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    Madison, Wi
  1. jgold550

    Z Kitchen

    Bryan, though somewhat tactless/overly-generalizing by saying "they are not used to this kind of food and not all that experimental in their tastes," did in fact say earlier that he isn't sure about how adventurous or not the people from his surrounding area are ("I'm not sure if NC is ready for this. I would love to be shown that it is"). I think we can forgive him for this harmless over-generalization, especially as it turns out less offensive read in a larger context. Good luck with your venture Bryan-its nice to seem someone somewhat younger (as I myself am--being most likely less than 5 years older than you) have such an interest in food.
  2. jgold550

    Hanger Steak

    I get it for $8.99 a pound at the local farmer's market. Its a really small operation that produces organic beef, meaning that I have to wait for it (I sometimes have to wait a month). The butcher/raiser of cattle says that there was an onglet craze a couple of years ago due to some kind of publicity but that nowadays its generally only chefs from the local French restaurant (L'Etoile) that ask for it. They really seem to be my only competition. I have to buy the entire tender from him which generally comes to around 12 dollars. I think its a great deal and I love the cut (especially for the price). Madison, Wi where I'm living now does not (as far as I have ascertained) have a very metropolitan food culture (its difficult to find good cheese that isn't cheddar for instance and the wine lists at most restaurants are often derivitive and uninteresting). The trendyness factor in dining here is quite low, so any rise in demand due to it seems to have been momentary. In any case, the farmer's market here is good and fresh local produce is plentiful.
  3. I notice that most sourdough formulas specify the use of non-metal bowls. Some experienced bakers I know who have been producing excellent breads for many years say they have used metal bowls without problems. Does anyone know the science or reason behind this proscription of metal bowls? Does it affect flavor or texture?
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