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Everything posted by annabelle

  1. Not at all. Roll sausage is much more useful than links.
  2. I've had poor results substituting applesauce for oil in cake recipes unless the cake is very dense and contains another fruit or vegetable (pumpkin, for instance) that is similar in texture. As Celeste says, you aren't going to achieve the same results no matter what method you use. I'd abandon the cupcake idea and try the recipe in a bundt pan instead. Just make sure it is heavily coated with spray or a fat of some kind. PS: bananas are a great idea! I never buy them since I hate them, but I'll remember that.
  3. Lancaster, PA: Home of the capitalist Amish. I love them. gfweb, on the weekends (probably not this time of year though) there is a very large Swap Meet/Farmer's Market in Denver, PA called The Green Dragon. Not only can you get meats and cheeses, sausages and whole chickens, but homemade candies, cakes, pies and jellies. There are entire shops devoted to handicrafts as well. Wooden toys and Amish dolls, table linens, quilts and that sort of thing. Beware though that there are a large number of English hawking "as seen on tv" stuff and cheesy tee shirts with Amish sayings or caricatures , as well. On your way back home, stop at Zinn's for lunch or an early supper. It's a family style Amish restaurant with either a menu or buffet style food. There is a giant Amishman out front named "Big Amos" (he's like the Big Man statues from the 30's) who spouts all kinds of Dutchy sayings.
  4. RR's schtick is speed. Economy, not so much. I agree with EdwardJ on this one. If she had decent knife skills--she need not be sushi grade, just competent--she could enhance her brand. However, that isn't what she's about. Take a look at the products she uses: prepared veg and fruit, presliced cheeses and deli meat, chicken parts, boxed stock, packaged herbs, et alia. I don't watch her show although I have seen it of course, one can't miss it as she is on multiple times a day on FN so, there she is if you have it on for noise. The thing I find most off-putting about her is her menu planning. It is atrocious. I can't recall what she was preparing one episode but there was a total disconnect between the various dishes she made that day. They had absolutely nothing in common; not country or style or flavor profile. Like most of us here, I learned to use my knives to save money, not to show off. Knowing how difficult it was to teach myself, I am very appreciative of the beautiful knife work some of our members turn out.
  5. I'd like to be able to buy slab bacon and cut it myself. No luck so far. We are big on the cattle here. Not so much on the swine.
  6. I wasn't surprised that Claudine couldn't really cook. If Jacques was your dad, I can't imagine you'd cook much either. He's probably territorial about the kitchen and doesn't like people using his knives, his pots, his sauté pans, the wrong oils, &c. rotuts, they're still shooting that show? Claudine was in college when I watched it a dozen years ago. Maybe she wants to cook for her own family now.
  7. Neither did his daughter when they shot the "Cooking With Claudia" show. It was so cute how they'd speak French to each other and then speak up for the camera in English.
  8. The FFA/4H kids should be selling their sausage, the roll kind, in a couple of months. It's usually very good and not too expensive either. Call one of the high schools that has an FFA program and get the 411.
  9. He's a poser. At least he didn't spend a paragraph describing the restrooms as he usually does. His restaurant reviews aren't so bad, his politics are toxic.
  10. That is a nice piece about Perrier. Too bad I recognized Bruni's prose right out of the gate. I despise Frank.
  11. Yes, that was clear from your previous post, huiray.
  12. That makes sense. He's a perfectionist, just like his boss. In this day of hacktastic chefs, it's no wonder the others might hate him for that. I respect him more now for refusing to give up his immunity.
  13. I think Nick is getting a "villain" edit from the Magic Elves. He's not my favorite, but he's not evil. He just seems high-strung. Not exactly unusual with professional chefs.
  14. I prefer Barilla, too. The other pastas available here are American Beauty and the store brands. Yuck.
  15. annabelle

    Wild Rabbit

    Hare is very strong in flavor as is boar. Re: gutting wild rabbit. We always cleaned them at home and they had been shot, not snared.
  16. Dakki, in our one and only "fine dining" restaurant here, they frequently post (terrible) pictures of their food. This food, especially on their lunch menu, is often accompanied by frozen Ore-Ida frozen crinkle fries. I've called them out about those fries at least four times. I don't know if they are hand cutting fries now or they just stopped posting pictures of them. At the prices they charge, they damned well better find time to cut some fries.
  17. annabelle

    Wild Rabbit

    It sounds like the bile gland on the liver got nicked. Bile smells really awful, so that could be the problem. jayt90 has the right idea in koshering it. If that doesn't do it, then I'd return it and explain the situation to the butcher.
  18. I'd rather have bread salty than sweet. Salt bagels are my favorites. What I'd really love is to have a freakin' bakery in town.
  19. You lucky gal! Here I am in the middle of cattle country and only one gourmet shop that doesn't even sell food.
  20. They'll take it back. Lodge has only been making those pre-seasoned pans for a decade or so, but I doubt if the pre-seasoning is the problem. It was probably poorly cast. I'd return it and get a regular Lodge pan. There are several threads and some videos devoted to seasoning cast iron. Most of mine is very old and hasn't caused a problem. I did have a Lodge Dutch oven that cracked between the base and the walls when it was on the stove-top. It's a planter now.
  21. Exactly, Dave. I want to enjoy the artistry that went into the food when I dine out: beautifully butchered meats, lovely knife cuts, beautiful plating, &c. I despise "rustic" plating and service. It's like getting a chipped glass for your fine wine. If I wanted less, I could go to a diner or make something "quick and dirty" at home.
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