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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. Here, I think pork chops are usually identified as loin, while pork steaks are usually shoulder. But I'm certainly not a butcher!
  2. Or here, this pull down storage rack for spices? https://www.containerstore.com/s/kitchen/pantry-organizers/pull_down-spice-rack/12d?productId=11007766
  3. Maybe one of those tiered shelving units? Ideally, one that could be pulled out, not sure if such a thing exists. And depends on cabinet dimensions, of course. This one has a bit of a lip but maybe not high enough for a travel trailer in motion. 🙂 https://www.containerstore.com/s/kitchen/pantry-organizers/idesign-linus-expandable-cabinet-and-spice-organizer/12d?productId=10035511
  4. I'd be interested in seeing that! 🙂 Maybe others would be, as well.
  5. I would love to have room for a full-size refrigerator only, plus a separate upright freezer. And good pantry space. I find I don't need a very big kitchen if I have decent storage space and a decent stretch of counter space away from sink and stove, etc so that you can spread out when you need to. I also like lots of natural light so I'd be looking for a kitchen that has good windows and access to a patio/deck. We once rented a house in Tucson with a lovely big patio, but it was off the living room with the kitchen on the other side. We spent a lot of time outdoors and entertained there a fair bit and it was super annoying to have to carry food and drink across the living room and its off-white carpet to get between kitchen and patio. I'm induction cooktop all the way and would love to have a built-in convection steam oven or a larger countertop one in a dedicated space. I'd love a butler's pantry, wonderful when you're entertaining, but probably not a common feature in smaller homes, ha. But kitchen nooks or breakfast areas may allow for flexibility and expansion of kitchen or functions if you have a separate dining area.
  6. FauxPas

    Superbowl 2021

    I don't even watch football, just browsed this thread to see what snacks or appies people were making. And I've been meaning to say how much I appreciate David Ross sharing his recipes the way he does. He's very generous with his time and techniques and presenting things in a standard recipe format as he does makes it super easy to print them off for cooking/keeping. Just because of the way that my life is right now, I haven't tried many of his recipes though I have printed and saved them and I'm always careful to note where they came from. I'm sure others have commented on his helpfulness, but I wanted to make a point of adding my voice. Thanks, David! As for Super Bowl, my husband will watch it but his food preferences for it are pretty simple. He said he wants a hot dog or two, nothing too fancy. Just decent buns and weiners with some hot mustard and fried onions. Well, I can handle that pretty easily, ha.
  7. I am also very sorry to hear this! She was very helpful and knowledgeable, she passed on information about books she thought I might like. Sad news. 😮😟
  8. Was the ER busy? Hope you didn't have to wait long! Burns can be so painful, can you wear slippers? Aside from pain and loss of your lovely sauce, the clean-up sounds messy as well. 🙁
  9. Not at all! But we had a couple of new Fry's stores not too far away and they were both very large ones. They definitely had similiarites in store layout and product brands, etc. I had a bit of a love/hate thing for those stores - they would have baffling shortages of some products that no one could explain, even long before the virus issues. They would move things around in the store far too often and in ways that made absolutely no sense. And the quality of the produce was really inconsistent. I hope your 'local' is less frustrating!
  10. @Smithy, how do you juice your pomegranates? That Fry's store looks really similar to the one we used to go to south of Tucson. 😃
  11. I was born in St. Paul's but grew up mostly NE of the city - Maple Ridge, Belcarra, Port Moody.
  12. Mine, too! I like small potato chunks but I have made tourtière with grated potatoes, similar to this Chatelaine recipe.
  13. Here's the Amazon link for it. (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) That one seems to go to Amazon.com - here is the Amazon Canada link (I hope). https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00CR6N04I?pf_rd_r=TVDWCG61WAH93Y73WNFS&pf_rd_p=05326fd5-c43e-4948-99b1-a65b129fdd73&pd_rd_r=9f28b810-5b00-4c11-bffb-eae44d4e3d09&pd_rd_w=5D4QG&pd_rd_wg=LhPS3&ref_=pd_gw_unk
  14. It's a company that started in Winnipeg, Manitoba in the 1950's and it's pretty well known in most parts of Canada for potato chips.
  15. Not all that exotic, but Old Dutch has some Celebration Flavours (celebrating 65 years in Canada), including a Parmesan Cheese and Black Pepper. Maybe a humbler version of Cacio e Pepe? They aren't awful, but I don't really like black pepper on potato chips!
  16. I'm thinking that's exactly what it is.
  17. Here's a guide to egg timing: https://norecipes.com/perfect-boiled-eggs 2 minutes – The white isn’t fully set and the yolk is totally raw. And I think it's usually just the yolks used in a Caesar dressing, so you would have the partially cooked whites left over.
  18. Where are you now, @Smithy? Still in AZ?
  19. I'm not using my immersion circulators much at all lately. I donated the Anova and still have two Joules, but can't remember the last time I got them out of their drawer. Not entirely sure why, but the last couple of times I used them it was rather a pain - problems with passwords, app updates, connecting, etc and it took a lot more time than it should to get the water moving. If they weren't so small, I'd consider putting them in the storage room downstairs and then they would absolutely be used NEVER. 😃 Almost wished that I had kept the Anova, but I really did dislike its bulk. Is a non-electric spiralizer an appliance or just a gadget? I bought one back when it was a new craze and paid an awful lot for a hunk of plastic and a few blades. It wasn't a lot of money really, just a lot for what you get and they are half the price now. I think I used it two or three times then hated getting it out, assembling it and using it. Hated almost everything about it, really. I donated it and stick mostly to my Kuhn Rikon Julienne peeler these days. I had a basic blender once and almost never used it. I tend to use the immersion blender for many things though.
  20. @liuzhou, I think lactose intolerance is not that uncommon throughout the world, but seems to be more associated to certain locations and historical factors. More to come from this study but it suggests some of the parameters: https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2005/06/lactose-intolerance-linked-ancestral-struggles-climate-diseases My Scandinavian heritage probably affects my ability to continue to digest lactose. But I definitely know some adults of varying backgrounds who have gradually lost their 'taste' for dairy, but may actually be losing their ability to produce lactase. It's not just Asian, but appears Asian and African groups have more propensity with difficulty in producing the dairy enzyme.
  21. Can't help you with the trailer repairs, but as for laundry.... have you ever read Travels with Charley: In Search of America by Steinbeck? 😃 https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/how-to-do-laundry-on-a-road-trip-like-john-steinbeck/
  22. The flooring is a laminate and despite my initial concerns, it seems to be holding up really well. We chose the laminate countertop because of time, money and uncertainty over our future plans. I would have liked quartz but it really costs a lot more here and it would have taken longer to get installed. This is not a huge town and in-stock choices are limited and especially now there can be delays in delivery and installation. Laminate was more readily available and a quicker installation, plus much lower cost. If we knew we were going to stay in the house for quite a while longer, I likely would have gone for the quartz and an undermount sink, but we never seem to stay in one place for very long. We are already considering selling and buying something a bit different though still in the same area. However, if we don't find something we like more than this house, I'm still happy enough with what we have here for a few more years. 😀
  23. Nice! And it must be changing all the time through the seasons, varying weather, etc.
  24. The views are actually better than that some days! It's essentially a very small house, we always thought of treating it as a bit of a cottage or beach house, though of course we aren't right on the beach. But that's why we went with the distressed-look for the flooring. And blue-grey siding with white trim for the exterior and one of my fave Mariner's Compass quilt blocks for decoration and a comment on my love of quilting.
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