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Jeff L

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Everything posted by Jeff L

  1. Mr. LaBan bestows two bells on Picanha Brazilian Grill on Castor Ave in the Northeast. It's a six month old genuine Brazilian grill housed in a former coffee shop. From the sound (and picture) of it, it seems similar to the Brasilia Grill discussed on the NJ board though not nearly as extensive a menu. The usual suspects abound, top sirloin, garlic linguica sausage, bacon wrapped chicken breast, and tenderloin. Craig was particularly impressed with the costela short ribs. For those of us who missed the last DDC trip to the Ironbound, it's a whole lot closer and seems to sound pretty tasty. If anyone wants to try it, pm me and I'll post on the ISO thread
  2. Wow - all my favorite chefs and home cooks in one article. Awe inspiring! Karen - I'll ask Adrienne our pastry chef about the bananas. I think they seal them in with some caramel and then do the sous vide cooking for a relatively short time (compared to cooking meat, for example) just to soften them up a little bit. Then they're served on top of a square of chocolate cake, topped with almond milk foam and surrounded with a saffron sauce. They're sooo good! ← Katie, while you're at it, please try to secure the rosemary white beans with spinach thing we spoke about ok?? Well, we didn't actually speak about it but you know what I mean
  3. Good point Charlie, though she really was looking for constructive criticism before actually sending the letter to Chef LaCroix.
  4. Our kids aren't really kids anymore as they are 18 and 20 years old, but we did in fact take them to fine dining establishments when they were babies. The key difference in our approach is that we were and are responsible and considerate parents who knew that the full responsibility of our kids beahvior in these situations is ours and ours alone. This particular occurrence really drives me crazy and in my view is indicitive of a whole generation of parents who are so self absorbed and "me" focused that they become totally oblivious as in the case here. Your letter is good. Succint and to the point.
  5. You know there are recommendations and then there is what you've just posted. While it's always nice to read what other E-Gullet folks have to say about places, new or old, nothing comes close to the high quality pictures that we've been fortunate enough to behold. Jeff, I seriously think you are missing a career opportunity here. I know you love producing, but dude, think of Gourmet, Bon Appetite, Food and Porn, etc. Keep up the great work, we love it and I'll be checking out Raw real soon.
  6. Mike: You beat me to this one. I just had a bottle of this with my dinner last night. Fabulous wine at an amazing price. Much more French in style than big and blowsy Californian in style. Incredibly smooth and well balanced. Lots of bright black cherry and cassis flavor with a hint of spice and cocoa too. Brilliant stuff at $10. I'm going back for more! And you are correct. I think this is a second label of Freemark Abbey, who has consistently put out excellent wines over the years. ← My local store shows 1,263 units on hand! Could this be right? Has anyone tried their Chardonay? ← There's a lot of this around, but I'm not sure that 1,263 units isn't a typo. I didn't see the Chardonnay desplayed at my local shop yet, but the website shows some inventory there. I'll probably go back a buy half a case of the Cabernet and some of the Chardonnay to try as well. Jeff L if you try the chardonnay first please report back! ← I picked up a bottle today and wasn't particularly impressed. I'm not a white wine guy but do enjoy the bigger white burgundys and I also especially like the Byron Chard from the last Chairmans Selection. This has all the usual suspects, pear, honey, decent acidity- Not a bad wine, I just won't be getting any more. Katie, not too much oak present so you might like it
  7. Why didn't you go to the Hudson Street one? Much better than Hamilton Avenue, both red and white, not even close. ← it was on a whim and I know how to get to the Hamilton Ave locale... never been to the Hudson one, but read that there are fewer seats and I figured it was not worth the hassle since I had to be in Newtown by 7:15. I will be sure to go to the Hudson locale (on a weeknight.) ← Oh, not that the one on Hamilton is bad, just not nearly as good as the one on Hudson. Easy to get to: Take Clinton to Hamilton Avenue and turn left, then take Hamilton Avenue to Hudson street and turn right. Go down about 6 blocks on Hudson and it is on the left. Worth the trip really for both plain tomato and white clam pie. Weeknights are the best times though for sure.
  8. Agreed, Saturday night requires extreme patience. Little know fact is you can go there for lunch on Friday provided you call ahead for a reservation. You tell them how many people, what time you'd like and what type pies you want. You show up and the pizza is there to greet you. Pretty cool, I go quite often and I have been going for over forty years too.
  9. Why didn't you go to the Hudson Street one? Much better than Hamilton Avenue, both red and white, not even close.
  10. Once again, Philadining, great pictures. Jeez it's only 11:00 am and I'm salivating over those grilled meats. I completely zoned out on this event as I wanted to go. I've been to the Ironbound many times and to this particular place a few times. There's really nothing quite like Ferry Street and the immediate environs for wonderful Portugese and Spanish food. One of my favorite things about this neighborhood is the wonderful Portugese bread served and available at the many bakeries there. Another stellar dish I've had are pork and clams, amazing!! I really have to get back there.
