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  1. sepia has a new chef. has anyone been to the restaurant yet?
  2. chef roger of socca in chicago? possibly
  3. chef gabriel at le pigeon had a delicious warm salad: skate over broccoli, parsnips, raddichio, and porc shoulder(with skin on, crispy maple glace) all tossed with sherry vin.
  4. hey, thanks. maybe we'll go there. I'm staging at takashi; you're from michigan, have you eaten at tribute?
  5. is there anywhere near takashi in bucktown? any noodle/ japanese place would be great. thanks, dave
  6. hi, my boss and i are staging in chicago and would like to know if we can get something to eat late night, but not just chicago's pizza. any options are appreciated. thanks!
  7. when i ate at komi, one of the desserts had micro basil and basil oil. The other components were apricot sorbet and coulis, sort of a timbale of coconut marshmellow and toasted coconut.
  8. I have tried the number posted on schwa's website, but does anyone know what time of day is best to reach a person and not their voicemail? I am trying to arrange a stage there. thanks, dave
  9. hi, i am ready to leave the restaurant that I currently work and would like to apply for smaller restaurants in Chicago. I work at a one hundred sixty seat bistro in milwaukee, wisconsin. Some restaurants I've found are Vie, Schwa, and Avec. Does anyone have other options? thanks, dave
  10. thanks for all the fast relpies- this has been bothering me for awhile. I do use the same recipe, follow it exactly every time, use the same ramekins(at the same temp too), and amount and temp of water for the bath(a little over 3 qts). WHen the brulees do not set, all do not set. And after three and a half hours taking oven space, I just need to take them out so that others can use the oven. About the temp of the ovens and brulees themselves, I have thought about the temp that custard sets, but even if I did temp the custard, I still wouldn't have the space or time to troubleshoot and think about theory(it is a restaurant). I'm guessing it is the crazy ovens.
  11. hi, i'm a professional cook and have recently(about a month ago) helped out at pastries for my restaurant. Only having culinary school pastry experience, which was three classes, and no one at work to really answer all of my baking questions/problems, I need your help. my restaurant is a "classic" French bistro that serves a moderate/high amount of people. My question is basic, but I really have no experience with baking. Occasionally, maybe one out of every fifteen to twenty dozen creme brulees I bake do not set. THe last time this happened the brulees were in the oven for over three and a half hours, and still did not set; even with adjusting the temperature. THis only occurs in one of the three still ovens i use, and i have taken the temperature of all the ovens. THe oven in question has the most constant temperature of the other two. Sorry for the long post, but there are a lot of factors and there's really no one to help at work. thanks, dave
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