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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. Shel_B

    Caviar for newbies

    If you're a newbie, as am I, and you can get over to San Francisco, there's a great caviar bar in the Ferry Building. They offer sampler plates, tastings, and some education. I've only been a couple of times, but enjoyed it both times. http://www.ferrybuildingmarketplace.com/tsar_nicoulai_caviar.php
  2. 8-inch chef knife vegetable peeler manual can opener
  3. Shel_B

    Buxom Cluckers

    II think the size and weight of a leg might give a good indication of the strength. Plus, comparing it to a more typical chicken, perhaps it's possible to determine if the big-breasted leg is in similar proportion. More curiosity at this point than anything "scientific."
  4. Shel_B

    Buxom Cluckers

    .Well, I've seen the legs from these birds, and they look to be rather large as well. The next time I go to the market, I'll check the weight of the full legs. Do you have a link to information about these big birds? Where have you read about them? Thanks!
  5. Shel_B

    Buxom Cluckers

    Entire breast ... I poached one last night and it barely fit into the pot I usually use for the purpose. It was very tasty, however.
  6. Shel_B

    Buxom Cluckers

    This morning I grabbed a couple of chicken breasts from the nearby Latino market. Apart from being priced well, they were huge, a little more than 2 1/2-lbs each. At least they seemed pretty large considering a typical fryer weighs in at 3.5- 4.0 lbs. So, would you consider these to by unusually large breasts? Also, since they are so big, I'm assuming they are from chickens that are a little older than typical barnyard cluckers. Does that seem reasonable to assume? And, if the chix are older, might they be more flavorful? What about less tender? Thanks!
  7. You might consider going to one of the diabetic forums. I found this one to be very helpful: http://www.diabetesforums.com/
  8. Yesterday I had a steamed omelette for breakfast at a nearby restaurant. Really enjoyed it. Any ideas on how to make 'em. I found a few recipes and ideas in the web, but many used oil or butter, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. Thanks!
  9. Indeed there is. I just returned with a package of Lavash bread. Looks like it's about the ideal dimensions and thickness. Tomorrow I'll make the pizza.
  10. No, I haven't. However, I looked through my pizza recipes and discovered some ideas using pita bread and lavosh. Haven't tried them yet, but if I get to the market today, I certainly will.
  11. Yesterday I called the local Dominos and ordered their thin crust pizza. It ain't great, but I liked the crunchiness of the crust and the (seeming) lower carbs. However, the pie was expensive. Has anyone who has tried the thin crust pie suggest some sort of commercial cracker or bread that can be toasted in the oven to give a similar crisp, crunchy result? Thanks!
  12. Are they the same as the triple ginger snaps except with the addition of a chocolate coating?
  13. Would Trader Joe's ginger snaps work? Their triple ginger snaps are super, but are they acceptable for Sauerbratten?
  14. A couple of great ideas here I'd never have thought of. Will definitely look into the Penzys spices. Thanks!
  15. I need some recipe ideas that fit into the subject catagory. Any thoughts beside salad and veggies?
  16. Shel_B

    Chicken Stock

    I guess you don't find the roasted flavor a detriment. Sometimes I appreciate that flavor, but mostly I want something less intense, a background flavor, a subtle overtone, or "fresher" or "cleaner" flavor than when using roasted chicken.
  17. Shel_B

    Chicken Stock

    I make it both ways, and, frankly, I cant tell any significant difference in taste between skin on and skin off. Chicken has fat in it anyway, and it seems to me that there's enough for carrying the flavor.
  18. TJ's Rosemary Italian Crackers ... mmmm! Very good. Toots loves 'em, and we are very pleased to serve them to guests or enjoy them ourselves.
  19. Great! That's one that I found on line that looked good, and I added it to my recipe collection. Thanks!
  20. Just though of something: Quesadillas ... what could be simpler? Add a quick salad if so inclined, pop a Negra Modelo ... bada bing!
  21. Oh, I'm familiar with the pasta shop. Been going there for many years, although I've not been there for about a year. Thanks!
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