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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. Since we didn't get to the Latour Chassagne Montrachet on New Years Eve (too many other wines and champagne first!) I tried some tonight with fresh tuna and pineapple/cilantro relish. Wow, it's really great. I really enjoyed it, although maybe not the perfect pairing for the tuna. I am just going to force myself to have a glass all by itself. As a footnote, I brought a few bottles of the Buller Muscat for dessert on New Years Eve. It was wildly received by our friends and the chef at Augusto's in Warminster! Thanks to the mystery person at the RX Chairman's dinnerwho kindly supplied this beautiful dessert wine.
  2. Daniel: I can believe that this happened to you at the Four Seasons, at least the french fry part of your saga. The security intrusion is totally unacceptable and, I'm not a lawyer, but probably actionable. At the very least, your room should have been comped by the general manager. I used to love the Fountain and the hotel itself, but alas no more. Last time we went, there were three of us. Two in our party ordered the veal chop which was laced with a ring of fat when it came to the table. I was unaware of the incident until days later as my guests were too polite to send their food back. In any restaurant other than the Four Seasons, this would have been an oversight. I expect a level of quality control from the kitchen there that should have seen this before the waitstaff delivered our food. I sent a letter to chef Haman about the incident and told him we were fairly frequent diners there and were pretty shocked at the veal chops. I got no response back for a month and decided to email the GM. He emailed back immediately and suggested chef Haman must not have gotten the letter as he was quite good about these things. Next morning chef phones and insists we have dinner on him. I said I didn't send the letter for a free dinner but rather to let him know of our experience. He was insistant and we did in fact go back. The food, while quite good, is less than stellar as I believe Lacroix consistantly delivered. Oh well, I've wanted to tell this story to someone!! btw, fries are great and fresh cut in their Executive Headquarter town of Toronto! I used to spend many nights there and can say room service was perfect at any hour.
  3. Stick with Katie's QV location for your bakery and your housing. It's great because I can come visit the shop from the northern suburbs without having to drive across town and find parking in and around rittenhouse which can be difficult. So, it's all about me and my convenience you see. But seriously, we welcome you to Philadelphia and I think that you will be amazed at how wonderful this city is. Fortunately, you have come across this forum which is populated by some of the city's most culinary informed souls that geniunely want to help. Let me be one of the first to wish you luck with your move (from one of my favorite cities) and your bakery.
  4. Such an inappropriate skit on snl all those years ago, falafel on a stick. In my travels across Israel as a kid I remember this as a national food. Kind of compares to our hot dog, a falafel stand on just about every corner. They were good and I look forward to trying the ones here.
  5. Let's hope that Wally is actually serving hot dogs. ←
  6. A friend of mine has asked if anyone here can recommend some good restaurants in the Harrisburg area. I think they may lean to a byo if possible but any suggestions are welcome. I'm not sure of their cuisine preference.
  7. We had lunch yesterday at STH and found it be quite a nice departure from most chinese food out here in the burbs and even those found in most places in Philly. There were three of us and we shared an order of the wonderful dumplings in spicy sauce. I agree with some comments here that while they were quite tasty, they were difficult to eat. We then ordered the following entrees: Braised beef szechuan style- This was one of the tastiest chinese dishes I have had anywhere. It also came with a good 1/4 cup of red pepper flakes on top. It was a hot dish to say the least. Three pepper chicken- very well prepared but unremarkable dish. Peppers had a delayed fire to them, kind of snuck up on you. Golden Coins- Highlight of the entire meal. These perfectly made, lightly battered eggplant discs were so amazing, I'm still craving them. They were made even tastier with the accompanying sauce that was served with them. I was surprised by how nice and clean the place was. I was even more surprised that it was almost as cold inside as it was outside. They have 2 portable space heaters and no other apparent heat going on. I guess they feel that after all that hot food, most people are warmed up pretty good by meals end! Thanks to all posting here so I knew what to order and what to stay away from. We skipped desserrt and opted instead to head over to Copigiro. My sister and her friend thought it was too cold for gelato until they started indulging in one. It is nice turning people on to that place!
