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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    Pam - Thank you! Here's the method. Its really Fat Guy's method and really our favorite way to cook steaks, especially thick ones! Your pie is lovely. I think the spinach variation sounds great.
  2. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    emmalish – well, I’ll say thank you here for all the nice comments you’ve made everywhere else! All I can say is cooking is what I love to do and it’s how I show love (yes, we are a family of fatties). Also, I cook everything I can ahead of time and no one is allowed to actually EAT in the dining room for up to a week before the Big Day – because I set out all the serving pieces and put little indentifying stickies in them (I’m a wingnut, I know). crowdingthepan – Love the banh mi sausages! Rico – I passed on the lamb compliment to Mr. Kim – he was pleased you noticed his contribution. I LOVE the combination of shrimp and pineapple salsa! I’ll be trying that! Dinner tonight was oven roasted steak (NY strip for Mr. Kim and 1/4 of a rib eye for me), orzo risotto and salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette and herbed goat cheese rounds: A friend on another board brought that orzo recipe to my attention. I adore risotto and since rice gives my tummy trouble, I’ve missed it so much. This was absolutely delicious and I’ll be making it again and again! I have lots of risotto recipes that I’ll be adapting now! This was supposed to be our wine tonight: It went in the risotto and we were just going to drink it with dinner, even though it is a white. But our little fridge that we keep wine in went kerflooey and it was all but frozen – like a Chardonnay Slurpee. I have no idea what freezing does to the taste, but most of the wine went down the drain in flowing foam – there was just enough left for the risotto. It tasted ok to me – not great.
  3. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    Rico – that is some beautiful fried chicken! Pam – I was drooling over that roast pork and the cracklings, too! We had 16 guests for Easter dinner. Nibbles: Olives, Liptauer cheese, crackers Dinner: Mr. Kim’s wonderful smoked lamb and yogurt/garlic sauce (which he talks about here), Russian deli pickles My friend, Lisa, made the beautiful ham – really moist! Better than mine EVER is! Rachel’s incomparable chicken salad! (She also sent me the lovely serving dish). My favorite chicken salad. Ina Garten shrimp salad. I managed to find wild NC shrimp and it was worth the extra cost. Deviled eggs. Croissant and bread to go with. Mr. Kim’s best friend made his family’s famous potato salad. Salad w/ balsamic vinaigrette and herbed goat cheese. Fruit salad – I just got what looked good at the store and threw it all together. Dessert buffet: Carrot Cake Cooky Bars, Pink Meringue Cupcakes - all meringue – and gluten free (for my niece who is gluten intolerant). I served them with macerated strawberries and whipped cream. Very good and very popular! Coconut cake. And sugar cookies: It was a lovely day - the first guest arrived at 3pm and the last left after 10:30! The mark of a good party, I think!
  4. emmalish – what gorgeous, crisp, brown waffles! I am just loving all your stuff lately (see my response to your cookies on the dessert thread!) Easter breakfast: Baked eggs w/ cream and Cheddar, Neuske’s pepper bacon and my MIL’s hot cross buns.
  5. emmalish – I am also ashamed that I haven’t ever made these after hearing all the raves. Now that I’ve SEEN them, I’ve gotta make them! Wow. My Easter dessert buffet: Sugar cookies: Coconut cake w/ lemon curd filling: inside: Meringue cupcakes: This was a Martha Stewart recipe. Gluten free for a niece – I served them with whipped cream and macerated strawberries and brushed them with luster dust for a pretty touch: Carrot cake cooky bars:
  6. Why didn't you tell me BEFORE we went, girl? We would have LOVED meeting up with some NOLA folks! It was an anniversary trip, but (as you can see) it wasn't ALL champagne and smooching! I never like to ask, because some people feel funny about it, but I love meeting up with my online friends. If you ever come to VA or DC, let me know!
