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Everything posted by lucylou95816

  1. as a person who used to sell cholesterol drugs....25% of cholesterol is attributed to the foods you eat....the other 75% is attributed to your genes....diet and exercise have a moderate affect, since food is only 25% of the total. Just what I learned while pushing the meds.
  2. I remember that too...I think she meant Richard but I would have with the team, since everyone did pretty good.
  3. I am so rooting for Dale to go home....anyone with that attitude needs to get a grip and calm down. I don't like him. Richard, as stated above, a class act! Did not really care for him up until this point. I am glad that Stephanie is getting some good kudos..she's probably the strongest of the women, and I really really want a chick to win this one, it's about time.
  4. lucylou95816

    Dinner! 2008

    I'd love that recipe purty please???????????????? ← Recipe is on the blog. Method is pretty straightforward -- sweat vegetables in butter, check seasoning, add chicken stock and herbs, check seasoning, puree in a blender, return to pot, whisk in cream (or in this case creme fraiche), check seasoning and serve. Proportions are up to you since I rarely cook by following a recipe. For this soup I used some peeled heirloom potatoes since I didn't have any regular ones on hand. Turnips, turnip greens, leeks, potatoes and onion. The breadcrumbs were from a stale sourdough roll (3 slices in a 250 F oven for 30 minutes, then pulsed in a food processor until finely ground). ========== Fusilli with asparagus and smoked ham ← Thanks!
  5. lucylou95816

    Dinner! 2008

    I'd love that recipe purty please????????????????
  6. slightly off topic, but I got to meet Mike last night from season 2. He's doing a "guest" chef thing at a little bistro right around the corner. We may try to go in tonight. He's a pretty neat guy. He said that he met up with Ryan the other day and said something like, dude poached pear? I can't drink with you. He's just as real in person as you saw on the show.
  7. Okay, so a while back, I tried the jicama home fries, wasn't a huge fan of them, the jicama is too sweet. What I am doing today, which is much closer to potato is turnip home fries! Turnips are about 6 grams of carbs per cup. I boiled them first to get them tender and then saute with onions and peppers. They aren't too shabby. I am paring them with a sausage and spinach breakfast casserole, which is sausage/onion sauteed, placed in baking dish. Cut up jarred roasted peppers sprinkled on top and then frozen spinach. Then you make the batter of 8 eggs, 2 cups of milk (I used half and half) I cup of flour (I used the carb quick bake mix), Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning. Bake it until the knife comes out clean at 425 degrees. Sprinkle the top with provolone cheese and the other half of the roasted red peppers back in oven until it melts! I haven't tasted it yet, but it looks good!
  8. Louross bugs me!, I hope he doesn't win. I want Jen to win, she seems to be a strong contender. I can't WAIT for Corey to go home, she also bugs the crap out of me. I also think that as much as they don't like her, Christine isn't that bad! I think Vanessa is a wuss, GR was willing to let her stay, tough it out, what do you have to lose?
  9. I too agree with the sentiment that $10 at whole foods for a family of four is crap! How many grocery stores will let you pull off pieces of bok choy at the register? Please! I liked the idea of that challenge, and the kids was cool. I was surprised to see that many kids actually like the foods they were eating, since when I was growing up, some of that would have been way to out of my culinary tastes.
  10. Kim and Lucylou.......where would I find this luscious recipe? I checked RecipeGullet to no avail. Looks wonderful. I can almost smell the aroma from here!!!!! ← Here's the link......
  11. This is our new favorite broccoli recipe. Very simple and very very tasty.
  12. Kim, I am honored, you used one of my recipes. That is one of my favorites (on carb cheat days) that I go to and a favorite when we go to group gatherings, I am always requested to bring it. For the person that asked, yes, it is a savory bread pudding with Gruyere cheese and carmelized onions, very very good. I tend to add extra cheese myself. That chicken divan looked awesome, where would we find that recipe, since it looks pretty decent for a low carb dish! Lovely blog, keep having fun!
  13. Kim, amazing story on the weight loss! I've always admired your dinner pictures, and now knowing that behind the scenes you've the surgery, I am even more amazed, I know several people that have fared well after the operation, but have had to drastically change their eating/drinking habits. Are you able to drink wine at all?
  14. um, that is interesting. I also have found these low carb pita breads. They are 3 grams for a half and not too bad. I have been cutting them up and crisping them in the oven to use as crackers for cheese. also blt's!
  15. I'd be worried about the glass. If you have a restaurant supply store near your, or even on line, they are super cheap. I have a bunch that I got for a bout a buck each
  16. do you have a small stainless steel bowl? That might work.
  17. I'm going to have to try her stuff, it looks really good. Thanks for finding this.
  18. lucylou95816

    Dinner! 2008

    If you feel like being decadent, this one is for you. I've made it and it is probably better than my Martha Stewart standby. Kind of expensive if you use all the cheese, but worth it. http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/re....html?rsrc=like This fed 12 at a bunco night with salad and there was tons left over. ← Stephanie, does all that food actually FIT in a 9 x 13 pan? I have trouble getting one pound of macaroni, a pound of cheese, some ham and bechemel into a 9 x 13 pan. ← If you cut it in half, you probably could. I used my caphalon roasting pan, obviously without the insert and it was plenty big enough for it.
  19. lucylou95816

    Dinner! 2008

    If you feel like being decadent, this one is for you. I've made it and it is probably better than my Martha Stewart standby. Kind of expensive if you use all the cheese, but worth it. http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/re....html?rsrc=like This fed 12 at a bunco night with salad and there was tons left over.
  20. I guess this year some of the cookies got different names, due to different bakers is what I was able to find out. Here's what I ended up with: Samoa's were called Caramel Delights All Abouts were called Thank Yous Do Si dos were called Peanut Butter Sandwiches or something like that. Tagalongs also had a new name, it's escaping my mind right now. Luckily, thin mints stayed thin mints.
  21. I'll second the nomination of best sour cream ever, Daisy is the best! You can get a huge tub of it at Costco for less than $4, when a 16 oz at Safeway is over $3. I also sing the commercial tune when I eat it: Have a dollop of Daisy!
  22. lucylou95816

    Dinner! 2008

    Kim, My grandma just gave me her set of Desert rose. I probably won't use it, but I can't bear to part with it, since all holiday meals were used on those plates.
  23. No, I haven't heard of her, I'll have to check her out. My screen name is in honor of my dog.
  24. Looking forward to your blog..what kind of food can we expect this week?
  25. I did make that flourless souffle the other night and it really kind of resembled a revolution roll, pretty much the same thing. For the rev rolls, I've used cream cheese and they are sturdy. I saw on one board that someone used silicone egg rings to bake them in, they were more uniform that way.
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