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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Yay, you're back!! p.s. thanks for the soba noodle salad recipe.
  2. I'm looking forward to trying lots of Nova Scotia Seafood( I think I'll pass on Rappie Pie) Is there anything that resembles a lobster roll in your neck of the woods?
  3. Actually, No. That food would probably be a lot better that what these people served us. The best part was the chocolate strawberry trifle I brought for dessert. eta: We rarely get invited to other people's homes for dinner. Most people around here are pretty intimidated cooking for me. I really, really tried to enjoy the meal( my spouse tried too, but she is so spoiled by my cooking now), but I'd never willingly consume jarred alfredo sauce. I also despise bagged salad. I would never say anything about the meal to the host, but when I noticed the expiration date on the parm I did say " Are you trying to kill us". We all had a good laugh about it.
  4. What about a standard blintz filling? I use dry cottage cheese( I cant find farmer cheese here).
  5. As long as there is no obvious "recycling" of leftovers! If the option exists, do not put out all of the salad in the buffet service; maybe just 30 servings over everything, and then replenish platters/bowls. Whatever you keep back could be dressed just before serving, unless marinating in dressing is important to the dish. That way, if there are left over amounts, you can do something else with them. Easier to store, too. Ziplock bags are very handy here. ← I usually do that with the Seniors when I make their salad. I like to give the take-out people fresh salad without dressing so they can eat it the next day. Good idea. Btw, not sure if your grocery stores are the same as ours, but our Independent ( Loblaws) has Gai Lea butter ( salted and unsalted) on sale for 2.99lb. Thats a good price, especially for Ontario. I did buy 3lbs of unsalted store brand butter in MI for 5.00( sold in stick form, on sale)
  6. I picked this up today. 2 packages of fresh sage( slightly past its prime). I'm going to freeze it and use it in the chicken, sausage, onion bake. eta: Canada has new labeling rules. The package now says " grown in Columbia, packed in Canada.
  7. hahaha, the best laid plans eh? I'm sorry to report I havent baked a darn thing from this book.
  8. Thanks. The deal was too good to pass up. A 15oz wheel of President Brie( I know, not the best quality, but I dont think these folks are "foodies") for 3.59.
  9. I have another question too. So, I'm cooking for 50 people, but does that mean that every dish has to serve 50 people? I know the main dish does, but do all the sides need to serve that many too? Do I expect each person to take 1 cup of each of the 3 salads I'll be making for Friday's dinner? I'm trying to figure out how much potato salad to make.
  10. I bought 2 wheels of Brie at a significantly reduced price( it expires tomorrow). Should I freeze it? Or will it still be good next Sunday. I'm using it in a salad.
  11. I forgot to mention that my favorite foccacia recipe of all times is from Fine Cooking. Its Peter Reinharts and is free on the FC website.
  12. How about one of the myriad of buffets? I personally love the Bellagio's!!
  13. This reminds me of a meal we had at a couple months ago. Spagetti with jarred clasico alfredo sauce, shrimp the size of my pinky nail and bits of chicken chewing gum. Bagged salad w/ bottled dressing. The worst part?? I asked for the canned parmesean cheese that was on the table. I poured some over my pasta and though to myself " wow, thats a weird yellow color". I happen to glance at the expiration date on the carton. It expired March of 2004!!!!
  14. I should also mention that I dont have to do any dishes. There are a few people who are attending the camp at a reduced rate and they'll do the clean up.
  15. I actually have that issue. They were on the cover right? I can bring the issue to Chicago if you want( you can have it). I've never made them, but I remember when the magazine came out thinking they looked really, really good.
  16. Thanks, that helps. If I dont have to schlep a lot of equipment to the event, I'll be happy!!
  17. Good Idea, but I'd have to check with rental companies in London. There are a few really small wedding rental places in these towns, but they just have linens, dishes, etc. I'm going to ask friends if I can borrow their electric skillets. I also need some crock pots for the pulled pork. ← Just an idea but I've done gargantuan amounts of scrambled eggs in full Hotel pans on the stove top - low heat. ← Does that also work in a low oven with frequent stiring? My MIL told me that a church lady made the eggs like this for an event at her church.
