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Posts posted by chopjwu12

  1. I agree with the fat guy on the seafood. I find it hard enough for our restaurant to get great quality so i dont even want to think about what the home cook ends up with. Yeah some stuff is good but the rest is shit. Keller himself sais hes lucky for have the fish monger that he does. he gets the best and consistantly. Sometimes i dont think people realize how hard that is even for restaurants.

    A side note on microgreens. Do you realize how freaken easy it is to grow your own. I grew mine all year. I probably attained what was equilavent to 4 boxes of them things this year. For a restaurant that could range from 15-30 bucks a box. i spent about 10 bucks for the whole thing. I mean all you need is a small box, some dirt, and seeds. Then something to pick them with. Its that easy.

  2. chalanger was very traditional because he was from the ohta faction. I cant remember everything but it was mixed into rice balls, made with eggs like an omlet, miso soup, and a coupel of others. Morimoto made a dip with mayo, made a dessert with it, made a soup with a fish soy sauce and put that in there, he also did something where he spread it with miso and charred it then served it with rice. i know there was more but thats what i remember.

  3. So im sitting here watching iron chef to get some food ideas. When my man wips out noto beans as the secret ingredient. Im looking at these piled up beans sitting in something that looks like alot of built up mucus and snot. These things were gross looking. Now im not saying i wouldn't eat them im just asking what the hell are they and why are they so sticky like that? Has anyone tried them before?

  4. I know i might get shot for asking this but here goes. What is the criteria for soemone to be a food writer for the new york times? Is there something special the paper is looking for or is it the ability to be a good writer? Ive heard you yourself are quite a foodie are the others as into food as you?

  5. Kiwi also has that same enzyme so it might do the same thing.

    Speaking of hot peppers. My friend at school was cutting jalepinos in class one day and he went to the bathroom. When i saw him right after walking back from class because he had to go to the nurse right away there was tears in his eyes and he had to take a shower right away. I never saw someone walked buckled over in such pain. It was histericall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:

  6. let me add my two cents.

    Really good olive oil is important when poaching in olive oil. You want it to pick up the flavor of the good oil. Use shit get shit!!!!!!!:biggrin:

    You would start the tuna in cold oil to perform the root vegeatable rule. laways start in cold so it cooks evenly. But thats only if your going to cook the fish completely through. Ive done a salmon dish poached in olive oil but the fish was started in warm oil and served medium rare. So thats my rule on oil. Cook through start cold, Cook raw start warm.

    I like cooking in beurre monte. We do our lobsters this way. But i have also seen whole lobsters in the shell cooked this way. I dont like finishing my vegatables with it though. I think it takes away from the vegatables. To many flavors competeing with the vegatables. If i glaze my veg its with a little butter and vegstock.

    There is my two cents

  7. they carry both i think. I know we get the hudson valley foie at work. but i think we got the french foie at the ryland. Im not sure on that point. But i am almost posative they carry both. I can ohnestly say to steve that ive seen hudson foie look better then french foie. Its all about what your getting.

  8. my chef craig shelton of the ryland inn sais that one of the best 5 sushi restaurants in the united states is in NJ. Its his favorite place to eat. There is one problem i forgot the nam eof it. But i have it written down in a book and he also mentions it in the book a chefs night out. As soon as i find it i will post it for ya.

  9. I understand that alot of lower end restaurants do that kind of stuff. Hell i had to do it when i worked in florida at the beach club. But thats fucking gross. I will never work anywhere that turns scrap into profit. Specials are ment to highlight things like its been said before. The frog and the peach in new brunswick orders things for there specials. They dont take shit and sell it again. No restaurant worth anything does that. The good places ive worked all left overs get turned into family meal and thats the way it should be.

  10. Ok everybody be warned there is going to be a slight rant about a topic i talked about earlier on egullet.

    Im going to do The complaining first to get it out of the way. First thing right of the bat is. I didn't find esca to be that much of a fancy restaurant at least not for lunch. A couple of people were dressed nicely but i would say the majority were dressed casual just like veronica and i were. We didn't have reservations but there was a couple of tables open. We walked in and were greeted with a very snobbish greeting of do you have reservations? We said no and he looked at us as if we had three heads each. He finally said come this way please and he showed us to the worst fucking shit ass table in the whole place. It was next to a wall cut off by everything. We felt like we were being exiled or something. Privacy it had a view it didn't. I dont know if it was because we were the youingest people there or we didn't have reservations or what. But we were looked down upon without a doubt. So that was a bad start but our waiter treated us preety well so that kind of made up for it.

    Thats all im going to say about that. Maybe someone can add some insight on this happening.

    I have a couple of other small things but i will work them into the food.

    We sat downnand the menu and specials were all explained to us. They gave us an amuse of mackeral and canalini beans spread on top of some toasted bread. It was very good and balanced between fish and bean. Seasoned well and not to fishy. A very good start. They also put some preety nice olives on the table.

    I started the meal with a very very good corn, wid mushroom salad. It was sweet yellow corn that had been sauted to give ity a bit of color. Sauted chanterells and cepes. It was topped with some mizuna and grated aged goat cheese. Everything was balance dvery well on the plate and i loved the aged goat cheese.

