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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Its a blade made by a different company that fits the KA. Its called " beater Blade". There is also one made by another company called "sideswipe blade". Google them and you'll find a picture.
  2. Try The Spice House( relatives of Penzeys). I find their spices fresher than Penzeys. When you're at a location, they weigh everything out for you. I even saw them grinding the spices in the back room.
  3. I tend to go a bit overboard when I visit Penzey's in Torrance. However my online shopping at the Spice House is not exactly frugal either. I really need to use all I buy also. ← I like The Spice House better, but since I live in Canada, its only mail order for me( I get mail in MI). Thanks for reminding me there is a Penzeys in Torrance as I'm coming to Socal for 2 weeks in March.
  4. I love The Spice House.. I wont even tell you how much I spent there in August when I finally got to visit a store in Chicago.
  5. When I saw her on Martha, I had NO clue who she was, I'd never seen her before, or read about her. But, when I saw a clip of her that Martha showed( interviewing the former gov. of IL), I thought " she looks all wrong in that dress( and not to mention the way she was sitting), she has got to be gay!!
  6. Everyone does it in small town Ontario and since I'm Jewish too, I bring lots and lots!!
  7. Glad to see my gaydar was bang on!!!
  8. They LOVED the pork and the entire meal. I'm not a big pork fan, but I tasted it, it was really good. We're having some for dinner tonight. Here is the pork after I sliced it( this cooked for 3 hrs, then onions were added, then cook for another hour), refridgerate overnight) Here is the pork after it cooked for another 1.5hrs. The pan juices are added to a pot with onions, apple cider, apple cider vinegar and apple jelly. I made a huge pot of applesauce which they loved. I got this huge bag of apples( mostly organic) on the reduced rack for 1.49. I bought 3 bags of them, and threw in some apple juice, cinnamon sticks and brown sugar and a touch of salt. I blended it with the immersion blender. I prefer my applesauce cold, but we served it warm. Dessert was a vanilla cake mix. I made a cooked vanilla pudding and real whipped cream. I sliced up a bunch of nice citrus. I bought blood oranges, but was dismayed to see that there most of them werent even red. I also bought Cara Cara oranges and navels. I mixed the sectioned fruit with a bit of honey. All the citrus was on sale for .79lb. I spent about 137.00 for this meal which included a bottle of evoo and a jug of bleach. They also had mashed potatoes, cesar salad and PC "bake it yourself" garlic loaves( made with french flour and real butter). I had 6 take out before the meal was served( bad weather) and 4 after the meal. Total served was 45ppl.
  9. I used to buy KA before the big wheat price increase. Then, I realized since I bake a lot of cookies, I was really wasting $$ on it. I switched back to Gold Medal for cookies/cakes. However, If I'm making bread, I prefer KA AP or bread flour. I also really love their white whole wheat. I bought some Robin Hood Nutra Blend ( half white, half wheat) and I hated it. My muffins were horrible( blaming the flour and not me!!). I dont know, maybe its a mental thing since I grew up with American flour and thats what I learned to bake with. I swear though, when I use Canadian flour, my stuff just doesnt come out right.
  10. I have an idea, but it would probably be considered crass. I think I'll refrain!!
  11. Yeah, thats basically it in a nutshell. It was her job first, in fact she had my program too. She resigned from that because she found that cooking 3x a week( every other week) was too much. She also cooks the smaller program(15ppl) every Wednesday. She came in today to drop off her groceries for Wednesday and made a comment about how nice it was to just shop for one program. I'd love it if she'd quit.
  12. The onions are going into the gravy!!
  13. I'm filling in for the cook( who has the program that meets weekly) who cooks in my town. These folks love my cooking and have never complained. In fact, they've asked if I can be their regular cook( I wish, 2 min drive from my house). The folks I cook for 2x a month are the complainers. I think I'll make this same meal for my seniors at the end of Feb. The pork shoulders are on sale for .99lb ( ticks me off because I paid 2.29lb last week)
  14. Here is the old fashioned pork roast after 3hrs of cooking. ( I have another smaller one in another pan). I added the onions and cooked them for another hour. I drained off the juices and refridgerated them separately. I put the onions in another bowl. Tomorrow, I'll slice, make a pan sauce with apple juice, apple jelly( if I can find it in my town), and cider vinegar. The pork cooks for another hour. It smelled great!! There also have mashed potatoes, cesar salad, garlic bread, apple sauce(homemade) and frozen corn. Dessert is a vanilla cake( mix) with a cooked vanilla pudding, real whipped cream and a citrus compote. I got gorgeous oranges( navel, blood and cara cara) for .79lb. I sectioned them today while the pork was cooking.
  15. I made it today where I cook for a bunch of Seniors. I'm curious to see what it looks like when I slice it tomorrow. For economys sake, I used all dried herbs and some different ones that what the recipe calls for.
  16. I use a whole egg and a tbls or two of heavy cream. Mine always come out nice and shiny.
  17. What are you looking for? There is one Mexican little market in Kensington where I've bought some items. I dont know the name, but its not too far down from the bakery ( IIRC).
  18. CaliPoutine

    Baked Ziti

    Cook's latest issue( March/April 09) has a new recipe for Baked Ziti. They nix the ricotta in favor of Cottage cheese and heavy cream. I wont be making it anytime soon( weight watchers) unless I get a catering job. I'm interested though, very interested.
  19. I agree!! We redid out kitchen in Nov 2007 and didnt have the space( or $$) for a big honking range/hood combo. We got an over the range microwave and had IT VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE. I think thats the import part right there. Its worked really well for us. Here is a pic before we installed the backsplash. eta: pic
  20. My sister moved to California last year so she sent me a box of See's. She knows my favorite is Coconut Buttercream, but she said they were out. My box has ScotchMallow and California Brittle( and peanut butter patties for the spouse). I had 2 pieces( 3 WW points). This is absolute torture. I could eat 3 more pieces, but I wont!!
  21. The Dollarama I went to also had the 62% and 70% ← I'd like to try them both. If we hit Sarnia on the way across the border, I'll look for the local $rama. Thanks. ← There are a few in Sarnia, I went to the one in Lambton Mall.
  22. The Dollarama I went to also had the 62% and 70%
  23. Thanks for the tip. I went to the Dollarama in Sarnia and they also had the 62% and 70%. I enjoyed a piece of the 41%( which curiously has less calories than any other %)
  24. I always add my frozen blueberries into recipe without thawing. What is the reason for thawing? eta: If you're in Canada and have a Food Basics, they have Equality Bags of frozen WILD blueberries for 1.99. I've never seen them that cheap. I bought a 600g bag of Woodland Wild for 3.99.
  25. Sally Schneiders A New Way to Cook is pretty good. There is a thread on it somewhere. Also, its the Cookbook of the Month( Feb) on Chowhound. There will be lots of reviews. The Sherry Vinegar chicken is wonderful. Eta: I also like a lot of the recipes from Cooking Light( they have books, but mostly its a magazine). I use the website to find recipes too. I made a chicken tettrazzini for dinner tonight. It was pretty good and no fake or weird ingredients.
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