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Posts posted by Marigene

  1. Zap the thawed, dried shrimp in the food processor, add Old Bay, a little horseradish, a few fresh bread crumbs an egg and maybe a little chopped celery and make into patties......sautè in a little olive oil. Serve with seafood sauce, etc.

  2. I use a new, unglazed clay flower pot (run through dishwasher before using) to keep mushrooms in the fridge, put a paper plate over top. Seems to keep them fresh longer than in a paper sack and definitely longer than styrofoam cartons wrapped in plastic.

    When baking rolled cookies I put the dough between sheets of parchment paper, therefore using no extra flour.

  3. I have been buying from stores like TJMaxx, Marshall's and HomeGoods. I have been fortunate finding several bottles of Italian, Sicilian and Spanish evoo, which is my favorite. Once in awhile I find a bottle or two from California. They are usually 50%-60% off suggested retail prices.

  4. Today, 01:02 PM Post #618 

    Here is an email I received today from the coordinator.

    Thanks for staying for clean up it really helps to have another pair of hands. I know that this group has been very frustrating to both of us, but I do have to pass along their complaints so we try to get it right. I received calls again this morning concerning the meal. The soup was good, but not hot. Not everyone likes sauerkraut. The sausage wasn’t browned. The tomatoes this time of year are tasteless. And the meal in general was not hot. Those were the things I was told. I did give the sausage to my husband for supper and he thought it was good, but I did heat it uncovered and it was browned better. I was told by one caller that seniors want meat, mashed potatoes and gravy. I asked what about ham and scalloped potatoes and they thought it would be a good choice, so lets try that next time. Sorry if I am sounding a little negative, but I don’t know what to do to get a good response from this group. Lets just stick to the basics and try again

    Hi Randi, got a question...why is your food going home for your supervisor's supper?

    Your supervisor is a piece of work if she can't even support what you do, is there morale problem with her underlings; with that attitude, it wouldn't surprise me?

    Oh, and that soup looks delicious!

  5. I will eat less "white" foods.

    I will make a turkey dinner more than once a year.

    I will find a way to use everything in my pantry this year.

    I will learn to make decent pie crust!

    I will teach myself to use a pastry bag the proper way.

    I will read all of the cookbooks I have recently acquired before adding more.

    I will not panic if my husband wants to use the kitchen!

  6. MattJohnson Posted Yesterday, 01:47 PM

      I just skip locking mechanisms all together. Just use one of those fat rubber bands that hold broccoli together to store them. I usually purchase tongs from the restaurant supply store.

    And I thought I was the only one to use those wide rubber bands on tongs! :laugh:

  7. Reading this made me run to the pantry, get a can of Underwood's, mix it with a little Dijon and Hellmann's and eat it on pumpernickel! That was my favorite sandwich as a child. :biggrin:

  8. Randi, you must be a saint to put up with those two ladies. If no one else is complaining I would continue cooking the way you normally do and not worry what those two old bats carp about. I always look forward to reading this thread. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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