    Veronica had the crudo. From left to right it started with king red snapper, then a weakfish, then i thin it was spearfish i have to ask veronica. This dish was also very very good. They had three very different olive oils along with three different sea salts on each one. The tastes were clean and fresh. Mine and veronicas only complaints were that of the size. The dish was tiny even by lunch standards. Each fish was only one small slice. The whole thing equyalled up to maybe three ounces(being generous) Two slice sof each fish would be better.

    For an entree i had the spicy octopus and pasta. This dish was preety good not great but good. My two things about it was although i dolike my pasta aldente the spagetti could have used another minute but it didn't bother me to much. The other thing was the octopus itself. they used baby octopus for this dish. All wrong in my opinion. They were cooked nicely not tough or anything they were very good. But baby octopus is meant to be grilled or seared and eaten drizzled with oils and such. To have a baby octopus in your pasta didnt realy feel right. I would have prefered a nice large octopus that had been sliced and added to the pasta. It would have been more managable that way. I think i would have taken more from the dish if it was done that way.

    Veronica had the pasta with garlic olive oild herbs and shaved bottarga im not sure how its spelled. Its the cured and pressed tuna roe. This dish was very interesting since niether of us had ever tasted the tuna before. It was also a very good dish but we both thought a little less tuna roe would have been better. It is very strong and fishy. Its good dont get me wrong but this was a case for the less is best rule.

    My desserts was very simple. I went with the gelati. i was going to get the cheese but a trip to murrys was scheduled for later on in the day. The gellatti was good. Three flavors were mint chocolate chip, coconut, and chocolate. Served on a thin cookie. Like a walfle batter put just baked not rolled up. It was satisfactory.

    Veronica went for the parfet(sp)(how do you spell that?) It was very good with a few different textures in it. Ther only thing i would have changed was the espresso graniteIt wa splaced in the middle of the glass. So by the time you got to it, it had melted and was watery. But besides that it was very good.

    I went for a 2001 italian riesling. I cant remmeber the maker but the name looked like Vin Santo but it wasn't. The wine itself was god and it went well with the entire meal. Remember the little things i talked about before? Well when our glasses were put down in front of us i think they just came out of the dishwasher because they were soaked. They didn't even take the time to polish our glasses. that buged me alot as i think it would have others.

    Another thing was one of the managers yelled at the bar tender for speaking spanish to another waiter. I understand the whole dont talk spanish at work thing but if your going to yell at your employees dont do it in front of people.

    On another side note we went and met up with some of my cook friends. One from a london hotel, one from cafe boulud, and the other from the tasting room. We all went to baltazars(sp) we drank and drank some more and finally ordered some food. They had some great food. Veronicas goatcheese and carmalized onion tart was excelent. My brandade was great too. The oysters were excellent as well and the escargot was very good. I have to go have a sit down dinner there one day.

    But that was my day hope you enjoy my writing.

  11. If you think this marsala thing is the only thing that gets lied about in a kitchen then you need to step into a profetional kitchen. Now im not saying every restaurant does it but alot of these little fibs along there menu. Most people wont even know it and chefs know that. Thats why they can get away with it. Do i personally agree with the practice....NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!!!! I hate that kind of stuff but what can you do.

  12. my friend is underage and not much of a drinker but i did have a nice class of sauvingon(sp) blanc. Nice and crisp with a preety good nose. It went well with the rissoto. The meal ended up costing 90 bucks i think it was.

    Thanks alot fat guy

  13. I just realized i put frod and not frog. Im sorry im so tired and didn't see it first. Is there anyway to fix that?

    Hello everyone

    I took my best friend to a farethewell lunch and the frog and the peach on wednesday. Needless to say we were both very very happy.

    I started with the half portion of rissotto. Nice and creamy seasoned well with fresh corn and bacon. Garnished with a few slices of parmagiano. It was very good texture and taste wise. Nice smokeyness fom the bacon countered by the sweetness of the cheese and corn.

    My friend started out with a simple NJ tomato salad. Sliced tomatos with i forget the vinegret and a little pile of a pasta salad. My friend said everything was so tasty. Sweet ripened tomatos with a nice touch of acidity from the vin and the tomatos themselves. All balanced by the pasta salad provided.

    They then sent us out an extra corse of a spicey seaweed salad wrapped in cucumber slices and topped with seared scallops. This was also a very nice dish to bad i dont think its offered on the menu. Just a little something they put together for me. The salad was very nice not to spicey for me but maybe for others with a little heat sensative palat. The scallops were seasoned and seared perfectly. It had two sauces. A pickled ginger sauce and i cant remember the other. Sorry. But again nicely presented and great tasting.

    We both followed that dish with a hanger steak. Grilled perfectly and sliced. Slices then placed on top of fresh vegetables and garnished with fried shallots. A very nice and rich sauce was pooled on the bottom of the bowl which the two of us didn't hesitate to sop up with some of the frog and the peaches home made warm chabata. We must of eaten about 9 each of those little chababtas. They are good with the herb butter they give you. Needless to say our plates were more then clean.

    Lastly we had some desserts. I had a good blueberry financier that was comparable to the one eaten at blue hill last sunday. Served with a bluberry sorbet. My friend went with the lighter menu item. He had the coconut mouse they may have called it. All i know is that it was very light and airy. Garnished with a i think mango and passion fruit soup. Fresh mango and citrus slices around the mouse. Very light and very summery. Im just not 100% sure of the soup it was in. All i can remmeber is that it was good.

    We were both extremely happy with our meal and my friend even said it was one of the best steaks he has eaten. I agreed.

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