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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Grate them and use them in a zucchini cake recipe? Or cook them down for a tangier than usual apple sauce cake? Or mix in some berries in the crumble, for richness.
  2. Costco quiche, cut into skinny wedges.
  3. Gotta have rolls for my folks at holiday dinners and other special meals, no matter what else is in the mix. We didnt have bread with normal meals. English background. Food = Bread.
  4. Looks like visits to LA via Union Station are in the cards. Yesterday a coworker and I arrived at Union Station at 1:30. We stopped at the cafe in the station, "Trax", and asked if they could accomodate us given our 2:00 pm train time. The waiter asked if we were ok with a limited menu, seated us, pointed out three items on the menu that could be managed that fast, and had the food to us within 6 minutes. From initial question to walking out the door was under 20 min. And we enjoyed the meal: roast beet salad , curried chicken sandwich. The bread on the table was enjoyable (one seemed to be tomato bread). I wish the butter was salted, but that was easy to remedy. We'll be back, to see if the rest of the menu holds up (work schedule permitting).
  5. I need to go find farmer's market peaches. You're killing me.
  6. Blueberry cobbler would go with that meal.
  7. I'd absolutely love that recipe.... ← Ditto. It would be great if you could post it if you still have it. ← It's on its way to RecipeGullet right now. "Comfort Food" can be made with Ro-tel, but I prefer chopped canned green ortega chilies. The Mr prefers a specific salsa from the La Victoria line.
  8. That was wunnerful fun. Thank you so much. Bugger LA. Come sing for Ian so we can hear you in San Diego.
  9. Cheese Grits w Tomato Serves 14 as Side. This started as Paula Dean's recipe, and was very brand-name specific. I added a lot more regular cheese, and I used extra sharp cheddar. I tasted two kinds of canned chili/tomato mixes. I liked the SW better (its cheaper too). (PD specified Ro-Tel). I find this easier than grating cheese: slice the cheese (thick slices) and freeze it. It crumbles very easily after that, and the crumbles melt similarly to grated cheese. 4 c water 2-1/2 c milk 1 tsp salt 2 c quick-cooking grits 1 c butter (reserve one T to side) 2/3 c green onions, diced (es[ecially green tops) 16 oz Velveeta 1/4 tsp garlic paste (PD recipe calls for ½ tsp garlic powder) 3 c extra-sharp cheddar cheese, grated/shredded/crumbled* (2 cups + 1 cup) 1 10-oz can Ro-Tel diced tomatoes and green chilis, drained 1 14-oz can S&W diced tomatoes and green chilis, drained (I liked these better) Preheat oven to 350F. Saute green onions in a large saucepan with 1 T of butter for 1 minute or until soft. ** Bring milk and water to a boil, add salt and slowly add the grits (I used same pan as for sauteeing onions**). Stirring constantly, return to boil and boil for 1 minute. Cover and cook on low for 3 minutes. Add the butter. Cover again and cook until grits are thick and creamy (3-5 minutes in theory. Took me a bit longer). Remove from heat and add to the grits: the cooked onions, Velveeta, 2 cups cheddar cheese garlic. Stir until cheese is melted and thoroughly dispersed. Add the canned tomatoes and mix well. Pour grits into greased 8x11” pan and bake for 40 min. Sprinkle last cup of cheese over top of casserole for last 5 minutes of cooking time. ** I sautéed them in the sauce pan, scrapped them into the can of tomatoes and used the saucepan to cook the grits. Keywords: Side, Easy, American, Cheese, Snack ( RG2010 )
  10. Leave it in the fridge. Give it plenty of time to warm up when you bring it out. Be prepared for the next poster to contradict me. If they do, go with what they say. My recommendations are based on what I read on the Trader Joe's prepared and refrigerated pizza dough. I got a pizza stone and peel for my birthday. I'm waiting for an opportune day to try making pizza margherita.