  8. Actually, this is where they ended up last Saturday. Not sure how the meal went but I'll post if I do Jeff
  9. Exactly my thoughts in my previous post. I feel Coney Joe's Italian dog really is better than Casino although I don't know how both you and Holly managed to eat 2 of these things in a row. All this talk here has inspired me to make my own Italian hot dogs. I've roasted red and yellow peppers and fried up some potatoes and onions together with a good Nathans hot dog as Sabrett is not available around here. I put them in a Maiers Italian roll (they come 6 to a bag) which lends itself perfectly for the dog, peppers, onions and potatoes as it is wide and really soft. Just pan fry the inside of the roll over the hot dog and you're home! Rich, did you get a chance to chat with anyone about this ridiculous legal wrangling?
  10. I was unaware that this wine was a previous chairman selection. What was the price point before? I remember Byron as being one of my favorite (at the time) boutique wines from Santa Barbara. I have good friends who live out there and they sent me a few bottles of their first vintage chard a lot of years ago. I remember the bottle had a cool geometric design to it. It was amazing. No one carried it out here to my knowledge. I'd forgotten just how good it was until recently. Wow, what a great wine Jeff
  11. You know Katie, before I accidentally discovered e-gullet and started reading this thread, I had a lot more disposable income. Actually, I'm just toying with the idea of blaming you for being broke each time I leave the Newtown store! It looks like I will make my 3rd trip to Newtown this week and try this Super Tuscan white. I was unaware that whites were also referred of as Super Tuscans. Reminds me of a bet I had with a friend who swore there was no such thing as white port. I won that bet of course. I will say broke but really happy in the way that discovering amazing wines, both red and white can make you.
  12. I vote yes to that idea, count me in Katie if indeed you are arranging things. It sounds like you had a really nice meal and I still haven't tried the place yet. Jeff
  13. Don't know if any of you have tried the Byron Nielson Vineyard chard in the current Chairman Selection but it is outstanding. This from someone who generally buys white wine for his other half as I did last night. Since I made some rock cornish game hens, I thought I'd try some of it too. It's really a great wine, lots of oak and a lovely mellow finish. Kind of velvety if you know what I mean. To Sockii: Go get your mom a case of this because at $9.99 it won't last long!
  14. Yeah, I forgot about that place. I had lunch there a few years ago and was introduced to Smithwicks Irish beer (lager, ale?). It's really good in the style of those really great beers from Ireland. I noticed it's no longer on their menu, too bad indeed but a good choice to forward to my friend as the food was pretty good too. Thanks
  15. A friend asked me if I knew of any good places in the Willow Grove area. They are meeting friends midway and that's where they will end up. I don't know this area too well so any help is appreciated. My friends friend is a beer drinker and meat and potatoes type of guy. Wives will be along so greasy bars/taverns probably won't do. Thanks
  16. Thank you for your sacrifice - We all appreciate the painful, arduous tasting work you're doing on our behalf! But seriously, that's good to know, I was surprised that this wine had seemed to receive a collective yawn from the folks on this forum. ← Hey Jeff, it's hard work but somebody must do it, and do it on a consistent, no.. daily basis! Really though, this wine surprised me the second time around. If you've not tried it, you should... if you can score anymore that is. Jeff
  17. I too bought a test bottle yesteday and let it decant for about 1.5 hours. Super dark purple, agree with oak comment, fairly tannic but I like this 40/40 combo of cab and sangiovese 20 merlot too. $80? Never would I buy this. $18 - certainly worth a try. I will buy more but perhaps only a couple. Evan ← I too couldn't wait to try the Il Futuro so we had some last night under less than optimum conditions: dinner out with 10 neighbors who all brought mediocre to bad wine and everyone wanted to try mine. I was unable to decant and don't really think this would have helped but the bottle at least had been open for a few hours. What I did get to taste (in subpar stemware) was just an OK wine that I really hope is just not ready yet. I agree with you Evan, $80 bucks for this wine would have really pissed me off. I guess because we were all waiting so long for it to get to the stores and all the hype and all-I just had higher expectations for the wine. It seemed to me to be less tannic than you guys expereinced but certainly lots of oak present. I am hoping as I know Mike is that the next 11 will cellar well and develop into what I hope is huge super tuscan. That said, toninght I will try another bottle with a bone in pork roast I am trying. I'll report back and see if under these much better conditions the wine notes change. ← Well, an update on the Il Futuro super tuscan is in order. I decanted a bottle for about three hours over the weekend and what a difference! This wine must be properly decanted to enjoy its lush and rich mouth feel. Tasing oak and cassis along with what I thought were hints of juniper berries. Since I wasn't sure, I had to test another bottle. This is really a nicely crafted wine and I'm glad I have 9 bottles left in my cellar. I did have help with the consumption of this wine in the form of my brother-in-law while watching the uneventful Bernard Hopkins pay per view fight.
