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Everything posted by pariah_kerry

  1. For me, it has always been swiss cheese and eggplant. Together or separate. (Schielke: Thanks for the Lionel Ritchie whammie...everywhere I go, every elevator, it's "Dancing On the Ceiling". )
  2. I was wondering what he was humming, too. The choppy boat ride was hysterical. Fabio seemed to have a pretty amazing time. I hope Tony will elaborate on the circumstances.
  3. When we go for bulgoki with my friend Aescha, she never mentioned not eating rice with chopsticks; I'll ask her next time I see her. Last time we went out, she put rice in her tea. Anyone else ever see or here of this? I haven't, but I have a fairly narrow realm of experience. I used the metal chopsticks for the first time on my last visit. I need to work on my dexterity!
  4. Rosetta...waffles and beer and crudely trapped fish
  5. pariah_kerry

    Hanger Steak

    I worked with a sous chef who insisted it wasn't a cut of meat at all. (Probably because Bourdain said it was preferable to filet mignon.) As for the great "a" or "e" spelling, I go for the "a". meow, meow.
  6. Did you go in the alley and drink it next to the dumpster? To really enjoy "The Rose" I heaped all my belongings into a shopping cart. Then I befriended a stray dog which I tethered to the cart with some twine. I had the good fortune of finding a bottle of "the Rose" in some shrubbery, still in its protective brown bag. All the prime spots by my favorite dumpster were taken, so I started a fire in a 50 gallon drum not far away. The air was thick with the sweet perfume of public urination and the fetid rot of the rendering plant. I raised the nectar to my dry lips and let it roar down my throat. Just as the sweet burn blessed my ulcer, I met with a stiff kick from a Fred Durst lookalike...
  7. My mom always insists on trying my red wine. Then she makes a grimace and shakes. She's more of the Wild Vines school which frightens me. I went to her house and she offered me a glass of Wild Irish Rose. I asked her how long she'd been living under a bridge.
  8. What was the movie he was parodying in the opening shots of the St. Martin one where's he's baking on his sun chair? I think JHlurie knows. It was Sexy Beast. Someone else had to jar my memory, I'd forgotten it.
  9. I can't wait to see all the movie parodies he'll fit in this season. I wish he'd release "A Cook's Tour: Too Hot for Food TV".
  10. Cravings: dark, bitter chocolate; seared red meat; bulgoki
  11. I like their "Meat Lover's" collection of flavors: Au jus Bacon Fat Pan Drippins' (the Kool Aid that drinks like a meal.) Dirty Hot Dog Water Veal Deglaze
  12. I used to work in a fine dining restaurant where each Sunday brunch, the restaurant insisted on putting this "centerpiece/conversation piece" on the table: a wine glass with tap water, with grapes and a baby carrot. It was time consuming and looked atrocious. The worst part is that most clientele thought it was some sort of appetizer or finger bowl.
  13. I'm a big fan of "Nuts & Gum...Together At Last!" ................... "You can't win friends with salad."
  14. The new season of A Cook's Tour begins Friday Feb 21.
  15. Try the Fourth Story, Sushi Den, and some great small place next door to Sushi Den that I've forgotten the name of. Good luck to you; hope all goes well.
  16. I always have my nose in Food Lover's Companion; especially when reading here. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn A Life of Her Own by Emilie Carles Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry (coming highly recommended from Bourdain) Kitchen Confidential was an incredibly fast read- 2 sittings and I was done and heralding it to all my friends and coworkers; same with A Cook's Tour.
  17. pariah_kerry


    I have a set of Riedel Bordeaux glasses. The lip is extremely thin, the bowl itself formidable, and makes a pleasant "ping" when struck. Anyone else have a fetish for nice glassware? Any thoughts on the 'proper wine glass' enhancing the wine?
  18. The Korean film Wonder Seven is about a gang of orphan "teens" who fight crime while dreaming of owning their own restaurant. Early scene involves a food fight with a durian.
  19. Yeah, Tony's home. Can't believe you didn't stop in Omaha for a runza.
  20. For me, MSG = naptime. Other than that, no problem.
  21. Has anyone ever heard of a food allergy to herbs?: lavender, basil. oregano, thyme? I have a customer who swears she is, but I'm not familiar with this particular allergy. Thank you.
  22. Isn't there a fair taking place featuring the Peanuts Gang members sculpted in butter...now that's a roadtrip.
  23. S & W started in NY as part of New York Restaurant Group. They also have Park Ave Cafe, and a few others...
  24. Gibson's is where people go to be seen...lots of chest hair, big hair, implants...it's popular due to the location. Smith & Wollensky (yeah, I know), Gene & Georgetti's, Chop House...anywhere else
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