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Lady T

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Everything posted by Lady T

  1. I'll bring some extra side towels. They'll cushion the wine bottles nicely.
  2. Drinks at close range: repeat until one party falls down. My kind of showdown, and no mistake!
  3. Suzanne: Well...I am in fact a freelance editor, and I'm always interested in drumming up business, as you might guess. (Gotta do something to pay for Le Bernardin next spring when I hit NYC for a rematch!) We've got a lot of writers and editors on the site. Might I suggest that you contact The Powers That Be and suggest an eGullet lecture/seminar similar to Monica's cooking classes? An additional suggestion: You might want to check in with Maggiethecat to get details on the Writers' Retreat we're beginning to plan for December. Apart from the usual Midwestern Damn Fine Food ™, serious drinking, and customary hijinks, there's going to be some righteous skullboning and scribbling/word processing going on. End OT digression. (Edited to add: I don't have a yellow polo shirt either. I do, however, have clean socks.)
  4. I see that queso and raise you one order of guacomole.
  5. Perhaps is this the loudest signal Keller could possibly send that he doesn't want this place compared to the FL -- that he wants it judged only on its own merits, whatever those turn out to be? Futile hope, I'd think. Intriguing, though.
  6. November 22: St. Cecilia's Day. Cool. I'm in.
  7. Not a problem. Bring it right on along to Grand Rapids. Once I've got it decaffeinated, we'll surely have a use for it before this crew's done.
  8. Well, he couldn't get anyone else to do it. Dagburn. I just knew there was a job for me somewhere on that weekend that nobody else would do... Teaching voice, that is. High notes aren't that hard, depending how sober you are. Or aren't.
  9. I say: cool. There's a variant on the Walker Bros. apple pancake that I do sometimes, too...no reason I can't toss one of those (or more) together for breakfast on Saturday or Sunday. *Adds to packing list: cinnamon sugar and copy of recipe*
  10. Lady T

    The Wine Clip

    Otta what, Mr. Camp? It'd make a dandy coffee-table conversation piece, no? After reading these threads, I will surely save my dinero and buy better wines. Which is pretty much what I intended to do back on Page 1 of the earlier thread, but I have to say it's been fun watching the SSBs deflate the snake-oil salesman.
  11. Looks good to me so far.
  12. You mean we're not the 'extended Varmint clan'? This whole event looked just plain joyous from top to bottom. Congrats (and a bottle of aspirin) to you, Varmint.
  13. Keep talking. You remind me of my own beans-and-rice days. Ziploc freezer bags have always served me well for pastry piping, by the way -- they're sturdy enough, where the fragile cheap stuff won't do. They're more affordable in the 15-count boxes.
  14. Interesting. I've printed the page out to take with me; I'll see if (a) I can find it and (b) get you a nice deal on three-four bottles or so. Between those bottles and the other wines I'm thinking of bringing, I'm gonna need another bag just for booze!
  15. I'm still holding the fort in Chi-town while Aurora, maggiethecat and His Handsomeness, guajolote (with family? without? can't recall), and probably a few more are on the road to Raleigh. Not me, however. Damn. Couldn't get away with three eGullet weekends in a row, with stuff to do in a newly-bought condo. I'm going to Grand Rapids for the Heartlandfest next weekend, so I thought I'd better stay here, beat up contractors, and get utilities in order. Ah, yes: and I need to hit Sam's and Binnie's for suitable wine offerings for Michiganders. Expensive...but fun.
  16. Don't worry. I remember from doing my own blog that the commentary always gets a little sparse as the weekend approaches. Half of eGullet USA's going to the Pig Pickin', after all. I'm enjoying your account a lot, by the way!
  17. Raw bunny I can handle. Cooked bunny I can handle. Just no animated loops of headless bunny kicking, please. Just had breakfast (love it when the Indian architects bring samosas and fritters for Friday Morning Food). Thanks. (Edited to add: Have a fantastic time, folks -- and lots of stories and pictures, please!)
  18. Last night, while watching the Cubs pound the Marlins into undifferentiated mush, I ate a leftover half pizza (thin crust, with mushrooms/peppers/sausage/onions) and drank an entire bottle of half decent 2000 California cab over two and a half hours. I woke up this morning and winced at the mild red-wine headache, but grinned at the Cubs' victory. Ate a piece of Guajolote's birthday cake, brought home from maggiethecat's party last Saturday. Smiled some more. Went to work.
  19. Welcome, SAute. If you look around the archives a bit, you'll see that there's been quite a bit of discussion -- some of it pretty heated -- about the whole raw/living foods thing, and especially about the science (or lack thereof) in proponents' claims about the nutritional benefits. Good to hear that the book is finally being released, however. Now we can judge it on its culinary merits, whatever the questions of science/nutrition may be on one hand and of the vegan/raw diet's ethical/moral origins on the other. Can normal civilians get their hand on the ingredients, or are they so exotic and seasonal that the cost isn't practical? Can we create any of these recipes without access to thousands of dollars worth of equipment? Do they taste good enough that we would want to do so? What does this book bring to cuisine?
  20. If "Eureka!" means "I have found it!", then perhaps what we need here is: "Oh (filthy language of your choice), where is it??!!" Yes? (Edited to close the quote.)
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