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Posts posted by dockhl

  1. dockhl, looks delicious - and with pictures! Do tell about the frozen tangerine souffle, it looks amazing.

    Bruce~ you noticed ! Now you know why I never post pix :raz:

    The frozen tangerine souffle is recipe from the LA Times a few weeks ago. It was labor intensive but worth it. Tastes like a tangerine creamsicle. The pistachios added just the right crunch.

  2. Christmas Dinner, yum !

    Prime rib (slow roasted)

    Bobby Flay's baked and then mashed potatoes

    Baked sweet potatoes w/ lime, maple syrup and seasoned salt

    Brussel sprouts with cream and parmesan

    Green beans with almonds

    Frozen tangerine souffle for dessert

    In the glass:

    Chateau St Jean 2006 Chardonnay

    Lone Madrone 2004 Barbera

    The table:


    Out of the oven:






    This was SO good !

  3. My favorite way to eat brussel sprouts: Halve the sprouts, toss with olive oil and salt and pepper and roast in one layer in a baking dish in a 450 degree oven, stirring every 10 minutes until caramelized and almost tender (25-35 minutes.) Turn oven down to 350 and pour 1/2 inch of heavy cream over and bake 15-20 minutes, until cream reduces and browns. Spinkle top w/ fresh grated Parmesan cheese mixed with fresh bread crumbs and bake until top is golden (5-10 more minutes.) Yum! Sometimes I mix thick slices of Vidalia onion and cauliflower florets in with the sprouts. The caramelized veggies, cream and cheese flavors are fantastic.

    Made these for dinner yesterday. Wow, really good !

  4. well, FG, I wash the outside of pretty much anything that I am going to get into the interior of ! (Cans, for example....hantavirus, anyone?)

    I think the classic caution is for cantaloupes, right? Salmonella? Not to mention you have no idea who was fondling your fruit........... :wacko:

    I also wash the outside of meat, which may be extreme.

  5. mizducky~

    my daughter and I make these frequently (they are on her list of 'last meals') and we usually follow Rachel's Advice and layer them in between damp paper towels. That seems to give you a little wiggle time. I drag them through almost boiling water and then onto the paper towel. Layer about 6, turn them over and the first is perfect.

    Keep in mind that if they sit too long, you cannot get them off the paper towel, however. Time is of the essence...... :wink:

    Love these things !

  6. No picture since I can't find my USB cable for the camera but last night I made a Scotch Broth soup with lamb shanks and some venison that I had (I think venison and lamb have similar flavor profiles....)

    It was simple and delicious. The broth is lamb and onion simmered, S&P.....that's it !

    The carrots and celery are sweated and the lamb broth is added to them along with the meat (off the bone) and some barley. Sprinkle with parsley....and serve with biscuits !

    So good :wub:

  7. OK, I'm back ! :biggrin:

    Thanks for getting this going, moreace01, and for everyone who has joined in so far. I think we've tried several times to make this happen but for some reason, it is tough with this book. :huh:

    moreace01, your posts are excellent, both from a photo and commentary perspective. I need to figure out what box of cookbooks this one is in and pick something. I promise I'll make that happen today :wink:

  8. Everything looks and sounds incredible but two things caught my eye:


    beautiful pic. I'd love a good veg -chili recipe. Could you post your modifications to the Epicurious one to Recipe Gullet?

    and this:

    spicy cheddar polenta with roasted tomatoes

    THIS made me GROAN ! :laugh: I need to know more about this............

  9. In terms of presalting, a while ago there was a discussion on brining/presalting

    (THE ANTIBRINING THREAD) that had lots of good information about presalting, including input from Russ Parsons who had spent time with Judy Rogers and got her whole take on it. the consensus was that presalting steak is a great idea. I always wash mine off first. I even presalt steaks that I am freezing and I think it permeats the meat beautifully.

    I'd be a little concerned about the 'funk' too tho........... :wacko:

  10. Does anybody remember Taste  on the FNW? I loved that show

    Yeah, I loved that show. Haven't watched much since it left :sad:

    She also chewed with her mouth open...

    That, alone, is enough for me to change the channel and blacklist the product (like those horrible Carl's Jr. ads........God help us!) :wacko::wacko::wacko:

    Or the ones where you could hear the lip-smacking , slurping noises.........I can't even recall. Maybe those were CJ, too? I HATED them ! CHANGE THE CHANNEL !!!!

    OK, OK, I'm under control now.....Just don't chew loudly next to me, please..... :cool:

  11. Tonight's dinner was a pan-fried steak with shallots and mushrooms. I did the vegetables first, and tried to totally dry-fry them but found that it helped to have just a little bit of butter.

  12. In Mexican cooking, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and fresh chiles are often roasted in a dry griddle to enhance and concentrate their flavors. The charred skin is typically peeled before use. Similarly, spices and dried chiles are often toasted on a dry griddle.

    Bruce, you are right, and I love the flavor it imparts !

  13. Shoot, I was looking forward to the New Way To Cook thread. Some great stuff in there and for whatever reason, I often overlook that book.

    At this time of year, I'm going to be on a quest to make things healthier for sure (you know, after a bake all the requisite cookies and cakes)!

    It'll happen, and hopefully you and I won't be the only ones cooking ! :hmmm:

    I think it deserves it's own thread, not rehashed here.

    I am loving all these suggestions; I don't want to stop eating well, I just don't want it to kill me ! :laugh:

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