  7. First, I have to say thank you to everyone here for their help. Whether it was responses to my direct requests or just reading about other folk's trips (thank you, BryanZ and Daniel!), I got so much good information that we need to go back again to go everywhere that we missed! March 19 - Richmond to NOLA Our gustatory journey got off to an inauspicious start with dinner at the Applebee's at the Richmond airport ! We had decent salads and excriable clam chowder. How can a restaurant have soup that is worse than Campbell's? Arrived at our hotel in the French Quarter - The Place d'Armes. Nice room. Charming hotel with a beautiful private couryard w/ pool and balconies. Our daughter had sent us a bottle of Champagne! Straight out to the Cafe du Monde for beignets and cafe au lait: It was a soft, nice evening and perfect for people watching. The beignets were hot and sweet and mounded with powdered sugar and just the perfect bedtime snack. It's open 24 hours a day and I threatened to come down for a snack every time I woke up! March 20 - Mostly French Quarter Started off with very blah croissants in the lovely courtyard of the Place d'Armes: Seriously - not as good as a grocery store. But the day got much better and we never bothered with these inferior breadstuffs again! Plan for the day was a walking tour of the French Quarter, Galatoire for lunch and Besh's Luke for dinner. Our walking tour was just the one that was in what we started calling the "Big Book" - Frommer's New Orleans 2010. We had a lovely (and exhausting) wander around the French Quarter and were astounded by the beauty of so much of it. Our walk was interrupted by lunch at Galatoire and 2nd lunch at the Central Grocery. New Orleans is probably the most beautiful city that I've ever seen. The buildings are just so perfect with French and Spanish influences and that gorgeous patina that only time and just the right amount of loving neglect can supply. It's beauty is in it's historical streets and buildings and it's people. At one point, I said to Mr. Kim that I remembered after Katrina many people saying that it wasn't worth all the money and effort to restore and rebuild. At the time, I wondered if they were right. But being in New Orleans, you realize that YES, it is worth it. The history and the spirit of the people deserve that respect. New Orleanians are friendly and knowledgeable about their city and seemingly eager to share it with visitors. They are still over the moon about the Saints winning the Super Bowl - every house and shop and restaurant has New Orleans Saints signs and flags! First Lunch at Galatoire - It's a beautiful place - light filled with dark green wallpaper. Very southern and classic. Seersucker suits and ladies in hat would not be out of place. They keep a rack of jackets for gentlemen who are eating upstairs and have forgotten their own. We ate the kind of food that is deceptively simple - impeccably fresh and perfectly prepared. New Orleans surely does deserve it's reputation as a food lovers heaven! I told my mother that growing up on the Eastern shore, I thought I'd tasted the best seafood, but the stuff we had in Louisiana beat everything. At lunch, we started with cocktails. We don't often, with lunch, but it seemed appropriate! I got a Sazerac: I am not usually a consumer of things that actually TASTE of liquor (I like all the fruity stuff and vodka drinks), but I kind of liked it - probably only because I was in New Orleans, sitting in a restaurant I've been dreaming of for years! We just ordered a bunch of stuff that folks here had recommended and 'fell to'. We had the puffy souffle potatoes with bearnaise: These were amazing - they look like golden wedges of potatoes. What you don't realize until you bite into them it that they are completely hollow, with a crisp crust of almost potato chip-like shatteriness. The man at the next table, who seemed like a knowledgeable native, was explaining them to his guests and said that they are made by slicing EXTREMELY thin (a mandoline, I guess) and soaking in ice water, then frying in hot fat. I want to try this. We also had the oysters Rockefeller and shrimp remoulade. I can already see that I am going to be repeating myself in my NOLA report. I have gotten to our first sitdown restaurant meal and already run out of superlatives. The oysters were phenomenal - fresh and sweet and the topping herby and not at all gloppy or overpowering, like some I've had Even Mr. Kim (who does NOT care for oysters, except in my oyster stuffing at Christmas) loved them and ate them with relish. The sauce on the shrimp was great - spicy without too much heat, but what was really the best part was the shrimp - so sweet and plump and juicy and cooked exactly the right amount of time They had that perfect little POP of an expertly timed crustacean! Then it was on the the Godchaux salad a wonderful mix of iceberg lettuce, crab, boiled shrimp, egg, anchovies in a creole mustard vinaigrette. Again - the crab and shrimp were just SO fresh and sweet and perfectly cooked: I could eat this salad for lunch every day for the rest of my life. Our final plate was the Sauteed Poisson (drum) Meuniere Amandine with crabmeat: Beautifully prepared fish with more of that crab on top. We had no dessert since we were full and knew that 2nd lunch at Central Grocery awaited us. Our waiter