  11. Carrington, it's really tough to find any decent wines at the $5.00 pricepoint here in PA. Rather, I think it's well worth the extra five bucks to get a really decent Shiraz (Bleasdale comes to mind) or take advantage of the Lineage discussed upthread, both for $9.99. It is a terrific deal. I have almost 3 cases of the Bleasdale Shiraz and drink it most every night. I just picked up a case of the Lineage as well. Not sure if there's any Bleasdale left in the stores, but what a nice wine. Ditto for the Lineage and that just shipped so there should be lots on hand. I agree with you about Trader Joe's and wish we could have wine in the few stores in PA, but oh well. As to Santa Barbara, I have dear friends who have lived there for the past 20 years and had the luxury of touring both Byron and Foxen vineyards. It is simply the most beautiful part of So Cal in my view.
  12. Don't forget to make a reservation. The place is tiny. ← Thanks, I will. Anyone care to comment on the quality of the food at Pif since Mr./Mrs. Ansil opened Ansil's? I've read nice reviews about it but not since the new place opened. Is the same chef still at Pif?
  13. I really don't mean to piss in your Wheaties, but if you're even remotely considering expending the capital to open a fine dining establishment, I think your perspective needs some tweaking before you spend one thin dime. ← Piss in your Wheaties Katie?
  14. Our last meal wasn't awful, just not memorable. We used to go a lot years ago and it was really quite good, fresh pastas, nice food all around, but not so anymore. As many have raved about Pif and we've not been, looks like we will end up there. I'll report back!
  15. Welcome to E Gullet Carrington. Nice initial post and we look forward to more of the same. Yes, some of us are indeed wine geeks and it's great that you are familiar with our new Chairmans Selection program. Stay tuned to this and other threads about upcoming Chairmans dinners. It sounds like you would certainly enjoy one of these and get to meet Jonathan Newman, Chairman himself, responsible for these awesome deals. Notice any changes in the PALCB since you've been gone?! I know it ain't Santa Barbara, but for this side of the USA, it's pretty damn fine indeed. Jeff L
  16. OK, what are some standouts in this area? We don't often get here and would like some ideas. We've eaten at Felicia's many times and I don't think it's as good as it was when they first opened. How about any newer byo's in the area, we don't mind walking a bit. We're open to most cuisine probably leaning to Italian and or French, but if folks here think a place is outstanding, we'll certainly give it a try.
  17. Sacrilege! Yuengling at Delorenzo's is meant to be drank straight from the bottle! ← It is sacrilege to drink decent beer out of a bottle; good beer deserves a glass whenever possible. Yuengling Lager or Chesterfield Ale, both superb partners with pizza, are such beers. ← Wow, to think I've been drinking Pilsner Urquell straight from the bottle, another fine beer paired with Delorenzo pizza.
  18. Yeah, perfect, that's just what I meant. I do think, however, the garlic raises the bar a bit!
  19. Chain food, bad food, at least the one in Langhorne is anyway. I went once, once was enough
  20. Sounds like they're not sure what they want to be, although I do love veal and peppers. I might have to try it there.
  21. Thanks Mike for the heads up on this one. Between you, Katie, the ridiculous pricepoint and the fact it is indeed in the Freemark Abbey family, I picked up a case today. I decanted for a few hours, and just enjoyed the first bottle with a great Porterhouse and baked potato and some portabello mushrooms in a nice beef stock, carmalized shallot reduction. Great wine indeed. Full bodied that probably didn't need the decant but had one handy just the same. I really like this one and Katie, it wasn't a typo, Newtown actually has cases upon cases of this stuff. I suspect not for too long as my guys tell me it's flying out of there. Kudo's to Mr. Newman, all hail.
  22. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Barclay Prime was right behind Rouge at number 5 with their Kobe Sliders.
  23. I really love this burger and apparently so do a lot of other people. It was just bestowed number 4 on the country's top 20 burgers list by GQ. Who says Philadelphia isn't a food town? Here's the link to the article: http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_4196
  24. Jeff, being one of the few people who has actually eaten what came out of both kitchens, I can honestly say that the results are worlds apart....one being edible and the other sublime ETA: <begin plug> The thread Jeff L refers to is here </end plug> ← Percy, I've seen the pictures and can attest, after meeting you, to your modesty. Although I haven't eaten at both kitchens, edible, now really.
  25. It's the pork no matter how you slice it Diann! Until you get to Delorenzo's and of course you want sausage on your pie. ← Don't forget, sausage is pork too. Mmmm, piggy! ← Yes, that's why I mentioned it in my post! Personally, I only like fresh garlic on my Delorenzo tomato pies.
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