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Everything posted by chickenfriedgourmet

  1. Thanks for all the tips. So now where can I find Foie Gras in Dallas besides Central Market ?
  2. Richard, I am looking for more of the plain white modern dishes with unusual shapes. I have found stuff online via fortessa, steelite and FOH but was maybe looking for more affordable lines. Shapes would be like wide rimmed bowls witha small bowl opening, bowls with square openings, unusual shapes, etc. Thanks
  3. Thanks Richard, any ideas on stores with really cool white dinnerware ?
  4. I will be in Dallas the saturday before Christmas and was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for restaurant supply stores ? Thanks
  5. so has anybody gone to Minibar since March ????
  6. Thanks for all the help you guys have given me. I also was given a link by Chad of http://www.chadzilla.typepad.com that has most of what I am looking for http://www.frontofthehouse.com you have to register to gain access but I had no problems.
  7. Thank you so much. I have been playing around with catering small dinner parties for my friends and I have been looking for some really cool dinnerware other than what I can find at Target and World Market.
  8. Hello, Can anybody point me in the direction to find the type of modern plain white dinnerware we are seeing more of like on Top Chef. In particular I am looking for the round bowls with square inserts, wide bowls with small round inserts, etc. Thanks in advance Oh and I have already ordered a catalog from Bernardaud in NYC.
  9. This is like reading a good novel and waiting for the next chapter to arrive, I cannot wait. - Michael ak.a. Chicken Fried Gourmet
  10. what do you mean by 1x charge ? 1 canister ? I am a newbie to the isi whipper and I was curious
  11. might not be in walking distance of Canal unless it is still daylight but you cannot go wrong with Cochon. Uptown I would have tos ay Jacques-Imos or Dantes. Hopefully TAprice or Robert Peyton can supply some more choices. Enjoy.
  12. Jacques-Imo's or Dante's Kitchen
  13. Some of my favorites and also the ones that got me interested in starting my own : Matt Bites http://www.mattbites.com Chubby Hubby http://www.chubbyhubby.net Appetites http://www.appetites.us ( this is a New Orleans food blog- for the poster above) I have a ton of others but these were my first 3. - Michael a.k.a. http://www.chickenfriedgourmet.typepad.com
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