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Everything posted by monavano

  1. How about ham croquettes, and throw the hard boiled eggs into a potato salad? Add a nice bechamel over the croquettes. Very retro!
  2. monavano

    Ramps: The Topic

    I'm inspired to reproduce a ramp soup that I had last spring at a local restaurant. It was the first time I'd had ramps, and I found it to be nutty and artichoke-like. I found a recipe on Emerils site for ramp soup and hopefully, if I find ramps tommorow, I'll be making it! http://www.emerils.com/recipes/by_name/gri..._ramp_soup.html
  3. Thank you SO much for sharing your visit to our city! You covered a lot!! of ground and I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. ps....do come back soon.
  4. Willards Real Pit BBQ. Check it out: http://dc.web.aol.com/washington/dining/ve...adp?sbid=282570
  5. monavano

    Top Chef

    Andrea needs some serious couch time to work out her Freudian poopy obsession! I mean, ya can eat 3 squares at McDonald's and chase it down with a twinkie and guess what? YOU STILL POOP. Amazing. Glad she's gone. Stephen's food must have tasted good, because the plating was dreadful. Overall, I think all of the competitors are strong, but as in Project Runway, I'm not voting for the egomaniac to win. He does make for good tv though.
  6. I'd recommend The Blue Talon (http://www.bluetalonbistro.com/indexBistro.html) and The Fat Canary. Here's a website with many dining options. http://www.williamsburgonline.com/dining/dining_elegant.html I'd recommend reservations be a must for both places, well in advance at The Fat Canary. Both are smart casual, definitely not dressy. Also, the FC is adjoined to the ever popular "Cheese Shop". Downstairs you can pick out a wine for dinner at the Fat Canary. I think they charge a 10 dollar corkage fee.
  7. I saw mention of Jose Andre's restaurants and did you know 2 of them are IN Crystal City? They are: Oyamel http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?n...ies=Restaurants http://oyamel.com/ Jaleo: http://jaleo.com/crystalCity.html
  8. Along the same lines as the above post, there is also a Hard Rock Cafe here in DC: http://hardrockcafe.com/locations/cafes/Cafes.aspx?Lc=WASH It's centrally located. What do others think about Les Halles? Especially the patio. http://www.leshalles.net/washington.php Thoughts? It's a fabulous location with a bit of the out of doors Washington DC with reasonably priced food that even kids might love!
  9. Here's a link to Wright Stuff products which provides assistive and adaptive equipment for upper extremity impairments. You may also find other products to help with other daily functions. I feel for you as I broke my dominant wrist a few years ago. On the other hand(no pun intended) my continental eating technique really evolved!! http://store.wrightstuff.biz/inkitchen.html
  10. Gosh those cookies look good. I am so going to make them, tommorow hopefully!!
  11. Do Jaleo!! Great Tapas, great prices: Location in Arlington: http://jaleo.com/crystalCity.html
  12. Megan, Your blog has been a treat to watch unfold. Your generosity and conviviality shows through the pages. I felt like I was right along side you in your ventures. Thanks for all your lovingly tendered photos and missives. Cheers, Monavano
  13. I love taylor pork roll. They used to make "Tay-strips" which were bacon shaped roll that you fried up. Topped with gooey eggs it's really heaven. I miss it
  14. Megan, You are the WOMAN!! Wow, hungover and you hit the ground running. I enjoyed the recap of your shopping on Sat, and of course the pics and descriptions of the Babbo dishes were just fabulous. It's been too long since we've been in NYC. My in laws lived in Montville, NJ which is only a half hour to the Weehawken Ferry, so that meant we usually got into the city when we visited them. Now they live in Jackson NJ, and well, it's a lot further away. None the less, I'm seriously thinking of planning a long weekend trip. Amtrak, here I come! Really enjoying the blog. Cheers
  15. Based on your criteria, I'd recommend "Annabelle's" in the Holiday Inn Old Town Select. It's the bar/lounge and has pub fare for very cheap, as well as happy hour offerings. You can take the Dash or free Dash About if available, both from the King. St. metro, down King St. http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/hi/1/en/hpt/AXEOT Also down King st, closer to the metro is Hard Times Chili. Good both for chili and burgers. http://www.hardtimes.com/ Right across from the King St. metro is Joe Theisman's, which has pub fare galore and you can't beat the convenience. http://www.joetheismanns.com/Menu/menu.html
  16. Megan, That was a FANTASTIC!! chocolate tour. I've seen the Chocolate Bar featured on tv for sure (foodtv? not sure). Thanks for covering so much ground, so many shops and stores. This has been great. Thanks for all your hard work, cooking , eating and tour guiding. eta: found the website http://www.chocolatebarnyc.com and am going to order the retro bars and I'm sure a little somethings else as well
  17. Ha! so funny. I call my Bichon Frise my "little frito bandito" for that reason!!
  18. Megan, I love your amazing posts and pics in the "Dinner" thread, so I'm looking forward to your blog. I love NYC and look forward to lots of photos and information about your local grocers, butchers, bakers, coffee shops etc.....
  19. fantasic site! really good prices.
  20. Darcie, thanks for the great blog. I've really enjoyed your baking escpecially. I'm inspired to try more recipes, especially the bagels. I'm going to order the baking book you referenced for them. That was a really great tip.
  21. Aside from an impressive and exploding restaurant scene in Washington D.C., the area is rife with Ethiopian restaurants. I would say this is a signature food of the nation's capitol. Also, El Salvadoran as the D. C. area (we're talking Northern VA) is I believe second only to CA for El Salvadorian immigrants.
  22. That's what I thought. And that really makes them a bit tacky. Diet coke and Pringles...yum.
  23. Wow, were gifts brought or expected??
  24. MsDucky, this has been a great blog and I've enjoyed all your hard work and sharing. My vote would be the seafood hot pot. Thanks!!
  25. This story is great! What a great laugh (sorry at your expense ) Who was this guy, Babba Wawa's brother???
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