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  1. Paul Peterson who had a top 10 restaurant in Austin (Buda) is the chef of the Gage Hotel, he is very good ,take my word.
  2. Lunch on Friday the 28th with a tour of the kitchen at Le Champignon Sauvage. With enough time I'll make it to Anthony's and or Purnell's
  3. Maybe this place !! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1861944.ece
  4. So far, lunch on the 25th at J. Bakers in York, Dinner later at The Kitchin. We have an 8 day Brit Rail Flex pass, I have looked at the train times and the first day will be tight but workable. I am waiting to hear from Le Champignon Sauvage for a lunch date later in the week. Sat Bains is a maybe, Purnells is also on the list, but I'm not sure about "pineapple & cheese on a stick" My mother told me that the Pub of the year was in Chester, The Plough or something, any word?
  5. I will be in the UK for 10 days starting on Nov. 23, i do have some family obligations, but I am looking for a "Chef's" (chef run, where chef's would eat) restaurant. I will be based out of Liverpool, but I have a rail pass and traveling is not a problem. I would like to stay in the northern half of the UK. Any suggestions ? I have thought about: Sat Bains The Kitchin Anthony's Plas Bodegroes anywhere else?
  6. Free Bread is not an appetizer........OK!
  7. a few years back, the best breakfast I had while I was in London was at Providores. http://www.theprovidores.co.uk/intro.html
  8. Nice Menu, but most of it is out of season. Stone Fruit? Asparagus? Corn? Heirloom Tomatoes? I know all this stuff is all over Central Market and Whole Foods, but a great chef should be able to cook in season, even at over $40.00 a plate.
  9. Wolfgang sold out years ago, but should fire his PR for this. Cora ??? i would have to have some respect for her in order to lose it but i have lost all respect for Gorvind Armstrong, not his cooking, he has a great restaurant, but his judgement, I guess with the new restaurant deal, he's trying to raise his profile. Haven't these people learned the "Rocco" lesson
  10. I'm suprised more owners didn't respond, as a 46 year old restaurant owner I don't think age has anything to do with it. I have a waiter in his early 50's and he does a great job (we just hired him, but he has over 25 years in the buisness) the key is experience. Most Fine Dining restaurants will only hire people with good experience (no chain restaurants) and usually there is a night when you "trail" before you get hired, that way they get to see your level of skill and how you carry yourself. It's hard to fake because they test you in different ways. In the case you get hired with limited experience it's most likely to be in a position of limited responsibility "runner" for example. Also waiters in my area make $2.13 an hour, if you work in a good place, that won't cover your taxes, so you need to take care of them yourself either quarterly or a nice big chunk at tax time. Also I'm curious what you think is "good money" , I know waiters in cities like new york that make $80,000 per year and up but the average nationwide is more like $18,000 to $24,000 and most of those "small independant - good places" don't offer health insurance. That comes out of your own pocket, or if you have a spouse, they might have it. Alot of small Fine Dining restaurants are reluctant to hire people with no experience going through a mid life career change because of the time and expense of training a new employee, just to have them decide as you said yourself "if I don't like it I can quit". What they look for is someone who's in it for the "long haul" so to speak, the last thing they want is someone who's trying to figure out what they want to do, be they 26 or 46. I'm not telling you not to do this, but if you think it would be a "cool" job, it's probably not for you. If, on the other hand, you think this would be a rewarding career.... give it a try, but expect a hard go of it the first few years, yes "years" not months. To the person that suggested getting into Wine instead, most wine people I know started out as waiters or came from the kitchen end of the buisness. It took years and alot of cash, good wine ain't cheap, neither are the books, and they can only teach you so much. You spend alot of your own money tasting and tasting to develope your palate and then you do it some more with each vintage, and each wine growing region. Above all be realistic about what you expect from a job and what they should expect from you.
  11. I feel bad for the guy who wants to do some cool food at his restaurant, just shelled out $5000 to $6000 for his immersion circulator and a cryovac, and know he's told he can't use the unless he shells out a few grand more.
  12. Why limit yourself to Austin, Lockhart is only 30 minutes away. But be careful, a couple of meals at Smitty's and nothing in Austin will be good enough. I never think twice about the drive (I live in Marble Falls) and many times I keep going to Luling.
  13. You should also check out Live Oak beers, they don't bottle, but you can find them at several good bars a restaurants around Austin (and Marble Falls). I tried a double bock at the brewery that was amazing. Well made, well balanced, unlike "hops for the sake of hops" like some micro's.
  14. Liz, Check out our web site for more info, we have lots of people who drive out from austin, it's not really that far
  15. try Korin in New York, they have a great DVD. Korin.com
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