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Posts posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Ingredient lists are not copyrighted.  I usually use far less or even no onion, and lots and lots of pepper.  I may sub granualated garlic or garlic powder, depending on how much time I have and what's on hand.  Yogurt or sour cream, doesn't really matter.  Otherwise, don't change a thing.

    Coleslaw from the Complete Meat Cookbook, Aidells and Kelly

    4 cups shredded green cabbage

    2 cups shredded red cabbage

    2 geen onions, thinly sliced

    1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion


    2 teaspoons minced garlic

    1 cup mayonnaise

    1/4 cup sour cream or yogurt

    1/4 cup brown sugar

    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

    1 tablespoon cider vinegar

    1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

    1/2 teaspoon Tabasco

    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Thanks!! The next time I make coleslaw for the seniors, I'll try this one.

  2. my photos from Sat. dinner:


    It was all yummy!  I was too stuffed for dessert - so no photos.  lucas mentioned that he really liked the maple syrup on his rib (which was delicious, but a bit spicy).  I thought the cole slaw was a perfect accompaniment, Marmish!

    Thanks! :wub: I really love that coleslaw. We can eat a whole head of cabbage between the two of us. I figured any coleslaw in a meat cookbook had to be pretty darn good! It's from the Complete Meat Cookbook, by Aidells and Kelly.

    Your pics are great!

    Can you add it to recipe gullet or post it here?

  3. I cooked last night. Cook really is a misnomer, since it was a " cold supper" except I had to heat up the ham.

    I feel very defeated though. I only made 1 item from scratch( Ambrosia) and they just raved on and on about the meal.

    I made veggie plates with disgusting bottled no name ranch dressing.

    purchased red potato salad( Reeser's brand from Food Basics, 5.00 for 1.18kg).

    store bought mini croissants

    I cut up a seedless watermelon.

    Dessert was purchased cherry pie( frozen) that I baked off and vanilla ice cream.


    I only had 23 diners. I cook next week for the program in my town and a neighboring town. I'd planned to make the pork paprikash for my town's program, but I'd defrosted 3 hams and only needed 1. They'll have ham and scalloped potatoes, ambrosia, fresh veg, Jiffy corn muffins( my donation) and trifle.

    Wednesdays meal in neighboring town will probably only be 20ppl. They'll have the chicken dumpling meal with the dumpling aka biscuits on the side. Potato salad, veggie plates and/or ambrosia and the ice cream tort for dessert. I have lots of odds and ends leftover so I dont want to waste anything.

  4. Help!!

    I bought a new range this week and it has settings for both a convection and regular oven. I have never used a convection oven, but it came with the range so I figured, "what the heck". My question is this what is the difference between a convection oven v.s a regular oven? Just cooking times?


    Temp is also reduced. I got a GE profile dual fuel convection last October. My oven automatically reduces the convection temp by 25F. My problem is, I never know when to use convection vs. regular. I pretty much bake everything with convection and I use the regular feature for lasagna, to reheat pizza, etc.

  5. Kerry Beal, Prasantrin and I made a visit to the Spice House in Evanston last Saturday. To say I was like a kid in a candy store would be an understatement. Kerry and I love it so much, we had to make another visit on Monday to the Chicago location.


    A few years ago, I placed a mail order and then when Penzey's opened in Detroit I went there. I actually prefer the Spice House to Penzey's. I love being able to see the spices in the jars and to have someone package them up for me. It was just so exciting, I swear I was giddy walking around inside.

    Everytime I go to Florida, I look for salt-free adobo and can never find it. I'm glad I got some at The Spice House. I dont know what I'll use it for, but I'm still excited :biggrin:

  6. I'm laughing as I'm reading this because we must have the same Jewish ancestors.  I'm not a pro but did all the baking for the dessert bar for my kids Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. 

