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jess mebane

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Everything posted by jess mebane

  1. jess mebane

    Dinner! 2004

    blackened redfish, caught this morning by either my husband or father, on the occasion of Dear old Dad's 60th birthday. Sauce was a hvy cream number with shrimp, pecans and green onions. Served with dirty rice, naturally, and quantities of cheap red wine.
  2. ..........cheap drinks are in order: a seven&7 for the left, and fresh peach daiquiri for the right, kids are at Granny's, so it's party all niiigh-----(snore).
  3. Give us a kiss--I'm yer English housewife. Thin mints is extra.........
  4. word. I'm a fiend for the filipino cuisine, so any info would be really outstanding.
  5. 3 cold squares of Hershey's Especially Dark, chased by a colder can of Shiner.
  6. We were at "It's a Jungle" off Kramer and Lamar, and they had strange pots of persimmon trees that were fruiting--the tags said they were easy to grow. Now, what do you think of plum trees in Texas?
  7. pasta with garlic and clams. Then thai red curry with chicken. First comments from the returning hero always include something about open windows and priests........
  8. So far away back in the day that it cannot be used against us, we assembled aberrent buffets at a friend's house, including but not limited to: baked potatoes, sandwiches, leftover pancit, ice cream sandwiches and soup. And invariably someone would discover a new recipe, like, "hey, when you take a bite of cream cheese and marshmallow cream, it tastes like cheescake." Oy.
  9. My, aren't we persnickety. Do you suppose this thread has lasted several years and twenty-five pages from unanswered questions? And perhaps mrbigjas is looking for friendly, over-the-bandwidth advice, mahvelous Carolyn Googlesit notwithstanding.
  10. nitrogen, eh? i'll give it a shot--i have fertilizer. the pots are the biggest that will fit on my deck, so if they're too small, i'm screwed. i tested the soil before planting this year, and it tested fine..... ah well. I refer you back to Jaymes' beer-cooler garden: punch holes in the bottom of a large styro beer cooler and thunk your tomatoes in. The result here is that the roots stay cooler longer during/after watering, and don't get fried out like in the thin plastic-ky pots. And even if your dirt tested fine at the start, Mother Nature can take a whack at perfect growing conditions with considerable glee. Mongo, I believe you have the beginnings of a kitchen herb garden. Go with it.
  11. Arright, so I overwatered the tomatoes and leggier herbs, said some heartfelt goodbyes, and then Wrenched them all out of the ground and tilled under the rest. Several hours later, I believe we have a fresh canvas for fall, including cukes, eggplant, pole beans and cauliflower. Think it's too late for okra and pumpkins?
  12. I think you need a bit of nitrogen, and bigger pots. But the tomatoes look great!
  13. a truly great lady; I wonder which newscast will catch Jacques Pepin for his comments. I enjoyed their chemistry on the PBS show as much for Julia's spirit as his courtly manner, and wound up sitting in my closet looking at their blue and yellow book for a bit this afternoon, sniffling like an idiot.
  14. DC's got some heat for a bit--go long on mint and lime basil, and a short run of coriander/cilantro. And I need in on that curry specimen, please--trade you for tomato or pepper seeds.
  15. Inspiration isn't my strong suit, but electric lemonade is....h'bout you? bonus with mint.
  16. since it's also shrimp season, you might also: boil water for cappellini oil a pan with evoo on medium hi peel and seed the romas, then squoosh the pulp in a bowl peel and devein a 1/2 pound of fresh brown shrimp peel and slice one small clove garlic throw the shrimp in, toss 3 mins throw cooked shrimp on a plate throw sliced garlic in shrimp'd up pan throw Romas on top of garlic add S&P, basil chiffonade, shrimp and al dente cappellini stop throwing, start eating!
  17. Perhaps because you live below sea level, within a cigarette's drive of the coast, maybe?
  18. A river snail lives in or around a river, as in riverine environments. I have weighed in bagsful myself. Thanks, jess, just making your point -- a very different area of research. No, thank yew for elaborating on your snail point; I thought perhaps you were alluding to my er, flatulence, at which point I might suggest a person sit more than one row behind my family at church BECAUSE WE JUST HAPPEN TO LIKE AUTHENTIC MEXICAN OF A SATURDAY NIGHT, OK?!
  19. word. And the first question on opening day would not be, "How are the green mangos," but rather, "Can I bring in my dog?"
  20. wine or flowers. and then send a nice note afterwards. They of course, make appropriate cards for the occasion these days. Jeezus, when did my mother sign up for Egullet?!
  21. this is an homage to old-school Houston's.........we wore 'em in the early '90s. My folks are loyal patrons now for over a decade, and they claim the food quality has slipped somewhat. Perhaps the chain is making an erstwhile bid for respectability, but the bottom line is still COG, and Houston's is too high to get high-falutin' ideas about patron dress code. And the chain is pretty much nationwide, guaranteeing my mother can get her spinach dip and chicken salad fix in New Orleans, fahchrissakes.
  22. amen and flatulence to all a' that.
  23. Accurate and revelatory info about H-town that we can use, man!!!! Digress on!
  24. they're still better at the shop, always at the shop. Here in Austin I was so thrilled to see Antone's make it out westward, only to find little soggy mummys in the beer cooler at Exxon TigerMart. Anytime we're leaving Houston, we go by an Antone's on the way out and eat PoBoys all the way back to Travis County.
  25. wow, that totally has me jonesin' for the liquidy rice at the bottom of a good chicken panang bowl, which is what we're looking for in bulk quantities during teabag week....think there's a homeopathic link of some kind between curry and PMS?
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