was the venerable Dorris - a reserved, but friendly elderly gentleman who might have worked there forever. We ate a LOT at Galatoire - but nothing was heavy or greasy or overly rich (besides the natural richness of the oysters and crabmeat), so we didn't feel ill or sleepy or dopey. We walked some more, going into shops and enjoying the buildings and cobbly streets and taking a bizillion pictures. Every minute I found a picture to capture - sometimes it was just a doorway or window or a peek into a sliver of a courtyard garden. The places that we saw included: Kitchen Witch - a culinary used book store. Fabulous place. I could have wandered around there for hours, not to mention spent hundreds of dollars. They even had a good selection of the little cookbooks that used to come with new appliances - wonderful retro illustrations and recipes! And the resident black lab was a sweetie. I'd love a store like this to be near me, but I'm sure that Mr. Kim and our budget appreciate the distance! The French Market - tacky, tacky, tacky. Souveniers, t-shirts, geegaws, etc. Food stands with no fragrance. Lucullus Antiques - culinary antiques. Beautiful items - china, silver, amazing and mysterious serving pieces. Some more prosaic (and interesting to me) kitchen items in a back room. It led into yet another beautiful, cool, quiet courtyard in soothing pale green. I got one of my favorite pictures of the trip there. Leah's Candy - pralines and candies. Addicting pecan brittle. We have a guilty secret. We find pralines a little meh. Maybe we just haven't had REALLY good ones. It's not like we hate them. They're....fine. Every praline I've ever tasted tastes just slightly stale. I think it might be the texture that is so unexpected in a candy - not crunchy and shattery, not gooey and soft - just...dully breakable. The other candies and brittles were very good and we went back there Tuesday morning to get goodies to take home. The turtles were especially nice. Second lunch - Muffulettas at Central Grocery Folks sometimes seem a little jaded about the Central Grocery. I've heard that it isn't what it was (the foodie's lament when THEIR places get popular - serious chowhounds like to think that they have the inside scoop and that if something becomes universally loved it must have slipped in some way), that there are better places to get a muffuletta, yadda, yadda, yadda. This all may be true. As I said to someone when we went to NY, we are just country mice and what you, as a native, might be bored with, we still love. Mr. Kim really wanted to go since it was THE place that he remembered from his business trip here years ago and I wanted to go because I still remember the olive salad that he brought back. And maybe familiarity breeds contempt, but we loved it: The olive salad is the dominant flavor, but not the only one. The meats are good and strong, but not greasy and the provelone was aged just right. Sharpish, but still with a slight creaminess. The bread is perfect - not too soft and not too tough. The best thing about the bread, though, is the thickness. I wish that all subs were served on bread like that. Most sub rolls are too thick and too tough for me. I end up taking off the top bun and what fun is that? Subs are American, two fisted hunks of meat and cheese - not some tame Northern European open-faced pinky out thing. Or else the bread is so tough that the force of having to bite through pushes the meat and cheese out the other end. That did NOT happen with this sandwich. All I lost were a few olive chunks and those are sure easier to pick up than 1/2 lb. of cold cuts! We also had some Zapps on the side - I'm not a huge fan of kettle-style chips, but these are pretty good - the only brand that doesn't taste overwhelmingly greasy to me. We had our anniversary dinner at John Besh's Luke. It's a lovely space - it feels European somehow (I know, I've never been to Europe, but still) - high ceilings, newspaper racks, pressed tin ceiling, those old fashioned ceiling fans that run from a central pulley, dark wood, window shutters, big French signs on the walls. Cool, laid-back atmosphere. The food was really wonderful. Some folks had wondered if it was 'special' enough for an anniversary dinner, but it was just right for us. Casual sophistication. Yeah, that's us . Seriously though, Luke IS the kind of restaurant that we like a LOT. Approachable, uncomplicated, but really, really good food. Relaxed vibe (I hate that word and never use it in conversation, but can't think of another word and I've already used 'atmosphere'). Friendly, attentive service, but not TOO attentive. We never felt rushed. Our server said "Happy Anniversary", but didn't make a BIG DEAL (we do NOT like BIG DEALS made). On with the food. Mr. Kim's cocktail was a sazerac (I tasted it and it seemed much stronger than the one at Galatoire and I didn't care for it as much - see, the magic is already fading) and mine a St. Charles Streecar (St. Germain - which is elderflower liqueur - pear vodka and Champagne - very tasty). We started with the Rillette of Berkshire Pork w/ savory marmalade, cornichons, watermelon rind pickle, whole grain mustard and grilled country bread: This was absolutely delicious. The pork was smoky and rich and the accompaniments were perfect. I don't understand how something that is basically pork and pork fat can