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Everything posted by abique

  1. Are you kidding me? Perhaps the only one in the kitchen having a problem with your sex, is you. Work clean, work fast, cook awesome food, and everything else is secondary.I have spent most of my professional career being the only woman in the kitchen. I don't have the time nor the desire to sit around wondering if my coworkers are treating me differently because I am a woman. I love my job, I do it well that is really all that matters. Stop perseverating about it and get to work!
  2. Savory Sweets by Amy Felder is coming out in February. It offers pastry chefs the keys to the culinary side of the kitchen, using culinary ingredients and cooking techniques to develop plated desserts. Yea, I know, some of this we have seen before but this is the first systematic look at the mergance of the two worlds. It looks like it will be a great resource book.
  3. Baking a cheesecake in a waterbath is a sure fire way to avoid cracks. Lumps in your batter can come from 1. your cheese is too cold, 2. You didn't scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing bowl well enough, 3. The liquid ingredients were added to quickly, add them slowly allowing each addition to be incorporated into the batter and scraping the bowl efore adding the next addition. Good luck and happy cheesecake making!
  4. Don't know that I would consider Wilton a source on French cuisine. They can call the recipe whatever they like, but it is most assuredly not a classic french buttercream!
  5. fiftydollars, My thoughts exactly!
  6. I don't know anything about James MacGuire, but can highly recommend any bread classes taught by Richard Miscovich.
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