven techniques for making some nice, rich, flavorful vegetarian baked beans? shel
  13. Shel_B

    Vile Recipes

    Awww - you beat me to it! I saw the show in which she made that "recipe," and in all fairness to PD, if memory serves me, I don't think she liked it all that well either. shel
  14. http://www.kosherblog.net/category/kosher-cheese/ shel
  15. Thanks for the comments. Based on the ones here and in other places, I'll grab a bottle on the next TJ's visit. shel
  16. Hi, Has anyone tried this oil? Does it taste like Kalamata olives? Any comments on quality and taste would be appreciated. Thanks! shel
  17. OK, I'll check out the 'shroom soup. Tks. shel
  18. Hi, and thanks! The ingredients on the Paneer entres look pretty good. I'll probably grab one or two, including the Palak Paneer. shel
  19. I sent the comapny an email asking about the availability of a product, and along with the response I was offered a brochure and some coupons. shel
  20. Yesterday I recived a bunch of coupons from Amy's, maker of many organic frozen dinners, entrés, pizzas, canned soups, and sauces (if you don't already know - http://www.amys.com/). Many of these coupons are for substantial amounts, including a few coupons that allow for free items. A catalogue of Amy's products was sent along with the coupons - sheesh! There sure are a lot of choices. I want to get an Amy's roasted vegetable pizza, and maybe a spinach pizza, along with some other items I sometimes buy. But that leaves more than 150 items that I've not tried, which brings me to the question: What's your favorite Amy's item(s)? With all these coupons, now seems like a good time to experiment with new choices. Thanks for your suggestion! shel
  21. For starters: http://www.cheftalk.com/forums/food-cookin...html#post204546 shel
  22. Ahhh - that might be where I got my information from. I talked with a potato farmer in Canada earlier who confirmed my suspicions. There was at least a chapter in Fast Food Nation devoted to Simplot and the methods used for growing conventional potatoes. I generally don't buy them - in fact, these were the first "Monitor potatoes" I bought in years - I'll not make that mistake again! Gawd, they were awful, but even more awful is how they're grown. Thanks, shel
  23. Yesterday I purchased a couple of nice looking, firm, Oregon russet potatoes. and baked them as I usually do. These were conventional potatoes, not the organic "free range" 'taters I generally purchase. I've not had a conventional potato in many years. These potatoes were terrible - almost tasteless, and certainly not as flavorful as any of the organic russets I can remember. I have a theory about this. I read somewhere that the fields used to grow conventional potatoes are sterilized, which means that many organisms found in the soil naturally are no longer active. Organicly grown potatoes aren't grown in such soil, and therefore have the benefit of these organisms, and end up tasting better. Does anyone have any more information on how conventional potatoes are grown, especially in Oregon and Idaho? Regardless, I'll probably never buy another conventionally grown russet potato again, especially from Oregpon or Idaho. shel
  24. Well, I did say that's what I was interested in getting. I've checked a few on line sources and will take a look at the offerings in some local stores, and go from there. Thanks!
  25. Been using this for a few years. I sometimes modify it, but thought just posting the original recipe would be a better choice. You can make your own mods but have the original as a guide. Bette's Buttermilk Pancakes Bette Kroening - Bette's Oceanview Dinner, Berkeley Ingredients: 2 cups all purpose flour 2 Tbs sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt 2 eggs 2 cups buttermilk ½ cup milk ¼ cup unsalted butter Berries or nuts (your choice) oil for griddle ----------------------------------------------------------- Directions: Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Lightly beat the eggs with the buttermilk, milk, and melted butter. Just before you're ready to make the pancakes, add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stir just enough to blend. Batter should be lumpy. If you want to add fruit or nuts, add them now, or you can sprinkle them on the pancakes while they are on the griddle. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or heavy skillet over med-high heat (about 375 on an electric griddle). Pour ¼ cup batter per pancake onto the griddle or skillet, spacing the pancakes so they don't run together. When bubbles appear on the surface of the pancakes and the underside is lightly browned, turn and cook for about 2 minutes more, until browned on the bottom.
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