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Everything posted by nikkib

  1. Id second that randi - still can't figure out who it is though!
  2. If they have a Bombay bicycle club nearby that is a good bet for an upmarket Indian
  3. Who was it that posted all those great looking burgers a while back in the dinner thread? Font know why but think it could be them?
  4. nikkib

    Dinner! 2011

    That is simply stunning Scotty b - a work of art!
  5. I always tend to crave the traditional when I'm stressed or sick - maybe it's some sort of comfort in regressing back to when our parents would nurture us with these simple dishes... I've never known anyone describe molecular gastronomy as "comfort food" I also find the routine relaxing - maybe that's what you need right now in light of your stressful work situation? Chicken noodle soup anyone?!
  6. I had the M at per se as one of my matches too, our Sommelier was amazing - we told him to go as far off the beaten tracks and be as experimental as he wanted, I have never drank so much in my life but it was definitely worth it!
  7. nikkib

    Yogurt Goes With...

    Laban is a popular yoghurt drink in the middle east, usually either plain or salted, I became a big fan when living in Lebanon. Same goes for yoghurt with meat. In terms of yoghurt with fruit I prefer it with berries - the acidity of apple and the wateriness of melon have meant I have never really thought of paring them with yoghurt, dried apple with other dried fruits, granola and honey on the other hand is great!
  8. Panaderia canadiense ? Baking and exotic south American style dishes? Ooh I hope so that would be great...
  9. Ghoulash with paprika - yes, stroganoff? No
  10. I ate at per se several years ago - with stunning wine matches it came to $400 a head which if memory serves me right was around £200 at the time and it was an amazing experience, would love to make it to FL one day but this pop up does nothing for me. When i ate @ Koffmans at selfridges, it was a fun and interesting experience for me, being in my early 30's he had never been someone i had really been able to afford to visit before and i felt i was missing out - my meal whilst fascinating definitely assuaged this fear and whilst i dont begrudge what i spent, i must confess it seemed a bit dated and not really my thang....
  12. the menu looks right up my street, will be heading there next time i'm in the Uk for sure...
  13. Yes - we have an amazing local butcher where my parents live, it was really herby and quite unusual. I cooked a full english for friends the day after with old spot sausages, aforementioned black pudding, smoked back bacon, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, fried bread and a choice of fried, poached or scrambled (i know - dont aks!) eggs, was surprised i managed to poach 8 eggs a la minute and get the cooking temperature spot on for all of them at the same time as frying the rest (my sister helped with the scrambled) i think the bloddy mary and bucks fizz were possibly key to my success!!!
  14. nikkib

    Cold pizza

    would a bruschetta type thing be ok? You could do a diced tomato and herb on top of a pre cooked pizza base/toasted french bread slice etc with some diced mozzarella?
  15. bagel with poached eggs, sauteed mushrooms, courgettes, pancetta and black pudding..
  16. nikkib

    Dinner! 2011

    Back in the Uk briefly last week before my new posting to singapore (buh bye kuwait, hellooooo delicious porky gooness....) Anyway i completely od'd on pork over the weekend somewhat predictably so a nice veggie dinner of courgette fritters with a flat leaf parsley and pomegranate salad was my attempt at a detox, followed by aubergine parmigiana the next night.
  17. I personally prefer the original in smithfield but there really isnt mush in it. The menu changes frequently so apart from the bone marrow i would suggest an eccles cake with cheese as they are divine (and more than suitable for sharing)and maybe some madeleines which they cook to order for you.... Have fun!
  18. A huge part of London closes down on Christmas day - i used to manage a restaurant in a 5* hotel that was open and we would have to arrange accomodation nearby for staff as transportation is so hard. Basically there is very little to do apart form walk around and take in the view - churches are about the only thing i can imagine being open. Hotel restaurants definitely the way to go, although remember they will have a reduced (and more expensive) menu from what they offer usually - i would imagine most iof them have sample menus available for you to see but do look in advance....
  19. what delicious history!
  20. I made my mother a batch of vegetable soups for when she was recovering and chicken broth (which they can add noodles to when cooking if so required) too so i could use the rest of the meat in a chicken pie. Shepherds pie is also easy to make and freeze and reheats well.
  21. nikkib

    Dinner! 2011

    Aha - that would do it!!
  22. nikkib

    Dinner! 2011

    WOW!! What a meal!!! Im intrigued as to what made the Tomato soup "Polish"? All looks amazing!
  23. Ive had it very successfully in cocktails before now
  24. Long beans and Gorgonzola i can do, the fish sauce might be a touch too much for me though - i suppose it might work quite well with the saltiness of the gorgonzola though?
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