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Pam R

eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by Pam R

  1. Pam R

    Latkes - the Topic!

    I know a lot of people make baked latkes but I've come to the conclusion that they aren't really latkes. The whole point of latkes is that they are cooked in oil, so I think you made the right choice. So far we've made over 100 dozen standard potato latkes. I'm in charge of the latkes for the family Chanuka party on Sunday and was thinking I'd stick with plain potato, but now I'm wondering if I should do more than one variety. Maybe zucchini and leek latkes because though they're fried, they feel healthier.
  2. Chag sameach! Thanks for the sufganiyot tour -- could you possibly overnight one of each to me? Thanks. Can you tell us which brand that was? I saw things posted about the cottage cheese wars but wasn't sure. I can only get one brand here and think it's the big, bad brand. Do you only eat plain or do you like cottage with olives or other additions?
  3. That's great. I wish I could get the sauce here -- I would make shakshuka more often. As it is now, it's a special treat (which I suppose can be a good thing).
  4. Ok, first of all, great start. Second, I love that you can actually buy sauce for shakshuka. Is this your standard way of making it or do you mix it up? (I like to roast poblano peppers and add garlic, which a Moroccan Israeli told me was not correct, but it is delicious. ) Third, is there any chance you'll have time to show us some sufganiyot? I'd love to see some of the interesting flavours available. Todah!
  5. A Lior Chanukka blog from Israel? Excellent.
  6. No turkey this year, though we usually do go with a turkey. Instead we had a duck and a chicken smoked on the Weber. Served with mashed potatoes, stuffing and veg. No pies. We should have had pies. But the birds were gooood.
  7. We say "break fast". Two words.
  8. Rye is my usual, bit iirc from childhood in the 50's, "club rolls" were quite an acceptable alternative. My family had a kosher deli for a few years and on occasion, somebody would order a pastrami on white with mayo. A shanda. I've been to Katz's once and thought the sandwich was great. The knishes, not so much.
  9. I was thinking roasted cauliflower but a jello mold would be awesome.
  10. Right - I think it's against the law in some places to have anything but mustard on pastrami (or corn beef). And it should be on rye.
  11. Oil is used to keep the kugel parve so it can be eaten with a meat meal. I've also seen recipes that call for margarine, so if you wanted to use butter instead, I don't see why you couldn't.\ eta: some recipes call for cooking the sugar on it's own then adding margarine later, when you're mixing everything together; some for cooking the sugar in oil. I'd probably keep the oil in the recipes that call for cooking the sugar with the oil, but sub butter in the margarine recipes.
  12. I think the beauty of lockshen and cheese (what we call this recipe in my family) is the simplicity. The addition we make to the egg noodles, butter, salt and cottage cheese is sour cream. Adds some creaminess and tang.
  13. Kate, what a week! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your world with us. I'm still trying to not be too jealous of your markets and have decided to just enjoy your beautiful pictures, mashed-up cuisines and fun writing. It was truly enjoyable to follow along. To all our readers, if you're a participating member and would like to take a turn at sharing your culinary world with us, please send me a note to discuss doing an eG Foodblog. Thanks!
  14. Alas, as rarerollingobject's week comes to an end, the eG Foodblogs are starting a short summer hiatus. Don't worry, they'll be back this fall. The eG Foodblogs have had a fantastic year and I'd like to thank all of the foodbloggers for sharing their culinary worlds with us. It may seem like a simple thing, but as each of the participants knows, it can be a lot of work to document all of the food shopping, prepping, ordering, cooking and eating that takes place in a week -- especially when they go out of their way to show us interesting things. And a thank you to all of the members who have encouraged our foodbloggers -- asking questions, giving suggestions and showing your appreciation for what they were showing you. The conversation is what makes our foodblogs so great! If you would like to take a turn, please send me a note or email and we can discuss scheduling a foodblog in the fall/winter. Thanks!
  15. Sorry for the terrible picture from my phone, but they are installing my appliances and one of the first things I had to do was try to stick a magnet on it. In the upper right-hand corner of my freezer door, you can see that magnets do stick to the stainless steel on these appliances. It also has the special coating that doesn't leave fingerprints. It does still dent, however. And the reason I wanted to try a magnet so quickly is that it came with a little dent, which is now under said magnet.
  16. I'm not sure thermometers in Winterpeg even go that high, do they? It's 30C today, in fact. But with a temperature range of -40C to +40C winter produce is very sad. You can only eat so many root vegetables. I'm very envious of RRO. I love all fruits and vegetables (well, maybe not all) and really enjoyed exploring the markets in Melbourne (and a little in Sydney), buying all sorts of things I'd never seen before to try. I was there during the summer, but the pictures she's sharing show that the variety even during the winter is amazing. I should consider moving. Thanks, Kate!
  17. Hey now, don't knock it till you try it Oh, believe me, I'd never throw bbq ribs out of bed in the morning regardless of how they'd been marinated, but 7 Up is just too sickly sweet to me. Standard galbi marinade already contains one or all of kiwi, pear, sugar and honey! Ginger ale seems more appropriate. I'm fascinated by all the produce markets we get shown through the eG Foodblogs -- and the one you shared today is amazing. Does it vary a lot from season to season? I do realize that winter in Sydney is not like winter here (having had the pleasure of visiting once) but your winter produce looks so impressive compared to what I see during the summer season here. Nevermind how depressing the produce is here during the winter.
  18. And a huge THANK YOU to you, Jerry. Thanks you for sharing such a fun week with us -- I don't know which was better -- the food you shared or your wonderful writing. I've been through your neck of the woods a couple of times, doing a mad dash from the great white north to sunny California, never stopping. Should I be so lucky to get there again I'm going to plan on spending some time. Thanks.
  19. Okay, here's a teaser for the next eG Foodblog starting this weekend. Guesses?
  20. Thanks for a wonderful week, Pete! I've never been east of Toronto and PEI is one of the places in your part of our country I've always wanted to visit. This just makes me want to get out there even more. Thanks for showing it off.
  21. If you missed the start of it, make sure you check out and catch up with this week's foodblogger, Peter the eatet as he shares the Maritime provinces with us. And here's your first clue for next week:
  22. I wondered as well but these 2 sites seem to explain: http://www.pickyourown.org/unusualfruits.htm http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1993/v2-516.html Nayan Gowda, I have zero experience with the saskatoons. I see them around and I think blueberries that are red. I will check out those links Heidi, thanks. Saskatoon berries are wonderful for pies or sweet perogies. I never knew they grew out east - thought they were more of a prairie thing.
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