  18. That sandwich sure looks good. How is the non-sandwich fare there?
  19. Believe it or not, I was going to mention that you could get a double dog in my pm to you the other day. I really liked Coney Joe's hot dog better than Casino and think Casino should get a longer dog to fill out the roll. Agree with you about the peppers and onions but I actually liked the Coney Joe's potatoes better than Casino. So do either get a mention in Holly Eats?
  20. People sure know how to ruin a good thing. Live and let live, I always say. ← At this point all of this sounds like legal posturing to me. I still want to know why, of all the retail space available on this side of the Delaware, Casino would opt to move right next to a competitor. I guess we must factor in here the fact that Casino is more of a full scale restaurant offering many other things besides their specials (Italian dogs) and Coney Joe just has hot dogs I think. Jeff
  21. Actually, The Trentonian is owned by the Journal Register Co. ← I stand corrected. It used to be owned by Murdoch. I haven't actually read the paper in probably 20 years or so since movng away from West Trenton.
  22. You know it's really amazing that this thing has escalated to the point the Trentonian reports. By the way, the Trentonian is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp...we aren't talking Washington Post or NY Times here folks. I will say that I think it would be ridiculous for Casino, whether or not they were originators or sell the original Italian hot dog, to move into a center where a really good hot dog joint is firmly established. I see a Pat's vs Geno's starting to brew in this mostly low end shopping center of the pretty low rent town of Morrisville. (appolgies to anyone here who may live in Morrisville, but come on, you know I'm right!) I think I have my solution though and that is to buy one Italian dog from each place and take the best of Casino and mix it with the best of Coney Joe for a truly awesome hot dog experience! Viva the hot dog wars..bring it on
  23. Found myself in Yardley earlier today and remembered you posting about this place. I also passed by it a few weeks ago on my to Antonio's Cafe in Morrisville (quite good food there but another topic) I had the Pennsylvania Italian hot dog and boy was I happy. I guess they can't exactly call it a New Jersey Italian hot dog being that they're on this side of the river. It was perfectly grilled and packed with nice, small roasted potato wedges, onions and peppers. This dog was a foot long and the roll was really perfect. My only complaint, not really a complaint but say observation, was that the peppers weren't the long and slow roasted ones I enjoy at Casino in the burg. But there were still pretty good. On my way out I told one of the guys (an owner I presume) that he's giving Casino a run for their money. He said "We'd like to think we're better". They just might be and that's saying something. I like Coney Joe rolls much better than Casino's torpedo rolls. I think too the hot dog is better quality. So Holly if you're reading this post, when you make your next run into Trenton to try Casino's offerings, add this one to your list as it's no more than 10-15 minutes away from Casino.
  24. Having been to Barclay Prime twice and thoroughly enjoyed it both times (yes I did get the $100 kobe cheesesteak) I have no hesitation suggesting your friends go there. I've also been to all the other places mentioned and have to agree with Sandy that Starr doesn't really do romantic. Barclay Prime is right across from the Rittenhouse Square and is as close to romantic as Starr has to offer. Food is quite good and quite expensive. Service is top notch, friendly and professional. Let us know where the ended up
  25. Yes, raw sausage so I can make my own sausage and pepper sandwiches. Do you know the deli I was referring to, sounded great and damn if I can find it on the board
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