be that silky and smooth and NOT greasy tasting. It just melts away on your tongue, leaving just a porky, smoky flavor behind. Heavenly. Next was the Crabmeat Maison salad w/ fresh herbs, local greens and country bread croutons (which were indistinguishable from the grilled country bread that came with the rillette) - fabulous, fresh, sweet crab: My main course was Jumbo Louisiana Shrimp 'en cocotte' w/ McEwen & Sons cream white corn grits and Poche's andouille: This was a great dish - but a little too spicy for me. Mr. Kim's main was the Vanilla Scented Duck w/ local red cabbage, mayhaw and Pomme sardalaise: This was the best dish of the night. The fall apart tender duck was moist and fragrant (though not decernably vanilla) with crisp skin. For dessert Mr. Kim had vanilla ice cream profiteroles w/ vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce: Very good, but a bit tame, I thought. My dessert was vanilla cake w/ strawberries and whipped cream: Amazing cake - moist and dense with a crisp, almost cooky-like crumb and a super tight crumb. We intended to end the evening with music on Frenchmen's Street, but were so wore out and foot sore and FULL that we just went back to the hotel room and sacked out. Like the old farts that we are, we were asleep by 11! Sunday, March 21 - "The Day of the Dead"I started jokingly calling this day on the itenerary "The Day of the Dead" because the plan was to visit (among other things) 3 cemeteries today. We got to 2 of them. It was a bitterly cold day - the newspaper said a high of 55, but with the wind it felt MUCH colder. It was 76 in Richmond today! We had breakfast at Stanley, just down from our hotel on Jackson Square. It seems that some form of Eggs Benedict is THE NOLA breakfast, which is fine by me. I had Eggs Stella (lots of Stella references in this town) - which was just regular Eggs Benedict with Creole hollandaise and a big, fat gorgeous soft shell crab on the side: Again, superlative crab. The breading was a mite heavy for me - almost tempura-style. I prefer just a dusting of cornmeal or flour and pan sauteed softshells and I think this must have been deep fried. But the crab was crazy good. Mr. Kim had the corned beef hash with poached eggs and toasted French bread: Very good corned beef. The poached eggs were perfectly cooked - fully cooked whites and gently flowing yolks: After breakfast, we walked out to Canal Street and caught the streetcar up to the Greenwood and Cypress Grove cemeteries. We walked around the cemeteries then over to City Park where we did Storyland (we love that kind of thing) and the Botanical Gardens (concentrating on the wonderful Train Garden). We walked through the park (it is freaking HUGE) down the Bayou St. John through Mid City. Wonderful big and little houses. Little side streets beckoned and made me wish for a bike or a car, or better feet, at least. It was getting colder and colder and unbelievably windy by the time we reached the Parkway Bakery and Tavern. Great little place that looks very much a neighborhood joint. And it smells fantastic. We grabbed a table on the enclosed patio area and Mr. Kim went to order. We ordered WAY too much food, as I knew we would. We (ok, I) have a tendency to do that anyway, but we had specific recommendations that we needed to check out! Through a failure of communication (on my part - I think my ears were still frozen) we ended up with BOTH chili cheese fries and gravy cheese fries. Mr. Kim got the Surf 'n Turf Po'boy - fall-apart tender beef, fried shrimp and loads of gravy: Wierd, right? Beef and shrimp? Sounds like some kind of erzatz Chinese combo. But it works really well! I can't say why, it just does. Maybe its the beef gravy, which would go with the proverbial shoe. Amazing stuff. The beef is more like a pot roast and really flavorful. The sandwich fell apart before he could get it unwrapped . This was basically a stew sandwich. No matter - it was fantastic: gloppy, gooey, salty goodness. I got the 'Peacemaker' Po'boy - fried oysters and shrimp: I've had better oysters, but that's quibbling - these were still very good and the combo was perfect. Mr. Kim ended up being glad that we got the chili cheese fries because the gravy on the others was basically what was on his sandwich. The chili was actually pretty good: But the fries and gravy was awesome: I probably ate more of these than anything else. We walked back to Canal Street and caught the streetcar back to the Quarter. Went back to the hotel for a little rest. The plan was to go to Acme for chargrilled oysters, but we just didn't feel like more rich food. We napped a little and wandered around Bourbon Street ending up, by total chance at Maison Bourbon - a jazz bar - and listened to a couple of sets by Jamil Sharif and his jazz band. A couple of drinks, pretty good music and an authentic feeling bar. We could listen to the music in the bar, but still hear the folks on the street and some other music coming from nearby places. We shared a gigantic and really good Lucky Dog from one of the ubiquitous street vendors (oddly, the only street vendors that we noticed in NOLA except for the artists and palm readers at Jackson Square: Dessert was a return visit to the Cafe du Monde where we shared an order of beignets. I had some really good, rich hot chocolate (it was still really cold). We were serenaded by a