  11. Velveeta, due to its excellent melting properties, is the key ingredient in what my husband calls "comfort food", but others might consider a version of chili con queso. It also is 'the' correct cheese to use in making 'white trash dogs' (poppin'fresh crescent rolls, velveeta, hot dogs. Serve with mustard). I also used Velveeta to make cheese grits according to a specified recipe for a group dinner. They were freaking fabulous, and nothing McD's et al serve comes close to the wanton inclusion of fat and salt of those grits. But I dont like to eat it as is.
  12. And at least a few jars of clear, gently wobbly blackberry jelly to bring back warm blue summer memories on cold grey winter days. Small jars, so you dont eat the whole stock with a spoon as soon as you open it the first time. David Ross's clafouti recipe would be good with blackberries, I expect. Blackberry fool - another reason to own 'ice tea' spoons.
  13. To get that particular profile you are targeting, make sure your cheese isnt too sharp. Have fun.
  14. Dunno, but it sure tasted good. Those little bits carried the same flavor impact as the much larger Costco strips. Kinda stunning to see them tho. They started 'regular' size, and were about the width of a piece of toast after cooking. They were streaky - nothing fancy like back bacon or anything.
  15. Which bacon in particular?
  16. To expand further on the shrinking topic... why does Costco bacon only shrink about 40%, but the bacon from the German butcher up the road shrinks ~75% ? (It looked like toy bacon when it was done). Uncooked, I didnt notice any differences. Both were cooked the same way, tho in different weeks.
  17. Kouign Aman


    Last time I cooked rabbit, it was as a stew. Easy and good.
  18. Quite early - probably before 1 year old. Once a week, we eat drivethru on our way elsewhere. The munchkin started with a few fries as a supplement to the dinner we'd packed, then slowly worked up to half an order of ... well, we drove into the line one day and munchkin brightly announced "Tsicken!". Now its "Chicken Fry! I want French fries and Chicken fry!". Which is interesting, because "hangaburgers" are another favorite, but not yet from a drivethru. This seems to have caused no limmediate harm. The salt addiction is gone (we went thru a phase where EVERYTHING even vaguely savory had soysauce added to it), favorite fruits and veggies are still favorites, etc. So far, the munchkin has not requested we go to a drivethru, despite apparent enjoyment when we do. This surprises me and I expect the omission to be corrected soon. editted to correct spelling for proper representation of pronunciation.
  19. Lucky mom! We ate the last of the first wave of tomatoes yesterday, as bruschetta (sp?). It will be several weeks before we get more than one small one at at time, but I see a heavy load of green tomatos on the 7 or so new plants, so I'm optimistic. The lemongrass is happily propagating, tho I dont want to pull a stem yet. It seems to want less sun, which is good, because I want to move it to a place with less sun! It has a slightly sawtoothed edge, like pampas grass but less so. It smells wonderful. I've got 3 weedy little sages going, and a variagated sage. I'm hoping to get enough leaves this week(end) to use in a sage/brown_butter topping. Plus the weedy guys should benefit from being pinched back. Neither the lime nor the quince set fruit this year.
  20. Gaspacho Andaluz is an acceptable second place to the guisantes con jamon. That was my second favorite dish of my trip. Thank you kindly!
  21. Which variety would win your votes for use in bruschetta (Sp)? I have to say that Mr Stripey is very pretty in this application, but I'd like a bit more of a 'tomato'-flavor (richer). Those black varieties sound wonderful.
  22. That makes more sense. Can I hope there will be peas with ham on the menu at some time? That was my favorite dish in all of Spain and I think I had no bad ones. It would of course help if I could remember the proper name ...
  23. It looks familiar, but then, so many cathedrals, so little brain.... Could it be the royal chapel at Aranjuez?
  24. Congrats on your successes! I am looking forward to more of your blog. (BTW - the inspiration worked both ways in your first blog. Thanks for the boost I got from it). Now to go find your teaser photos and see if I can guess.... (dont bet on it).
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