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Everything posted by Jinmyo

  1. Egad. Grey pancetta? Fortunately, I've never encountered it. The pancetta I use is made on a farm about twenty miles from Ottawa. Or I'll buy a few pounds of some good Italian pancetta when a shop I use let's me know it's come in.
  2. Jinmyo

    Pasta water

    ghostrider, do you salt the pasta at all? Just wondering.
  3. Jinmyo

    Dinner! 2004

    johnder, welcome and consolations on your plight. I look forward to your own descriptions and perhaps photos.
  4. Jinmyo

    Chili Dogs

    I've never eaten or seen anything like this so please forgive my naivety but: mustard on chili dogs? Is that really usual?
  5. Why not just bacon teriyaki. Forget the chicken. ← Sure. Samgyeopsal (Korean bacon) is often done on a tabletop grill as one would kalbi or bulgogi.
  6. The Whole Beast by Fergus Henderson. Bouchon by Thomas Keller with Michael Ruhlman. Les Halles Cookbook by bourdain.
  7. Top your fries? As in ladled over top? Ack. Each frite must be annointed individually, face to face. With of course fresh mayo (wasabi, curry, chipotle, roasted red pepper puree, ground and toasted mustard seeds or whatever variants thereof). Ketchup would be The Devil's choice only if he were going to serve it to someone else. Otherwise, you're damning yourself to bad frites by yourself. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But you shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive.
  8. Jinmyo

    Bygone Thanksgivings

    That's just turkey. Horrid. No excuse,
  9. Jinmyo

    Arugula, I Love You.

    Adam, I like it on pizza too.
  10. Jinmyo

    Prawn bisque

    usually, oui. but not always. for example, when i tempura batter shrimp, i peel them first. but always save the shells in the freezer, for just such a bisque event! ← D'accord.
  11. Jinmyo

    Prawn bisque

    I would assume the shells have already been cooked because, of course, one always cooks prawn in their shells, n'est ce pas? So sauteeing them in butter would just add stuff would have to skim from the stock. Before whisking cream and fresh (cold) butter into the actual bisque.
  12. i'm willing to wager that bacon bits would go well on Kimchi ← Yes. Wonderfully. In fact a hamurger with kimchi and bacon is gorgeous. But I think I know what Eunny means about the year-old kimchi.
  13. Jinmyo

    Dinner! 2004

    Eunny, both the tea-crusted chicken and heretical carbonara look and sound delicious. I'm glad that your explorations are yeilding such success.
  14. Though I dearly love bacon it would overpower most delicate Japanese dishes.
  15. Jinmyo

    Perfecting Gnocchi

    Well, one can make gnocchi out of ricotta so why not?
  16. I've said it before so I'll say it again: "I live to eat people who only eat to live."
  17. Again, lovely photos, Ellen. Not least because they are so lucid in presenting the information. Thank you for taking the time.
  18. At the very least, if you are going to cook turkey, at the very very least slice the tendons around the ankle of the drum stick and pull those beggars out.
  19. Jinmyo


    I think Frank needs to get out more.
  20. Carrot Top, that's a very nice menu.
  21. Ellen, I can smell that dish from your photographs.
  22. Jinmyo


    A trend about fiftteen years old, even in Canada. Even most teppan steak places have a few tables like this. I can't believe Frank never saw one before. If that's the case, his inexperience as a diner has been severely underestimated despite the Times' touting of it.
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