busker with a nice, mellow voice. Just a perfect NOLA night. Monday, March 22 - Mostly Garden District We caught the St. Charles streetcar out to the Camellia Grill for breakfast. What a cheap treat that ride is! It's like a bus tour - St. Charles is a beautiful street. A broad avenue lined with bead-festooned trees and gracious homes, not to mention Loyola New Orleans, Audubon Park and shops and restaurants. At $1.25 per ride, this is a great deal (yesterday's ride up Canal was not as scenic). The Camellia Grill is a bustling place. All counter seating with smart talking countermen dressed in white and black like waiters in a fine restaurant. Our waiter was named "Sleepy" and he was a BLUR! We shared a wonderful, crisp pecan waffle - big chunks of roasted pecans that actually tasted of pecans instead of just being some anonymous crunchy bits, like most I've had in the past: It would have been even better with real butter instead of the pitcher of erzatz they bring you. But I'm really just being picky here - this was a seriously good waffle. Mr. Kim had a HUGE sausage and jalepeno omelet and thick, creamy grits: The omelet was amazing - browned on the outside and high and fluffy on the inside. They cooked it on a griddle and roll it. The eggs are whizzed up with a milkshake machine in a steel cup and poured out on the griddle. I had 2 over-medium, link sausage (really good) and great hash browns I was hoping to have a Sno-Ball this trip, but we are apparently out of season for everyone's favorite Hansens. So when I read somewhere that there was one just blocks from the Camellia on Oak St., I was very excited. We walked up and found the shop, but it was closed up tight with no hours sign in the window (a feature missing from MANY NOLA businesses). Disgruntled and grumbling, we caught the streetcar again back to the start of the Garden District walking tour. The first stop was "The Rink" on Prytania St. containing the Garden District Book Store and a potty. I was happy again. Did the "Big Book's" Garden District walking tour, veering off to see the amazing St. Mary's Assumption and St. Alphonsus churches - these almost European class churches are worth a detour. From here we walked back up to Magazine Street - a shopping area that goes through the Garden District. We were tired and thirsty, so we stopped in at Juan's Flying Burrito for a drink. We decided we were a little nommy, so we ordered chips and (very good) housemade salsa and a couple of beef tacos: Someone at Mr. Kim's office that used to live in NOLA said that we had stumbled on the best taco place in NOLA. We thought they were good, but not THAT good. We finished our Garden District walking tour and then looped back down to Magazine Street and wandered around some. We went to Sucre, an amazing candy/dessert/gelato shop. We got some lovely chocolates and macarons to take home: (Jessica is obsessed with macarons - I've directed her to the thread here and we may have a mother/daughter macaron project) and I tasted some fantastic gelato. We stopped in at La Davinia Gelateria for a cup of Thai gelato - lime, coconut and Pandan leaf: It was good, but not as good as the one I'd tasted at Sucre. I really planned this day badly. The place that I wanted to go for breakfast - Elizabeth's (famous for praline bacon) - doesn't open on Mondays. And we should have done Magazine Street early and then done the walking tour of the Garden District after lunch because so many of the places we would have liked to go into were closed or closing up. But it was fun to window shop. Walked back up to St. Charles and took the streetcar back to Canal and walked to the hotel. We had a little bit of a rest and then taxied to Cochon for dinner. Let me start by saying that before even walking into the place it had a bit of a black mark against it. I had it as dinner for Monday night on our itenerary, but Mr. Kim thought that he might have made the reservation for Sunday. And the THOUGHT that it was for 8pm, but wasn't absolutely positive. So we called numerous times and got nothing but voicemail - we left two messages requesting a call back to confirm, but never got a call. They need to hire a couple of these unemployed folks at minimum wage and have them answer phones or at least return calls. So we were on the edge of pissed. Not to mention how the raves about this place at eGullet had set them up. They needed to wow us. Reader, they did. EVERY SINGLE THING was delicious. We started with cocktails (our usual unsweet tea with extra lemon kinda fell by the wayside in NOLA). Mr. Kim had George T. Stagg bourbon and ginger and I had a Marchac Sunrise - Dos Lunas silver tequila, marcerated strawberries and ginger beer - VERY refreshing: We started with fried rabbit livers w/pepper jelly and toasts: deep fried boudin balls w/ whole grain mustard and pickled peppers: a Boucherie plate w/ assorted meats, pickles and pork rillette: (must figure out how to make this stuff - between Mr. Kim's new smoking skills and eGullet and Cookskorner, I know I can do it). I was sad that they didn't have the fried pork ears on the menu anymore. Everyone at eGullet made them sound so good. It was all just crazy crazy good. Mr. Kim liked the boudin balls best of all and I could have eaten those livers for hours. For his main course, Mr. Kim had the Louisiana Cochon w/ turnips, cabbage & cracklins: Basically a pork 'cake' (as in crab cake) of tender, smoky gorgeous pulled pork w/ tender cabbage, turnips and apple chunks and a curly pigtail of cracklins on top - heavenly good. I had the oyster BLT with the bacon being house made: Oh My Goodness. This was fantastic. I eschewed most of the (very good) bread so I could eat more oyters and bacon. Even the tomatoes were good. For dessert we had the Ponchatoula strawberry shortcake: (I just realized that I had a strawberry dessert at Luke, too - I must be ready for spring). The strawberries were fine - from Florida, I guess. But the shortcake was perfect. Exactly what shortcake biscuits should be. Tender, flaky and crispy edges. They had almost a glazed effect. I'd love to know how these were done. I said that Cochon needed to wow us. They certainly did - but not in any over-the-top, showy way. This food was MILES better than any food we can get in Richmond - but it is completely approachable and comfortable. It's affordable, too. We ordered much more food than we would normaally order in a restaurant at home, including 2 cocktails and dessert and the bill including a 20%+ tip was $145. If we had access to a place like Cochon all the time, I'd guess that a normal meal would be somewhere around $50 - easily within range of a bi-weekly visit. <sigh> After dinner we walked back to our hotel and packed and crashed. Tuesday, March 23 Last Day Our flight was at 5:53 pm, so we had to be at the airport at 4pm. My lack of attention to details meant that I kind of messed things up today. It was supposed to be pastries from Croissant D'Or eaten on the levee beside the Mississippi. Then either the Presbytere (Mardi Gras museum) or the Ferry to Algiers Point and maybe Mardi Gras world, if there was time. Then a cab to Willie Mae's for chicken, back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and then another cab to the airport at 3:30. The other Willie Mae's option was to take all our luggage (one BIG bag and 3 smaller ones) into the restaurant and then we'd have to arrive at the airport WAY too early. It was just much too complicated and awkward for a plate of chicken - no matter how heavenly. We decided that we'd plan better next time and just do fried chicken at "Coop's", recommended by the fellow at the hotel. So, this figured out, we showered, dressed, said goodbye to our room, checked our luggage with the front desk and set off. Croissant D'Or is closed on Tuesdays. Ok, how random is THAT? So is the Parkway. The Botanical Gardens are closed on Mondays. So is Elizabeth's - which IS open for breakfast today - at 11AM ! Sheesh. So we wandered around a bit. And ended up back at Stanley for a good, but EXCEEDINGLY long in coming meal. Mike had a very good Rueben and onion rings: and I had the classic - scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, bacon and potatoes: Wandered around after breakfast doing last minute shopping - pralines for the office, candy to take home, the Mardi Gras museum at the Presbytere and St. Louis cathedral. After the museum, we went to Coop's for lunch. Its a little divey place just down from Jackson Square. Mr. Kim had his first Abita - Purple Haze and liked it just fine: The fried chicken description sounded spicy, so I opted for the 'Bayou Appetizer' - shrimp, crab claws, oysters and crawfish: Not very good. Everything was deep fried and over-battered and overcooked. The crab claws were hilarious - just the little wiggly part of the claw, pulled off, battered and deep fried. You couldn't even taste the miniscule dab of crabmeat. Mr. Kim got the fried chicken, which was NOT too spicy, after all and actually very good: It came with rabbit and sausage jambalaya and slaw. All pretty good. By then it was about time to go back to the hotel and pick up our luggage. One last time to sit in the quiet courtyard and listen to the fountain, take a few final pictures and say goodbye to New Orleans. We had an amazing time and found yet another place to remember and love and come back to. For the full report, check my blog - it's not up yet, but I should be able to finish it in a few days
  8. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    Well, I’ve been home from NOLA for a week and I’ve cooked two meals. One of them was scrambled eggs . I’m ashamed to admit it here among all you wonderful dedicated cooks, but it’s the truth. We’ve been eating canned soup and take out mostly. The other night I did make this: Sauerbraten, red cabbage, boiled potatoes, green beans and rye bread. I found some ridiculously cheap veal chuck chops and decided to make sauerbraten for the first time. Crazy easy and really good!
  9. Well, the recipe makes a dozen cupcakes, so maybe I'll try one with the extract and see how it stands up to it. I really do like the look.
  10. Richard – those spheres are awe inspiring. The sheen is like a mirror! emmalish – your muffins look delicious. I made cupcakes from Michael Ruhlman’s recipe for pound cake from Ratio: The only thing that I did differently was to use 10X in the glaze. I was taking them to work after we had one each and I thought a more icing like glaze would go over better with them: Gorgeous crumb:
  11. Lisa, thank you so much! It never occurred to me not to use the liquid. And I'm serving these at home, so I don't have to worry about a lot of packing and unpacking!
