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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. I've been going to Hamilton NJ for homemade Italian sausages and they are real good. Can anyone tell me where to get them in Philly. I'm looking for both hot and sweet but without fennel. I seem to remember Katie talking about an Italian deli in Philly that had the best stuff but I forgot where it is located. Also, are there any standouts at RTM? I tried a search here and it came up with all non-related topics so sorry if I am repeating topics covered already.
  2. You should try Jean Pierre in Newtown. He gets deliveries from Dartagnan who most likely will stock Quail. I've gotten duck leg from him in the past. His number is 215 968-7580
  3. It's important to recognize that we—the folk who populate forums like eGullet—are atypical. There is a very large and significant constituency to whom places like OIBL and Carmine's are "great restaurants." ← Boy, I could not agree more. It truly does seem that we are travelling in our own little world. I shudder to think how the rest of our non-foodie friends eat, whether at home or dining out. We were invited to a couple neighborhood parties over the past few months. The first served hot dogs and some other stuff equally wrong. I will say at least they were New York Kosher hot dogs but still, a dinner party? The next party featured hamburgers as their main course...frozen hamburger patties. We live an an upscale suburban Philadelphia neighborhood with neighbors who typically have high end jobs in the pharmaceutical industry or are otherwise self employeed as attorneys and business owners. It's just scary is all I'm saying...the utter lack of regard to food preparation at all. We have had a few dinner parties here (reluctantly but one must reciproacte mustn't one) and we tend to present our neighbors with food we would offer our foodie friends. That is, well thought out interesting and flavorful things. Sure it takes effort, but what good things don't? It just seems most people are entirely clueless about food, whether home cooked or restaurants.
  4. Well that is sure closer than Illinois and I'll be sure to try it. Should have known you'd be the go to guy on all things hot dogs. Yes it is indeed poppy seed not sesame-what was I thinking of sesame chicken maybe?! Jeff
  5. I have been having a real jones for the Chicago style hot dog of late and don't know of any place locally to get a fix. I was in a Chicago syle restaurant over the weekend and saw a picture of a red hot on the wall. I asked the waitress if I could get one and was told they don't make them, it's just wall art. I then asked for a Smithwick ale after seeing the picture on the wall too and guess what... more wall art! I used to eat these hot dogs all the time in college in Illinois and miss them. It's the only thing about the midwest that I miss food-wise. Red hot perfection would be a soft sesame bun equipped with an all beef dog, raw chopped onions, some deli mustard, a nice crisp pickle and maybe a little relsh too. Help!
  6. One could argue that Nan, at 40th and Chestnut, is an Asian-Fusion BYOB, and it's one of my favorite places in the city. But I'll certainly agree that in the hands of a less-assured chef, that concept could be a disaster. ← I second Nan as a great spot for Thai/French cuisine in Philly although somewhat hard to get to from most hotels.. As a sidebar, I posted in the New Jersey forum about a place in Somerville called Origin...puts Nan to shame, really. And I love Nan.
  7. Another suggestion here would be to go to the other Delorenzo's on Hamilton Avenue. While not as good as Hudson street, better I think than Top Road and no smoke. Really the best suggestion is to not be in Trenton on a Monday and go to the real deal. ← ← Yeah right both Sunday and Monday. Top Road is it Jeff
  8. Another suggestion here would be to go to the other Delorenzo's on Hamilton Avenue. While not as good as Hudson street, better I think than Top Road and no smoke. Really the best suggestion is to not be in Trenton on a Monday and go to the real deal.
  9. I just got an email from the LCB inviting me to a Chairman's Selection Wine Tasting and Dinner to be held on November 29th at Le Bec Fin. Sounds pretty wonderful, great wine and really great food. Only problem is the price isn't great, $135 per person PLUS tax and tip!
  10. Maybe they aren't back yet....... ← Here's a post for ya: The pies at De Lorenzo's are a transcendent experience. Completely worthy of their legendary status. The plain tomato was my favorite (big chunks of tangy tomato -- I think most pizza sauces are too sweet for me) but they use quality sausage, and the white clam is nice and garlicky. I'm going back as soon as humanly possible. Top Road and Conte's were nice, but not in the same league (although others thought differently). ← I assume you mean the Delorenzo's on Hudson street Diann
  11. OK, this is why I am so enthralled with E gullet. We just got back from having maybe one of the best meals ever at Origin. Had it not been for Rosie and others here, none of us would have known about Sommerville NJ let alone this amazing restaurant. We got there about 7:45 and it was packed. We were not rushed in any way yet the service was amazingly efficient without being pushy. There were a few large parties and we were a party of four. We started with the house salad and that wonderful balsamic dressing. This was just a small taste of what was to come. Nice and refreshing and enjoyed by all. Next we ordered the diver scallop appetizer, pad thai and marinated tuna and shared them among the four of us. The Pad Thai was the best I've ever had and that includes some of what I thought was the best French-Thai places in Philly, (Allouette and Nan). The salad of endamame and little bits of cucumber and carot were almost as good as the sushi grade tuna even though you had to look hard for the tuna because it was such a small portion! The scallops were absolute perfection and I can' t even tell you how they were prepared, just get them if you go. Entrees were the PHUKET JUMBO SHRIMP which was really wonderful. Major garlic influence and other great spices although I can't tell you what they were. Next were 2 orders of the free range chicken which left scant bones after being inhaled by 2 of our party! Pretty wild because I didn;t even get to taste it! I ordered, are you ready, Osso Bucco. Yeah a French Thai place with this. Guess what, best Osso Bucco I ever had including my own which is damn good. There was so much going on with this dish I can't begin to describe it but I will get it again. After three and a half bottles of really nice wine, we were ready for dessert. We got the carmelized bananas and rasberry sorbet. Good choice Jeff! Also we got the fried ice cream. This is not Chi-Chi's fried ice cream. This is a really nice end to an extraordinary meal. The bananas were not carmelized but still proved to be a great dessert. Did I mention that we drove an hour to meet with friends? Did I mention we will be going back tomorrow night just because it's open and we can?!! The service was professional and didn't miss a beat. The fact that such great food comes out of the small kitchen on such a busy night is testament to this place being awarded a 27 for food by Zagat. As I was leaving I picked up a bottle of chile plum sauce and went over to pay for it. I started talking to Thana, the manager and he learned I was directed to the place from EG and said no charge. I insisted on paying and he said my gift to you! What a nice touch!! This is my new favorite resaurant, thanks Rosie thanks EG!
