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Everything posted by Vancouver

  1. Thanks Ling! I'll see if I spot it next time I'm at the market. Cheers!
  2. Daddy-A - do you download the map from maps.google.com to your PDA to get there to read the book on your PDA? (Not that I would ever do that!) Cheers!
  3. Schedule an hour a week on your PDA and you can too! Cheers!
  4. Just to clarify: I originally asked about steamed brisket in a NY style deli. Not about any type of cured meat - not pastrami, not corned beef, not Montreal smoked meat. Kaplan's does in fact offer a decent steamed brisket. So far the closest thing to NY I've had in Vancouver. I will return. So thank you all for pointing me to the closest thing Vancouver has to a NY deli and in the process also turning up a good source for the Montreal smoked meat fans as well! Cheers!
  5. Looking forward to the report! I've been meaning to try it out since it was mentioned in that article in the Straight that talked about the Chinese word of mouth restaurant circuit! Cheers!
  6. Darn. I was hoping that Fraser was the Chicago deepdish district with 2 of them. I just looked at maps.google.com and it seems like that one is right next to Kedah house on fraser, eh? Cheers!
  7. I'm not hayasaka.k, but Ba Guo Bu Yi Fine Szechuan Restaurant is located at 8130 Park Rd. in Richmond. Cheers!
  8. Do you think it is the same place as the place on Denman that DarkDante gave the link to above? They seem to have a location on Fraser as well. Or is it perhaps another one?
  9. Any tips on where to find a good Chicago style deepdish pizza in the Greater Vancouver area? Like this: Is it here someplace hiding away that I haven't found? Cheers!
  10. Ok, so I tried PHAT in the hopes of a wonderful deli experience. It is more of a sandwich shop than a deli. I had hoped to find brisket, but they only had the montreal smoked meat variety of it. So I had that. It was tasty, and I'll defer to those of you from Montreal as to its quality. I enjoyed it. But I have to lean much more heavily to Kaplan's for the NY deli experience. It feels more like a deli, tastes more like a deli, and has a selection much more like a deli. Cheers!
  11. Some great ideas! Thank you! Off to read now.....
  12. So what do you think is the best place to settle in for a while and nurse a cup of coffee while reading a book - the type of place where you aren't going to feel rushed out by the high turnover or crowds. The type of place with chairs that aren't designed to make your bum hurt to get you out. Bonus points for pleasant background music and a nice view. Thoughts?
  13. I most certainly concur on the buffet portions (particularly the appetizer buffet) being leftoverish. The main course of prime rib did seem fresh though for what it is worth. But I also left overall thinking the experience was mediocre as well. Cheers!
  14. 1) Long Noodle House - Had read about this place in the Georgia Straight article on Chinese restaurants found by word of mouth. It is primarily Shanghainese in style with a few other regions represented in some dishes. Started with the wine chicken (drunken chicken) which was extremely flavourful and tender. Also had the Shanghai style fried noodles which were superb. Will definitely repeat. 2) Kedah House - Started off the the roti canai which came perfectly done and piping hot accompanied by a curry/dahl which was extremely flavourful. Reminded me of the taste of some of the Malaysian roti places in Singapore. Also had mee goreng which was seasoned wonderfully and had tender chunks of chicken; and the peppercorn chili shrimp which were the highlight - the shrimp were extremely fresh and lightly fried with their shells in a wonderfully aromatic sauce - of an excellent inexpensive meal. Will definitely repeat. 3) Griffins at the Fairmont - Had to use up those free dining vouchers from Fairmont before they expire at the end of the month. Had never tried Griffins. The minestrone soup was tasty, with lots of veggies and pasta, but the bread offerings reminded me of airline rolls. After reading Jamie's thread on the role of bread in identifying stage of food development I couldn't help but laugh. The prime rib was a generous portion and well prepared. Dessert was the dessert bar. It was ok, but nothing wowed. Overall - Meh. Probably won't return. Going to use next year's free Fairmont vouchers at the Waterfront instead. Cheers!
  15. But I was brought up on NY Deli! Cheers!
  16. Great! Thanks. No worries - I won't order the montreal smoked meat - I want to check out their other offerings. I'm not from Montreal, after all.
  17. Let me try that one more time - What is the address for Phats? Cheers!
  18. I think we also have to add the return of Hong Kong to China, and the increased immigration that came as a result of that in the mid 90's to the list. No? Cheers!
  19. Vancouver, they also have Peet's coffee at Urban Fare, at $14.99-$15.99. ← Thanks Ling! I also stumbled onto it at Choices recently. I guess they are distributing here now. I stocked up at the Peet's Cafe in Seattle on my recent trip down and got both the Espresso Forte Blend and Major Dickanson's. I noticed that the selection in the supermarkets here did not have a roasting date. They did have Major Dickanson's though. Cheers!
  20. By the way, when I was in the Real Canadian Superstore yesterday on Marine Drive I checked the price and they had both Rose Water and Orange Blossom water in their ethnic food aisle for $1.88 for a 9 oz. bottle. They keep it near the cous cous. Cheers!
  21. What is the address for Phats? Cheers!
  22. Yes, there is a wide world of people in the Southwestern U.S. that eat fajitas regularly. No place near Miami. And they are quite tasty if done right (with the proper rub and properly marinated)! Cheers!
  23. Hi. Anyone know where to find a traditional Texas style fajita service? The kind where it comes on a hot iron plate still sizzling, with fresh tortillas and the trimmings? Cheers!
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