    No, I didn't think about # of pieces per person as a pro would.  However, it's always been my experience that people will take small amounts of a full cake or pie or something that has to be cut and eaten with a fork or spoon.  But, if you can pick it up and eat it with your hands, they'll just keep eating and eating.  I also found that, for desserts of this type, there are 2 kinds of people.  There are those who liked the fruit desserts and gobbled up the raspberry bars, apricot tea cakes, lemon layer cake bars, etc.  Then there was another group who went for the chocolate chip cookies, coffee blondies, brownie bites, toffee cookies, etc.  And they don't seem to do a lot of overlapping.  I think there was some overlap with the cheesecake bars and almond macaroons but, after 3 years I don't remember it all.

    (If you're really interested, I had a whole thread running here a little over 3 years ago for my daughters Bat M where I solicited a ton of advice, shared my questions and prep, and culminating with pics of the whole thing.  It was fun.)

    I remember that thread and your event. You did a great job!!

  7. I'm with the ancestors  :wink:

    Are these being passed or are they a stationary display?  Or a little of both?  Depending on how easy it is to get the desserts, that could make a big difference in how much gets eaten.  Is this at night or a brunch?

    I'd go with 6 pieces per person too.

    I have the same Jewish ancestors so I'll agree. I always make more as I'd rather have too much than too little. 6 sounds right!!

  8. Send me a picture - I might have a newer (not new) bowl to go on it.  I have accumulated a whole lot of old cuisinart parts over time and love to find homes for them.  That way you can haul it back out of the basement!

    Yes, send her a pic. I have an old Cuis classic that I just love. Kerry gave me a bowl/blade last year.

  9. Here are some pics from the Maxwell Street Market Tour


    This tamale was excellent. Dare I say I liked it better than the tamale I had at Frontera Grill on Tuesday?


    fat guy and edsel


    These were great too. I can't remember the last time I had a homeade tortilla. They used it to make a corn fungus( formal name is?)taco. That was a bit strange for me.


    Corn fungus



    A whole lotta chilies.

  10. gallery_34671_2649_27172.jpg

    For my table, clockwise from the far left:

    Toby - nyokie6

    Ron - Toby's spouse

    Maggie (aka Margaret) - maggiethecat

    Lou - Maggie's spouse

    Ann - Alex's spouse

    Richard - Alex

    a friend of the family whose name I forgot -- help!

    Randi - CaliPoutine

    Kerry - Kerry Beal

    Steve - Fresser

    Please let me know if I got any of this wrong; I'll correct it ASAP.

    The woman between Richard and myself is Cathy2( on LTH forum). I'm not sure if thats her Eg name too.

  11. That's cool! What other things did folks learn at the Gathering?

    Take no backwards steps, and watch the sidewalk on maxwell street.

    Good news - Cle Dr. says i'll be out of this sling in one week!

    I also learned its nice to be in a group with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 doctors. There wasnt too much they could do, but it was comforting ( to me anyway) to know they were there!!

  12. Yet - I have been in places that are "your cup of tea" - mostly some well known places - where photography is banned.

    Are you talking about restaurants? I know of no restaurant other than Momofuku Ko that bans photography (as opposed to banning just flash), so I'd be interested in other examples.

    Before I wrote my first foodblog on eG, I had planned to visit a restaurant in London, ON. I asked if I could take pics of the food and I was told no( unless I was a food stylist). I chose not to eat there at the time, but I've eaten there since. The food is nothing to write home about( and I've heard this opinion from people who arent as obsessed with food as I am). I dont know what they were so up in arms about.

    Here is the exact quote from my blog "First, when I got home I checked my vm and was dismayed to hear a message from the owner of Bertoldi's in London. I had called this morning to let them know I was going to be taking pictures for my blog. We had planned to eat there on Saturday night. They didnt think it would be a problem. However, the owner informed me that unless I was a professional food stylist, my pictures couldnt do the food justice."

  13. Here are a few pics to start.


    Kerry and Rona

    We loved the Spice House. So much so that Kerry and I went a second time because we forgot a few things.


