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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. I'm never sure about the 'nature' side of humans, we do seem to be able to be nurtured and taught. So I hope we don't hide behind some kind of belief of natural cruelty or insensitivity, especially when it only suits our own interests. I was taught to think before speaking and to walk a mile before criticizing. I made a joke a few years back about The Golf Channel. I was speaking to a bunch of mostly white male and middle-aged golfers and said something about how golf must make you impotent because of all the Erectile Dysfunction ads on that station. I thought it was a bit of simple humour, but many of the men who heard me say it were extremely angry and defensive. They didn't like it at all. But I don't think they ever connected it to their comments about women and their hormones and all those tired jokes.
  2. Part of me reacts to this little joke and asks "What's the big deal?" but another part says if we deconstruct this type of humour, we are not only laughing about the idea of the food being addictive, we are also laughing about the stereotypes of the people who were/are using crack. And hey, that's not most of us, right, so it's perfectly safe to laugh at them. If it's called Opiod Pie or Oxy Pie or maybe we make up some Fentanyl Fudge, doesn't the meaning seem to shift a bit, maybe a bit less funny? But if so, what's the difference?
  3. Thanks! Do you crisp the belly in the oven afterward or anything?
  4. How do you usually do the pork belly, @Shelby?
  5. @JAZ Chicken stock Pork ribs pork shoulder beef short ribs beef stewing beef rice dried beans various soups it's a great way to make cheesecake, I just don't make cheesecake all that often!
  6. Is this thread just about the Trader Joe's product? I bought some Ruby Chocolate Kit Kat bars on Amazon from a European importer. I liked them OK - even if it's not a big thrill it was still fun to try them! (One or two of them had @Smithy's name on them, but we didn't manage to connect this time. 😞 ) The ingredients list includes: sugar, cocoa butter, wheat flour, milk powder, palm fat, cocoa solids, low fat cocoa, skim milk powder, concentrated butter, whey products. Of course this is the biscuit as well as the chocolate covering and I translated it from the German so my terminology may not be ideal.
  7. FauxPas

    Dinner 2019

    I'm trying to clean out the pantry/fridge so finished off a bag of Rancho Gordo Marcella beans along with a can of TJs artichoke hearts and a small Parm Reg piece, some Campari tomatoes on the side. Smitten Kitchen gave me the idea for Cannellini aglio e olio. Might have been better with a bit of feta cheese or queso fresco on top in place of the Parm but it wasn't too bad! https://smittenkitchen.com/2019/04/cannellini-aglio-e-olio/
  8. I was thinking something similar! Or, if they catch a glimpse of that drool-worthy salad. 🙂
  9. @gfron1, I was just looking at the Bulrush website and wondered if the location is Washington Avenue or Washington Blvd? Maybe it's not a big deal but the Home page says Avenue, the location page says Blvd at the top and Avenue below. Also, will you be adding open days/hours to the site?
  10. FauxPas

    Dinner 2019

    This might sound odd, but do you ever go to Lee Lee Int'l Food Markets? They have two stores up in PHX area as well as the one here in Tucson, so I'm guessing you might already know them. I've bought Goya brand lilikoi (passion fruit) purée in their frozen section and it might be a good substitute. Might also give that extra bit of acidity! If, by some small chance, you don't know Lee Lee's, it's a great place to browse for various offerings from various countries/regions.
  11. Or until they introduce some cool new patterns, maybe? 🙂 I'll try to keep you posted, if I see anything.
  12. Me too! And olives and romaine! And the plate underneath, I only bought the mugs in those patterns. Speaking of which, did you ever make it to HF Coors on this visit?
  13. While I am over 50 now, I think I have always liked quieter restaurants. I might have chosen to go to a nightclub or loud concert but for dinner I wanted to be able to talk to my companion/s. That's been the case since I was quite a bit younger than I am now!
  14. I think it's an April Fool joke!
  15. This book in the Kindle e-book version is currently on sale for only $3.99, so I picked up a copy. I'll also post that in the E-book bargains thread: https://forums.egullet.org/topic/155470-crazy-good-e-book-bargains/?do=findComment&comment=2195882
  16. We have a new member, @pedromariachi, who lives in Brazil and who recommended this book. When I checked, I saw it was on sale for the Kindle version at $3.99 and decided to grab a copy. Brazilian Food (by chef Thiago Castanho)
  17. @gfron1, I wonder if you missed my question up above, I know you are busy! Just wondered if you will have any kind of outdoor space, patios etc?
  18. I don't know if it's the same type of migration, but on Vancouver Island they really have to wait for the right wind currents for their migration, maybe it's the same there in the Spring? It's pretty cool here to see them gather and try to find the right wind patterns. They are kind of beautiful, really. http://vancouverisland.com/things-to-do-and-see/wildlife-viewing/turkey-vulture-migration/
  19. Really a stunning space! I also love that dividing wall and the wood you have used. And those lounge loveseats! Will you have any outdoor space - patios or anything?
  20. Did a Google image search because I was curious and it brings up at least one copycat recipe link for them. They look interesting! https://www.google.com/search?q=Avocado+Eggrolls+at+the+Cheesecake+Factory&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS768US768&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV0uSuopzhAhXYs54KHUHgD8AQ_AUIDigB&biw=1169&bih=617#imgrc=_
  21. I'm almost positive that I did and I had high hopes because I really like lots of TJ's stuff, but I think I should try it again so thanks for the friendly push! 🙂
  22. Mmm. I love cottage cheese with melon or mango, strawberry, fresh apricot or peach. Also with diced fresh tomatoes/celery and a bit of pepper. And I don't mind it in lasagne, either. 🙂 But I am picky about the type of cottage cheese. My favourites are Canadian ones, specifically ones from British Columbia and I like 1, 2 or 4% ones. Both Dairyland brand and Island Farms dairy co-operative taste good to me (Island Farms is the best), but it seems hard to find an equivalent brand in the US. Maybe it's just because I am used to those brands' flavours but it's been hard to find anything here that appeals nearly as much. I thought Shamrock and Daisy were OK, but neither thrill me. There was one from Sam's Club that was decent enough, but I don't think they carry it anymore. I got a Sam's Club membership partly because I tasted that cottage cheese as a side dish at a Tucson restaurant and was surprised that it was so tasty. I'd love to try that Cowgirl Creamery one! We'll be on the west coast in a few weeks but not sure we'll have a chance to shop for it.
  23. The zip code locator didn't work for me (unfortunately), but the drop-down city list did. Did you check it?
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