  12. I am making large meringues in the shape of cupcakes for Easter and am wondering if I can use luster dust on them. I was worried that the liquid you have to use would make the tops of the cupcakes wet and gummy. Has anyone ever tried this?
  13. Ruth – your bunnies are adorable and the flavors sound wonderful. I especially love the little ones that are ‘cuddling’! The other day I made this silly little cake: I made it for a work birthday, that I had forgotten about until the night before and I needed to get ready for the NOLA trip. It’s a weird, but still pretty good, cake that my mother makes – it’s a cake mix that you put the frosting into. Everyone at work ADORED it. I bring in a homemade, from scratch carrot cake and they say – “that’s so good”, but I bring in a cake mix cake with canned frosting stirred in and they lose their minds . I did tart it up with some really good melted chocolate, dulche de leche and toasted pecans.
  14. kayb and doc - I'm really pulling for it! saturnbar - we do have ideas for Saturday - we might go to an early dinner AND a late dinner. We are kind of leaving it open - so we can decide ala minute! But recommendations are ALWAYS welcome! I'll check back one more time about 5pm before we leave for the airport, if you want to add anything. Thank you!
  15. Thanks for the links, saturnbar! Ok - we leave tomorrow evening and here's the 'final' schedule: Place d'Armes Hotel Saturday French Quarter B'fast places - Stanley Croissant D'Or French Quarter walking tour including: French Market Boutique du Vampyre Maskarade Collectible Antiques Lucullus Antiques Leah's Candy Marie Laveau's Voodoo Authentica Historic NOLA Collection Kitchen Witch (used cookbooks) Lunch @ Galatoire's (open at 11:30) Try Central Grocery for 2nd lunch 8:30 Dinner at Luke Music on Frenchman's Street Cafe du Monde - 24 hours Sunday - Mid City/Esplanade - Day of the Dead Canal St. streetcar to Cypress Grove and Greenwood Cemetaries City Park - Storyland and Train Garden and Sculpture Garden St. Louis Cemetary #3 Lunch at Parkway Pandora's Sno-Ball? Back to the Quarter Acme for dinner (?) Monday - Garden District & Magazine Street Breakfast at Surrey's St. Alphonsus and St. Mary's Churches Garden District walking tour Magazine Street including: Aux Belles Choses Sucre Magazine St. Lunch place recommendations: Mahony's Stein's Gotts Joey K's La Boulangerie Dinner at Cochon Tuesday - airport at 3pm Breakfast at Elizabeth's Cake Cafe Ferry to Algiers Point Mardi Gras World - if time enough Central Groc. if not done before Lunch at Willie Mae's on the way to the airport, if time enough Try to Get To: Dragos Restaurant - Hilton Riverbend Camellia Grill Thank you all so much for all your help and advice. I'll post a report as soon as I get back and get organized!
  16. I am just utterly, utterly speechless and awestruck! What amazingly beautiful cakes. If I ever made something that looked like that, I could just roll over and die - my life goals complete! Bravo!
  17. Isn't this the greatest??!! I love toast made in the press. You can even butter it first . It makes for a great toast for spreads and dips, too. Like really rev-ed up Melba toast.
  18. Pam – that is a beautiful eggs Benedict! Blether – well, you are right – bacon is never ordinary and that WAS Benton’s so, yep very good! And that’s sausage – when Mr. Kim sneaks down and does the sausage before I can get up, he makes these enormous thick sausage patties. I prefer mine thinner, so I slice them through the middle for my biscuits. Jmahl – what a lovely breakfast. It looks and sounds delicous. I haven’t tried agave yet, but mean to. How thick is it? RE: the slow cooker oatmeal. I’ve done it, with mixed results also. It seems like a lot of trouble to me and a mess to clean up (I thought those slow cooker bags would be great, but you lose a lot of the oatmeal because it clings so to the bag). I don’t eat oatmeal, but Mr. Kim loves it and he really likes the overnight method that MelissaH introduced me to. It couldn’t be easier. I do it in a non-stick pot and he adds water to the empty pot and it is no trouble to clean later. percyn – gorgeous eggs! Breakfast this morning: scrambled eggs, Benton’s bacon, sausages and some really good little frozen croissants that I found at Fresh Market. They are really easy to do – you cook them from frozen for about 15 minutes. They were amazingly crisp and flakey and very tender. I used the croissant to do a taste test: As you can see, I have only a dab of my beloved (and outrageously expensive) Little Scarlet strawberry preserves left. I am just stunned by the price every time we buy them and when I saw the Schwartau that I had always liked best before I tasted the Little Scarlet, I decide to try them head to head. A strawberry preserve smackdown, as it were. Well, the Little Scarlet preserves are much better – but 3 times better? I’m not convinced. But the jar lasts me probably 3 months. So I am still up in the air. When the Schwartau are all gone it will probably depend on whether I feel like I deserve a treat or not!
