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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. What's the difference if the container is ultimately placed in the recycle bin? By reusing the containers, you ultimately use less of them, thereby reducing recycling and waste.
  2. Not if you're in a hurry, or if you just want to make something easily. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to chop onions, carrots, celery, etc. What's wrong with making life a little easier sometimes? That said, I've never purchased or used a ready prepped mirepoix, but I have used other prepped ingredients.
  3. I recall some years ago that those who wrote for online publications were not considered journalists and that the media on line were not taken seriously. That has certainly changed. Perhaps bloggers will make the transition at some point.
  4. Shel_B

    Refrigerate a Kugel:

    That raises another question: What cooked items must be refrigerated? The issue of eggs is interesting in that frequently people trave with unrefrigerated boiled eggs, such as when going to picnics, pot lucks, and other events. Should these eggs be refrigerated (especially if still in the shell), and if it's not necessary, why must eggs in some cooked items, such as my kugel, be refrigerated?
  5. Shel_B

    Refrigerate a Kugel:

    No dairy - potatoes, eggs, onions, matzoh meal, S&P. I refrigeraqted the kugel soon after reading the comments here. Thanks all!
  6. I made a potato kugel for dinner tomorrow, to be reheated before serving. Is it neccessary to refrigerate it? Under any circumstance?
  7. Well, it's not a new idea, but, after thinking about it for two years and looking for some recipes and ideas, this year I'm making a Boca di Dama using Joyce Goldstein's recipe as a starting point. I'm not much of a baker, so this is a big deal for me, and since it's going to be the first seder I've been to in decades, it's important that I get it right.
  8. Shel_B

    Matzo Brei

    Matzoh Brie is fried matzoh.
  9. Shel_B

    Matzo Brei

    It's matzoh season, and time for a few breakfasts of matzoh brie. I've been making it for years, and have a few recipes in my files, but this year I'd like to try something different. So, how do you make yours? Any preference for a brand or type of matzoh? Or for other ingredients? Thanks!
  10. Why is it important to prove him wrong? Some people embellish things, others outright fabricate stories, and others are modest and say little about their accomplishments, etc. So what? Why do you want to discredit this person? He is who he is, he does what he does, he says what he says. Some believe him, some like his stories, and others don't.
  11. I'd like to make some microwave popcorn and found this technique, which seems to eliminate my objections to commercial microwave popcorn. Any suggestions on what type of bulk popcorn to buy?
  12. I was looking around for something else, and discovered Silpoura. Anyone try this? Any comments? It looks like it may be another overhyped kitchen gadget, but ....
  13. Another vote in favor of TJ's Greek Yogurt, although that's not the only yogurt we buy. Toots likes TJ's goat milk yogurt, and I enjoy it as well with our morning fruit. Nancy's organic is another favorite of mine.
  14. Has anyone tried Molly Wizenberg's Coffee Crunch Bars? How'd they turn out?
  15. I was just told that March 25th is Aretha Franklin's birthday. As it happens, I've been requested to bring a dessert to a potluck that day, and I was going to make a blood orange panna cotta, as that's one of Toots' favorite desserts. Now I'd like to make something that will celebrate Aretha's b'day. Any suggestions?
  16. OK! That's the result I'm striving for, but only get about 1/2 the time. Thanks. You've given me a couple of ideas about why my results are inconsistent.
  17. When you make the DdeL in this manner, how thick does it get? Can it be poured, or is it nice and firm
  18. I don't know if you can, but I have done so frequently.
  19. Toots and I love dark chocolate. This weekend is her birthday party and I'd like to make something interesting and different that will be robed in dark chocolate. Any suggestions ... besides strawberries and nuts?
  20. The Cooks Illustrated equipment reviews really help out with this. Are you suggesting that the CI reviews are sxomehow favoring the All Clad products? If you trust CI, and many people seem to, then there might be something to their favorable reviews. Maybe All Clad pans really are better. FWIW, I bought three All Clad pans in 1979, and they are still going strong. Every other pan that I bought between then and 1990 or so, has found the trash heap. I now have a couple of smaller Calphalon pans, and they seem to be doing well.
  21. Toots likes that a lot, and, we buy it frequently. I find it pretty mild but sometimes that's exactly what I want. The price, as I recall, is pretty good, too.
  22. Shel_B

    Paula Dean

    We can speculate all we want on her motives, but we may never know what went through her mind. However, it's likely (to my way of thinking) that she held off on her announcement, at least partly, for business reasons. And, FWIW, I'm not a fan, either.
  23. That's just the answer I needed. Thank you so much. I could probably use a lab beaker for larger measurements, such as cups.
  24. OK, so what if I get a scale, and a recipe calls for a specific measured amount of an ingredient. How do I know what it's supposed to weigh?
  25. This afternoon I bought a new set of measuring spoons which got me to wondering how accurate they are. What's the best way to determine their accuracy? Also, how important is it that they be precise? I'd imagine that for some situations consistancy is important, but in what circumstances should the measure be completely accurate? How much deviation from the actual measurement might be acceptable? Thanks!
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