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Susie Q

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    So. California.

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  1. When cleaning out my Dad's house I found this bottle of Mexican "Alcohol Puro de Caña" in the back of the linen closet. I remember this always being there since I was a young kid in the 70s. He said this was a gift, he didn't say when, someone gave it to him but he wasn't a drinker of alcohol and in the closet it went. It has never been opened and the level it's at is due to the angels I suspect. The lid was and remains tight. The alcohol is crystal clear with no sediment. I don't have the heart to open it. I like keeping it as is but.... Does anyone have any information on it? Edited to add: I'm so sorry! I didn't see that I put this in the wine forum. If someone can move it to the spirits forum I sure would appreciate it. Thank you.
  2. Kellogg's screwed up a good thing and lost a lot of customers. I haven't bought Taffy cookies since they changed the recipe to some nasty little piece of disappointment. Good news might be in store though, Kelloggs is selling off their cookie line. Hopefully the new owners of Mother's brand cookies will go back to the tried-and-true original recipes. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/04/01/business/kellogg-sells-keebler-trnd/index.html
  3. I have the last jar of Green Tomato Piccalilli my Grandmother made and canned. It dates from the mid 80's and looks nothing like it should and is probably a biological weapon of food poison contained in a Mason jar. It sits untouched on the shelf and is one of the things I check on periodically especially after an earthquake. I bequeathed it to my 11 year old niece. The poor thing knows she'll be the keeper of at least one of the family legacies. The real gem in the family collection is Grandpa's pepper bottle. When my grandmother died about 2005 she still had the last batch of pepper vinegar she made for my grandfather. She used to stuff yellow hot peppers (at the time) and spices into an old liquid sweetener bottle with a pointed tip then filled it with vinegar. He died in the late 1960's and for 36 years she would periodically top off that bottle of old peppers with vinegar as it evaporated. My aunt now has the bottle and those almost 50 year old peppers are black. I don't have a picture of the bottle, need to get one, but it was one of these. Anybody else have a family food heirloom they are holding on to for future generations?
  4. Thanks. The link wouldn't work for me. My fiancé is a pepper head so I wanted to surprise him with this. I'll have to also get a commercial bottle of the sauce just to compare. Edited to Add: One of the original questions posed was what do you believe you have the last of. I'm sure there are other private stashes out there but I have two cases of original formula Campari. I use the new formula for parties.
  5. I wouldn't mind trying Chris' recipe but the link doesn't work any more. Can anyone provide a link or pm me a copy of the recipe? Thanks.
  6. Thanks. I should have said what it was.
  7. That may be. But in the kitchen I'm not using them to dry, I'm using them as dishrags and counter wipes. When rung out well the damp microfiber sucks up water and spills and doesn't leave water drops and spots. It cleans off dishes well when hand washing. It makes for a great kitchen cleaning cloth, better than paper, cotton or a sponge. I've used it with a mild bleach solution to sanitize. Still works great for me. I use flour sack towels and side towels for other dry work. I do keep the house cleaning microfiber towels separate from the kitchen ones. Yellow are for the kitchen and washed with other towels and air dried, blue and white are for house cleaning and are laundered separately to avoid lint . I'll also throw this in as a tip. To get heavy soapscum off of fiberglass bath tubs and showers use Easy Off oven cleaner in the blue can. BLUE CAN ONLY! Spray on a dry rub let sit for an hour while you do your other work then wipe with a soft nylon scrubber and rinse clean.
  8. I got my grandmother's and great aunt's cast iron. Grandy used lard to season her skillets and chicken fryer and on the other side of the family the shepherds at the sheep camp used sheep fat and what ever cooking oil was in camp to season the cast iron Dutch ovens and skillets. They didn't buy a specific special oil, all were and are nonstick from years of use so I also use lard or oil for up keep.
  9. Mateo's Fire Roasted Hatch Green Chile Salsa. The Green label and Medium heat. I like homemade chips best Padrinos are ok. Kirkland Organic aren't bad either.
  10. I use microfiber towels in the kitchen. I get them in bulk at Costco in the auto product area. 25 to a package. They can soak up water like a sponge, scrub, you can wipe a counter without water beading being left. If it gets too dirty I grab a new one. A new one gets put out every morning and at night it goes to the laundry room to dry if needed to avoid mildew. I then put into the next utility/cleaning wash load (no softener) and let them air dry. They are also great for glass, no streaking. I've always hated sponges especially that unexpected mildew smell left on your hands if you've handled a "looks clean but isn't" sponge.
  11. Finish tablets, a pinch of TSP, and Jet Dry. No spots. To clean a pour full of citric acid.
  12. True. For generations the dogs in my family have always licked the ice cream dasher clean after making ice cream. Seriously, but dashers were/are metal and we use bleach and boiling water as if we owned stock in Clorox and the water and gas companies.
  13. Susie Q

    Mystery Ingredients

    I arrived late to the party(this thread) but when I saw pictures of #3 I immediately wondered if they could be dried long beans. My grandmother who lived in Missouri used to do something similar with green beans. When dried she called them "Leather Britches." She would thread fresh beans together through the middle with a needle and hang them to dry. Gosh they were so good and I haven't had them in years.
  14. Me too. I've many fond childhood memories of the Phoenix Bakery on Broadway in LA's Chinatown and Bowties were my favorite. Theirs were thin and super crispy and brittle and dipped in a thick sugar syrup. They reminded me of deep fried wonton or egg roll skins with their bubbled surface. Very much like cannoli shell but not baked and of course without the filling. Phoenix Bakery's looked like this.
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