  12. OK, this is really getting ridiculous. Jeff, I need to get there really soon. I only have one huge favor, whoever brought those amazing wines needs to be there the night I am there ok?? I still am an SK virgin even after reading all these posts. Jeff L
  13. Actually it got put off till this weekend and we are going to Origin thanks to all the postive reviews here.
  14. I just picked up a bottle of the Bleasdale Shiraz/Cabernet blend yesterday and found it to be a really nice little wine. Best part of all, $9.99. I went in to buy the Wishing Tree Shiraz and was tipped off to the Bleasdale by one of the employees in the Newtown store. Just when I was giving up hope at that store, guy turns me on to a real winner. Try it, I'm going back to get a case of it. Nice smooth everyday sort of wine.
  15. You really should go to Moore Brothers, it's quite a nice experience. Greg Moore is a former sommeliere of Le Bec Fin and he knows his wines better than anyone I know (maybe with the exception of our resident wine authority, Katie) They specialize in smaller european wines that are mostly handcrafted. It is a unique approach to wine consumption starting with the fact that all their wine is rigidly temeperature controlled down to the constant 55 degrees in the store. Check it out
  16. True that, it does seem we have better wines with better prices here in PA. The first thing I mentioned to Jonathan was to thank him for finding a way to keep me out of NJ and buy wines locally! It's a lot easier driving to Newtown 5 minutes away than to drive over to Cherry Hill or Pennsauken for wine. That said, I will still visit Moore Brothers for a lot of reasons, mostly the incredibly knowledgeable and approachable staff there.
  17. I know it's holiday time in the wine and spirits world, but todays inky has two full page ads from Total Wine in New Jersey featuring their version of PA's Chairmans Selection program. It's interesting to note the impact the program is having outside of the state. I can't help but think they are getting pinched in NJ and De as the great wines here have become more popular. As a sidebar, Jonathan Newman had among his things at the RX dinner an ad for Total Wine! He gets a kick out of seeing what the competition is doing.
  18. Your daughter allergic to pizza? Bring her and the wife along! ← Rich, funny you ask this, my daughter is not allergic to pizza but my wife is! She has pretty extreme food allergies wheat being a big one. Believe me, I'd bring them if we could get something for Gale to eat! Jeff ← Funny you should mention THAT; my S.O. has the same allergy, but Delorenzo's doesnt even bother her, I swear. ← Well you know I'm a junkie for their tomato pies and she's tried it before..no good. As good as those pies are and as much as she likes them, it's just not worth the way she feels afterward. This on top of family coming over to the house to visit with our daughter.
  19. Your daughter allergic to pizza? Bring her and the wife along! ← Rich, funny you ask this, my daughter is not allergic to pizza but my wife is! She has pretty extreme food allergies wheat being a big one. Believe me, I'd bring them if we could get something for Gale to eat! Jeff
  20. Regretfully, I will be unable to "host" Pizza Club for next Saturday. Our daughter announced she is coming home from college next Saturday and thus I will be unable to come. I will be happy to call ahead for everyone to the 3 restaurants after Delorenzo's Hudson Street with approx times and trust that Rich will be able to direct those driving who are unfamiliar with the locations. I was so looking forward to this even though I just was at Delorenzo's yesterday for lunch! Jeff
  21. Seems like Messers Nichols and LeBan have ben lurking here of late, not that that's a bad thing of course. They go on to heap deserved praise to my favorite que joint in town and not having yet been to Amada, I can't coment but a trip is certainly planned in the immediate future- more due to the posts here than the write up frankly.
  22. I don't have the Judge's opinion. I just saw the article in todays Inquirer Business section.
  23. Dont hold your breath based on this one ruling. There are a billion suits still out there on this very issue. ← I think most of them are at the state level Evan. What makes this one different is it is at the Federal level.
  24. A federal judge for the Eastern District pf PA ordered Penna authorities yesterday to stop enforcing laws prohibiting out of state wineries from shipping wine directly to PA. That's the really good news in that this order clears the way for all of us in the state to deal directly with wineries nationally to obtain whatever wines we want and have them shipped to our homes. Here's the bad news, the ruling imposes upon the state to enact legislation making this all doable. That could take some time as many of you know...don't plan on this getting done in time for the holidays...possibly even the 2006 holidays! Ooops, I meant to post this in the wine bargains at the plcb thread.
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