    CI's Peach Blueberry Crisp before baking.


    NYokie6's husband( Ron) fresser, lucky girl, nyokie6


    This was the best cheese plate I've ever eaten. We need to convince NyOkie6 to visit Paris again next year before the gathering. She also bought some amazing butter made with the whey leftover from making Parmesean Reggiano. I went to Fox and Obel so I could bring some back to Canada.


    Kris frying away, Gary, Fat Guy


    Pigs in the blanket made by Gary.

  14. Ok, well since you asked.....




    I took the picture before I realized I'd forgotten to add the olives. Once the platters hit the tables, I ran around with the olive container and added them.

    I chose to make this because I knew the produce from the farmers market would be top notch( and expensive!!). I used baby arugula for the base. I saw those gorgeous french breakfast radishes and decided to use those instead of tomatoes ( cause I dont like raw tomatoes). I also bought heirloom fingerling potatoes( an assortment). There was this one stand that had great potatoes, I wish I'd taken a pic of the stand. I brought homeade tarragon vinegar( white wine) from home and used that along with a shallot( thanks Kerry), dijon vinegar and 365 brand EVOO from Whole Foods.

    The biggest departure from a traditional nicoise was my use of swordfish. I dont care for raw tuna and I LOVE swordfish( and its pretty scarce where I live). I used McCormick's seafood spice( it came with its own grinder)( thanks to Hwa for bringing all those great spices) and some oil. I grilled it along with Fresser's help and let it sit at room temp until it was ready to plate.

    I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. I'm not sure how I'll top that next year.

  15. That's cool! What other things did folks learn at the Gathering?

    I learned that you dont need a microplane to grate lemon zest. All these years, I always avoided the small holes on the box grater because I never saw the zest. Little did I know, that It does come out underneath the grater. Kerry told me to put some plastic wrap on the side where the small holes were, but I never saw the zest. I turned it over and voila, it was all there. Wow, that was a total revelation to me.

    Btw, I just got home from MI. Kerry and I showed up for our train on Tuesday afternoon and we were told there were NO trains running as all the tracks in MI were being worked on. They put us on a charter bus for the ride back. We spent the night in Port Huron today, did some shopping and now we're home.

    I'm going to work on my pics on Friday as I have to work tomorrow.

  16. Thanks Andrew and KB.  I always ask a lot of questions about subscriptions because I had a nightmare with a cooking club a few years ago *shudder*

    Good idea, KB about buying off of Amazon.  I think I'll just do that!

    The annual recipe books are great. They're actually all 6 issues of the magazine that is in a hardbound volume.

    eta: I have a promo code for 19.95 a year if anyone wants it. Just PM me.

  17. Bread Class -- Important Update

    Those attending the bread workshop should read the following if you plan on driving to Karen's house tomorrow for the class.

    Tom - Would you believe I have street cleaning on my block tomorrow from 9am-3pm.

    Please advise everyone attending not to park on my side of the street with the Orange warning signs and park across the street.

    My street is both north and south traffic.

    - Karen

    Well the street across from me had their side cleaned at 930am. Three cars got ticketed. Hopefully my side will also have a 930 cleaning. Then there will be plenty of room at 12 noon.

    When I lived in Cali, cars could get tickets for street cleaning up until it was over, even if the streets were cleaned early on.

  18. So from that small number, if I'm picking up Kerry at the hotel, I can pick up anyone else who wants to meet there and take us all out to Marmish's house. Assuming Kerry's train gets in on time, we could even start a little earlier than previously planned. And since I can drive people back to the hotel as well, we have more flexibility on the tail end. Dinner doesn't start until 7:30.

    Would I be able to squeeze in, as well? I have CTA directions if you're already full, but I swear I don't take up too much room!

    I was including you in the plan as well. Just meet in the lobby at 1!

    I'm hitting the road now. If anyone needs to get in touch with me, my cell phone number is listed on my website (link below). See you all at Blackbird tonight!

    Drive Safely!!

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