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    South Tip o Texas
  1. Great post regarding Nuevo Progresso, My office is just across the street from the Best Western written about. I live in Harlingen, Nuevo Progresso is my favorite place to visit across the border. The best food in my opinion is the tacos in the stands running to the east from the main road after you cross the border. I'm pretty sure these are south or Arturos' Ive only eaten at Arturo's once, but wasnt that impressed. Maybe I need to give it another chance. PD
  2. too late for your trip, but for others that might find this thread. check out locogringo.com good site about riviera maya, including food and drink.
  3. That is the Valley. It is really a very eclectic place. Lil Ritas is a Thai mex fusion place that is supposed to be good. I havent taken the time to sneal away without my wife and try. She insists that she doesnt like thai food cause it all has peanuts in it. Cant even get her to try. oh well one of these days she will go on a trip:)
  4. i like Cookin in Brooklyn on Discovery Home.
  5. >We ate at Lone Star BBQ last time I visited and we were kind of disappointed in >the dry brisket and average beef ribs--have you been there recently? I haven't been there. >In nuevo progreso Arturo's Restaurant was great last time I ate there. Now that >being said this was back in the mid 70s, all though I hear it's still there and good. I ate there in Feb. and it was ok, but not worth a trip across the border if you ask me. I would rather stay and eat in Harlingen as to go to arturo's. If you are going with someone that isn't comfortable eating in a foreign country then it would be a fine choice... I forgot to add that Beef Eaters in Port Isabel has a pretty good bbq buffet at a reasonable price. Tom and Jerry's on the island has good burgers. Ted's does a good breakfast... BlackBeard's is good. Paul
  6. ok, here is a quick run down. Harlingen - Main Street Grill ,downtown does great burgers. Sauza's, on Ed Carey just north of Hwy 83 does very good mexican (ate there last night) They have a pico de aguacate (sp?) that is a pico de gallo with avocado that is wonderful Platillos does a good mexican also. Some of the best Seafood in the Valley in in Port Isabel (right before you get to SPI) White Sands is a little place behind a hotel of the same name on the north side of the road. There is great ice cream also in Port Isabel on the south side of the road right before you get to the bridge to the island. Just look for the ice cream cone building. Weslaco (on the way to Mcallen from Harlingen) I haven't eaten there but I hear that the Blue Onion is great food. If you want to eat across the border there are really good, really inexpensive tacos at Victors Tacos. This a taco stand in a line of taco stands about three blks from the bridge on the left. Im sure many of them make good food but that is the only one I have eaten at. There is a great bbq place in Alamo (between Weslaco and Mcallen) - Willie B's has great food. Particularly the smoked fajita taco, Lots of food for a great price. Pharr (Mcallen area) There is a great Chinese buffet (I know, I know, but I really like it) Grand China Buffet - is just off Hwy 83 on the Northside. Jackson exit I believe. More good Mexican in Edinburg at Crucitas Kitchen. The do a great buffet. If you get down to Brownsville over the weekend check out Vera's they have maybe the last traditional barbacoa in the area. Their pits are grandfathered in and couldn't be replicated if they were to close. Paul
  7. i liked it, would like a bit more food, but this is a travel channel so I can accept it the way it is. Here, Here for getting is Captioned.
  8. I think that either a ban or an incentive (disincentive) are all fine. Just so long as I can go out to enjoy my drink or food without having to smell someone elses habit. There is no more sure way to ruin a meal. I also think that everyone should be able to work without dealing with that kind of health risk.
  9. OK, here is what i do when I am fixing a quick garlic mash. "micorwave oven in use" I place 2-3 cloves of garlic per person (can use more or less) into a micorwave safe coffee cup, cover with milk, zap for approx. 60 secs. Don't have to peel, the peel with slip right off once they are cooked. Boil potatoes (or sometimes I will even zap them also - less nutrient loss?) add garlic milk, garlic, and butter to potatoes. Mash, S and P to tast. This is a quick way to make mashed, I can have them on the table before the garlic butter above would be cooked. Not that those don't sound yummy. Roasted garlic is great, sometimes even a little too sweet. This is more gently and you dont loose any of the flavor in the cooking. I will also milk zap garlic for dishes such as cilantro-parsley pesto. Takes just a little of the raw bite away for the people that are more sensitive. Paul
  10. plantdetective

    I've Got Flax

    Uncle Sams cereal is great. Started it when I was trying to loose weight and just like it, Never have really liked sweet cereals. My favorite used to be rice chex plain with milk or occaisionally corn flakes plain with skim or 1%. The flax seeds are just a nice bonus with this cereal. Price around here ranges from $1.58-1.98 so fairly frugal at 5-7 servings per box. Paul
  11. my wife makes great iced tea. the key is use Cain's Tea Bags. This is a regional tea out of Oklahoma. Unfortunately they have a very small distribution area. Can't get it now that we live is south south texas. Have to have family bring and pick some up when we are in OK visiting. With this tea you can brew on the stove for hours and it still tastes great. No bitter. We also use granulated fructose... Fructose has a lower glycemic index than sugar or honey. This means that there is less blood sugar reaction... doesnt' make you as hungry later when the blood sugar comes down. Fructose is also sweeter so you use less... less calories. Every little bit helps the waist line. One other advantage... it will dissolve in cold water. Great advantage over table sugar. Some people have a bad reaction if they eat too much fructose. We have never had a problem. Plantdetective
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