  18. I have a GE dual fuel convection and it automatically reduces the temp 25 degrees when you choose the convection bake.
  19. Good Idea, but I'd have to check with rental companies in London. There are a few really small wedding rental places in these towns, but they just have linens, dishes, etc. I'm going to ask friends if I can borrow their electric skillets. I also need some crock pots for the pulled pork.
  20. I dont have that issue!! Can you PM or post it here? Please!!!!
  21. What month/year is that Granola recipe in? Speaking of Molly, has anyone ever made her potato salad recipe from Issue #52( Sept 2002). Its called Creamy Potato Salad w/ Radishes, Lemon and Dill. The recipe contains lots of fresh herbs and also heavy cream. I'm looking for a stellar potato salad recipe for an upcoming catering job. eta: I just looked at my old issues. I have Issue #71, 73 and 74, but alas no #75. I'm making Andy's Fairfield Granola for this catering job. Anyone ever made it? I've made it numerous time and we love it. I wonder how it compares to FC's granola.
  22. I filled in today for another cook. She cooks at the program in my town on Tuesdays and a nearby town on Wednesdays. My program is only 2x a month. This program has very few diners. It's hard for me to cook for such small numbers. I only used 4 pork tenderloins and had way too much. I made the same meal with a different dessert. Three tweens from the middle school in town come to help( its their community service). Here is an action shot. They were singing O' Canada before they ate. My coordinator is wearing the red( far right). She asked me if I could make potatoes the next time I cook at my program( sigh). The program is held in the towns arena. The kitchen is really big!!
  23. Here is one of my "bargains". If I didnt shop like I do, there is NO WAY I could make money on this job. I got these at Big Lots in MI. They were originally marked 1.00. I always look at expiration dates and these were expired at the end of April. I asked the manager if she could mark them down. As she was marking them down, I told her I'd just chop them up and make chocolate chunk cookies. She said " I never thought of doing that". I told her I always buy candy after the major candy holidays( XMas, Vday, easter, halloween) and use it for baking. Anyway, I was afraid there would be a bloom on this candy, but it doesnt look too bad. I tasted some and wow, I hate it. Its not sweet at all and I'd never eat it just for the heck of it. I think it will be good in cookies though. So, I got 1.5lbs of chocolate for .70.
  24. Thanks. I actually worked at a retirement home last year( I was on call) and I HATED it. I had the food service manager order Kosher salt, olive oil and red wine vinegar. I was the only cook( out of 8) that used any of those products. The food was horrid, cheap and overcooked( I'd see cooks steam frozen chicken breasts in a veg steamer instead of properly thawing it out and then poaching it). I hated going into work.
  25. Here is the facility. Click. I'll be arriving early on Friday to start the prep for dinner. I do plan on marinating the chicken in my own fridge a few days prior. Between myself and my helper, we'll have plenty of time to make potato salad, pasta salad and a greek salad. The cakes should take no time either. I'll probably make the hummus at home and I've already prepackaged all my dry ingredients in baggies for the different cookies/squares I'll be making. It will be easy, peasy( I hope). No measuring at all. Btw, I'm making Martha Stewarts Kitchen sink cookies, white choc. macadamia( I got a bag of macadamia nuts for .99 on clearance) blondies( in mini muffin pans), Ghiradelli brownies( yeah, I'm using a mix for these) sugar cookies with a raspberry choc, kiss in the center( got the bag of kisses for .50 after Valentines day). Butter tart squares( Oh so Canadian) and peanut butter choc. cookies. For the muffins I'm making Mimi's carrot raisin bread, Jordan Marsh's blueberry muffins and KA flour whole grain baking recipe for Morning Glory Muffins. All dry ingredients will be prepacked and ready to mix up. I've been organizing this for 3 months. I believe the dinner is buffet style. I'll be going to Costco next Thursday( in London). Also, I fly to Fl on June 10th and I'll be driving to Detroit on Monday, June 9th. Hopefully, I'll be able to get out of bed on Monday morning.
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