  19. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    emmalish – talk about being blown away! Your ‘simple’ grilled cheese and the gorgeous photo blew ME away! meredithla – I am thinking seriously of buying a third memory card to take with us, just in case. How many pictures can I take with a 1.0 GB card, I wonder ? I love the combination of gorgonzola and beef! Bruce – I really like the sound of the carrot rice. I will have to try that method with some orzo! I think that it would work really well. Say thank you to Mrs. C for me. Blether – what a great meal. All my favorite stuff – steak, potatoes, eggs and my beloved Brussels sprouts . You wouldn’t believe how many Americans I’ve converted to Brussels sprouts by cooking them like my English stepdad does! And I’ve stopped being embarrassed by my love for frozen fries . I haven’t ever been able to get the crispness that I want with fresh fries, so I just go with what I like. I will try your method of doing the fries with the low heat, though. That sounds intriguing! Dinner tonight was a lot of leftovers. We had what was left of the Greek salad that Mr. Kim had for lunch: We went to lunch at a new little Greek café that I found. Haven’t heard a thing about it in any of the local papers, but I just happened to notice it when I was at the Sears discount center awhile back. It’s in the middle of a lot of warehouses – I hope they get a lot of weekday lunch and early dinner business, because they were empty today. We had saganaki and a gyro and the salad. We brought home a Greek wedding cooky, baklava and koulourakia. Everything was very, very good. I hope that the place does well, because it’s just exactly the kind of little joint that we love. We also had baked linguini from Mr. Kim’s linguini and sauce that he made when I was in NC: I just layered it with some fresh mozzarella and Locatelli. Plated with garlic breadsticks from leftover hot dog buns from last night:
  20. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    nickrey – Nice enchilada meal! And that salsa just GLOWS!! Dinner last night was hot dogs and chili cheese fries. Started with a tossed salad with bleu cheese dressing: Deep fried hot dogs: These were really good. Just grocery store (Nathan’s) dogs, but the deep frying mimics natural casings. Mr. Kim had his dogs with japs and slaw: And I had a Carolina dog – mustard, slaw and chili: It was a real white trash special – frozen fries, canned chili and deli slaw. But it hit the spot!
  21. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    Barbecue on waffles-- what a cool idea! I've done it on fried cornbread, and that's good. Are your cornbread waffles regular cornbread batter? New and hopefully more mobile cast today; hoping I can cook at least something simple this weekend. Tired of snacking and eating out. Yep, it's just regular cornbread batter. I usually just use Jiffy mix.
  22. percyn – oh, boy, I want some of that hash! Blether – OMG! That roll, that egg, that flowy, gushy yolk. You got me! A much, much more ordinary breakfast:
  23. Thanks, Holly! Their website is under construction, so I appreciate the link. I should have thought of your site! We just didn't want the bother of a car, so we know that we'll probably spend nearly as much on taxi fares as we would have on renting a car!
  24. Kim Shook

    Dinner! 2010

    kayb – so sorry about the broken arm! What a thing for a cook to have! Hope you heal FAST! Prawn – the fig tart is just breathtaking! And please tell your wife that I envy her beautiful cupcakes – the one with the petals is especially lovely. emmalish – what absolutely gorgeous pictures! Not much cooking this week – too busy planning my NOLA trip on the 19th!! Mr. Kim finally tried out the smoker he got for Christmas (see my blog for his full and utterly hilarious account of the day – you have to read all three parts to get the real story and all the pictures), so we have had some awesome butt meals! Dinner tonight was leftovers from Mr. Kim’s pork: BBQ and slaw on cornbread waffles – we’ve done the waffles before and they are wonderful with BBQ! and frozen fries .
  25. Sir, you cut me to the quick! Of course there will be second lunches every day and snacks and midnight beignet jaunts! We figure in a place like NOLA, those things we can leave to chance and our noses. We won't have a car, but our hotel is very near Cafe du Monde, I'll be running down there everytime I need to get out of the room and have a cigarette. Maybe I should do my makeup there in the morning . I'm not sure about fitting in the Camellia Grill, but I'll put it on the list. Do you know their days/hours?
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