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  1. Thank you Doc for the great pictures. The congress was simply amazing and it was great to see you in NYC.
  2. The book was release yesterday. There's goods chances that it gonna be published in english...even if I'm not well know
  3. A lot of great things have been written and I have to agree with Steve. Maybe it's different in the States but here, in Montreal, it's quite impossible for someone with experience to find a good job as a pastry chef in a restaurant. Most restaurants aren't able to give them more than 12$/hour (canadian...). Most restaurant hire someone who has just finish pastry school or they don't even have someone doing pastry and the garde-manger is doing them. I had tha chance of ''creating'' my job and having my own restaurant even if I'm only a pastry chef... For my take on pastry school, I really think the master classes at the FPS are good. The only one I went I few months ago ( with Albert Adria) was very well organize and worth the trip.
  4. Michelin results 3 ''new'' 3 stars: Marc Meneau, L'Espérance Jean-Michel Lorain, La Côte St-Jacques Michel Trama, L'Aubergade
  5. Bill-Very happy to see you're a fan of E-Gullet!!! I still remember your desserts from my visit more than a year ago ( at the chocolate show...) I tasted everything on your menu then and, I can say that I'm a fan of your desserts
  6. I completly agree with you Ace. Nobody should be allow to experiment; it's dangerous. No other desserts than crème brûlée should be serve in restaurants. Restaurant that don't serve steak should have a penalty. Chef using foams and jelly should be put in jail...
  7. Recently, Cacao Barry introduced Mycryo, a powdered cocoa butter wich is suppose to be used as gelatine. I would like to know if somebody has experimented with this product.
  8. Lesley- Robert Beauchemin and Marie-Claude Lortie were representing Montreal. And, in the copy I received yesterday, they are named.
  9. Thanks Michael for sharing this ''first draft'' of ideas you had for that special event. I would have love to taste both of your creations. I'm really thinking about your trout roe idea and at the same time I can taste it in my mind and I'm sure it would have been perfect. Are you going to go futher with some of these ideas? Is it possible for you to serve some of these ''desserts'' at Tribute?
  10. Patrice


    We came from Montreal only to dine at WD-50 this past monday. We had an incredible 10 courses degustation menu. Everything was great. The desserts were maybe the best I ever had in NYC.
  11. I just want to say that the terrasse at Les Chèvres is now open. We have a special menu with some small appetizers, cheese plate and some desserts...
  12. About a year and a half ago, I went to Senses Bakery and I had dinner at their restaurant. At that time, the executive pastry chefs were Bruno Feldeisen and Thomas Haas. I know that Thomas has quited and he's now pastry chef at diva in Vancouver. The meal I had was very good, very creative food, well cooked and good desserts.
  13. Lesley-The degustion of desserts we offer is the same that is included in our regular degustation menu: one pre-dessert, one dessert with fruits, one with chocolate and some mignardises to finish. Yesterday evening degustation: Goat milk tapioca with strawberrie sorbet and some basil, Rhubarb clafoutis with rhubarb sorbet and cardamom flavoured yogourt, Jivara chocolate cream with pecans, bananas and truffled milk froth. To finish: chocolate financier, pineapple pâte de fruit and some small sablés with mascarpone and a baie d'amélanchier. On the other hand, we are always willing to prepare a special degustation of desserts with any number of desserts you are willing to try...
  14. Yes, it is possible to come to Les Chèvres for dessert only. You can even ask for a degustation of desserts.
  15. For now, the wine list is 98% French (we have 1 Californian wine) but, in the next weeks wine from other countries will be added to our cellar. That you for your visit Calgarymarmitons! It's always great to serve E-Gulleters. The desserts you had last night: -Avocado and lime juice purée with coconut milk mousse. -Jivara chocolate cream with truffled milk mousse, bananas, roasted pecans and Maldon salt. -Mignardise: grapefruit pâte de fruit, lemon and black pepper macaron, almond and raisin cake.
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