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Everything posted by Eatmywords

  1. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Steelhead fillets - s&p, paprika, baste of stone ground mustard, evoo, lemon juice - baked in bbq with a packet of mesquite for added value. (Not pictured; watermelon margaritas, corn, scallion bacon quiche, dogs, burgers topped w house made kimchi, quinoa salad, asian noodle salad, blueberry pecan cake, chocolate whoopie pie cookies stuffed w canoli cream and pignoli cookies - all baking on premise courtesy other half.
  2. Croque monsieur pan w a sea shell cast (passed down from mom). Not that unusual but prob not too common either (at least here in the US). Guessing it's about 60yrs old. One of my earliest and fondest memories of hangin w mom in the kitchen. Clearly remember getting it hot, buttering the top slice then the bottom pan before careful insertion, locking and trimming the sides : ) It's well made. Even the wood handles show very little deterioration. Never tried the waffle side or understood how it would hold batter given the small area.
  3. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Pas de faute, elle a de la chance d'avoir toute cette nourriture fantastique!
  4. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Deconstructed-ish ban-mi - bbq'd and sliced thighs (bathed in fish sc, soy, lemon grass paste, honey, garlic and some other stuff) on a potato roll topped w pickled carrot, daikon and cuke with a jalapeno-cilantro mayo, side of beaten up zuch. The bans were really good. I had 1 then another (to make sure I was full)
  5. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    How long on the stove? What happens if you skip the drying/baking? Salt the water like for any western pasta? Thank you!
  6. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    . Wait, so you guys baked the baking soda at 250 for an hr (first google result)? Then can use that to make scratch noodles or for dry pasta put it in the water and spaghetti for ex turns into a lo-mein like texture?
  7. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Smoked kielbasa w spinach, caramelized onion over egg noodles w a dijon apple cider sauce - comfort food 101
  8. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Just think, when the apocalypse comes and electricity is a distant memory you'll be so well prepared! 🔥🔥🔥
  9. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I have no idea how ours works but 'm afraid it will sneak up on us in the middle of the night and get medieval on our asses!
  10. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Grilled shrimp over jasmine, steam veg, red thai curry, scallions.
  11. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    I don't care much for bottled but they do appear in the house from time to time (little one likes baby carrots dipped in Ranch for ex). Can be fun to experiment w. A spoon of ranch in a dijon vinaigrette adds a nice creamy dimension and tastes pretty good.
  12. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    C'mon, the 2 of you can't eat 4 each? 😲 They freeze well actually, follow her instrux - let cool, zip lock.
  13. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    We used https://www.budgetbytes.com/naan/ as it was simple and included yogurt. Only deviation was adding a about a teasp of veg oil to the pan. Enjoy!
  14. Very enjoyable recount, Kim. (I'll admit I was a bit apprehensive with that Bojangles biscuit but you rebounded quickly)
  15. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Pan baked naan (first attempt), Butter chicken, string beans, coriander and mango chutneys on side. I did cop out on the curry with a jarred 'Sharwood Butter' sc. I confess I like some of these simmer and serves - Tikka Masala, Jalfrezi, etc that can create meals in 20min and pack pretty decent flavors. The naan was stellar fun to make and watch.
  16. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Pork fried rice w leftover butt and this stuff: beat eggs w a bit of soy, make omelette, set aside, chop into little squares (you know that) brown and depressing but close to a good takeout version.....yea, not much to look at.
  17. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Pretty birds, what's the Iraqi spice mix?
  18. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    They specialize in shrimp, they know shrimp, buy the shrimp (pass on the farm raised tilapia et al) 🦐
  19. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Thanks for creating, Tropic! Will def consider on next attempt!
  20. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Good to know, thank you! We used silicone mats over baking sheets. They didn't stick, leak or burn. (I see the bottom of that one looks brown but it didn't yield any off flavors). I think the only problem was the thickness of the wrapper if you want to call that a problem : )~
  21. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Roast pork buns (first attempt). Needed to roll them out a bit thinner and more stuffing but flavors were there. They were pretty tasty. I ate 4 of them and def got fatter. Brok Rabe in the back - blanched, sauteed w garlic in ses oil, bit of soy, rice vngr, sugar.
  22. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Love the Lairds aging - 7.5 yrs old. They couldn't go a another 6 mos to 8? 😁
  23. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    No but I have a pair for pulling the ticks off the dogs that should suffice.
  24. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Thanks, free hand w a spoon.......imagine the potential when I'm not too lazy to find that squeeze bottle.
  25. Eatmywords

    Dinner 2020

    Char Siu pork lettuce wraps - topped w jalapeno, scallion, cukes (quick pickle - rice/white vngrs, h2o, sugar, salt). Remaining pork w go towards roast pork buns tonight....stay tuned! (damn you big drop that couldn't remain perfect like your friends!)
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