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Posts posted by Zeemanb

  1. Good luck beating this  :biggrin:

    I didn't know that Jodorowsky did Estonian commercials back in the day! :laugh:

    Nice reference! DEFINITELY either Jodorowsky or Coffin Joe.....

    I don't know if they can be considered the "worst" of all time, but I really, really hate most Olive Garden commercials. There is an especially annoying one right now where a kid is taking his grandfather out to dinner and has to tell him "Have whatever you want Grandpa! And have ALL you want!". The weird, manic tone of the commercial makes me think the next words out of his mouth are going to be "because tommorrow you're going to THE HOME!". Something about people going ape over things like shells stuffed with fake crab and smothered in sausage and cheese sauce is so wrong on so many levels......

    Edited to add: And you do not, DO NOT even want to get me started on the "yogurt wenches"........."Oh, THIS YOGURT is girls-only weekend good!"...."It's walking on the beach good!"......

  2. The one positive thing I have to say about the show is that the cheftestants all seemed to really get into having a child work with them in the kitchen. That scenario was definitely fodder for the editors to single one of them out crying about how unfair it was, blah-blah-blah. Even Lisa didn't flip out and drop about ten f-bombs, which was actually a little shocking. So I did appreciate that aspect of the show very much.

    As far as the $10 at Whole Foods goes, and I will be happy to stand corrected if there is a believable explanation, the biggest problem I had with such an insane break from reality is how misleading it was for any actual family of four. I don't think that going to a regular mega-mart would have been out of line for this particular challenge, because then the $10 would be believable and the dishes could be more easily replicated at home. But I guess that the advertisement for Whole Foods wins out.....

  3. Well, after a little research it looks like Missouri may have an official state dessert by the end of May......it will be the ice cream cone. Generic, yet iconic....something to do with it making its debut at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. So I guess that makes sense, even though I think my flourless chocolate torte/Nutella concoction known as "Satan's Glorious Victory" would make a WAY better choice..... :rolleyes:

  4. And if I hear "I'm doing this for Zoi" once more I'm going to hit someone. 

    Ditto.....and again I say ditto. Although I'm sure it could make one heck of a drinking game, all I can think about every damn time she starts in is that scene from the Outsiders when Matt Dillon/Dallas Winston is going on about the big rumble..."Let's do it for Johnny, man! We'll do it for Johnny!". Damn those Top Chef editors.......actually, I wonder how many "gotta do it for Zoi's" they left out?

    I did enjoy the elimination challenge quite a bit. A little goofy, but they had the chance to do some actual cooking.

  5. At Fritz's Restaurant here in KC (historic hamburger joint), there are little railroad tracks running all through the restaurant and your food is delivered by a train. The train drops the tray off on a platform, and the platform lowers to your table. Servers still bring your drinks, but having the choo-choo bring your burgers and fries is a great experience for young and old alike!

  6. Not to pick nits, but the hat in question is, I believe, a backwards English driving cap which made sense on "Snacks on a Plane" if Tom is playing Samuel L Jackson. 

    "There ain't no MOTHER%$N' SALT on these MOTHER%$N' MUSHROOMS!" :biggrin:

  7. I also don’t eat sushi, but he says the fish was great.  The soba, I do like and tried and it was wonderful – really flavorful!

    Kim, just out of curiosity.....has sushi been something that you've never liked, or is it a post-surgery thing? The reason I ask is because I have found it to be one of the foods that I just can't chew to "babyfood consistency"...so I really don't eat it much anymore. It was never my #1 food, so I don't miss it too terribly. I've gotten so used to chewing each mouthful at least 30 times that I don't even think about it anymore.....and for some reason it just takes all of the fun out of eating raw fish! :biggrin:

  8. I think Dale used the pre-made roasted chicken last year.  I believe it was for some sort of pasta filling.

    Yes, if I remember correctly he made pierogi's and used pre-roasted chicken and instant potatoes. It was the episode when everyone had to remake classic, but healthier, American dishes.

  9. but I CHALLENGE you to find a more ravenous animal. I would rather be caught between a rabid wolverine and her young than a pug and its food dish

    Have you ever been around a hungry Dachshund? They would eat themselves to death if given the opportunity.

    Yeah, they are crackheads too....my grandmother used to have a couple. Now that I think about it, my rescued cocker spaniel is pretty horrible.....she managed to get into the dog food bin while I was out one day and I think she would have killed herself eating all 20lbs if I hadn't shown up to stop her. And she still held it against me when I didn't feed her again that night......

  10. First of all, unless Otis is different from every other pug I have known........they are awfully cute, but I CHALLENGE you to find a more ravenous animal. I would rather be caught between a rabid wolverine and her young than a pug and its food dish.... :biggrin:

    I was wondering if you could answer a question about life after gastric bypass.

    It seems from the food that you eat and cook that you do not eat low fat or even count calories.

    Do you simply eat smaller portions and not care about things like fat, or is this a particularly high calorie/high fat week because of the blog?

    I obviously can't speak for Kim, but as a weight loss surgery patient I know this subject comes up a LOT (and I tend to cook/eat out quite a bit....and not always the healtiest choices). The things you really cannot skimp on are your daily vitamins/supplements and getting enough protein in your diet. From my experience, as long as the fatty foods are "solid"...proteins, etc., there really isn't too much of a risk of overeating (I don't know how many times my eyes have been bigger than my stomach and I've thrown away 3/4 of a sandwich I thought I could finish). Your stomach is about the size of a large egg, and proteins digest slower, giving you a sensation of satiety that lasts for quite a while. However, when you get into your fattier carbs or what are often referred to as "slider" foods like mashed potatoes, gravies, chips, sauces, various starches, etc., they go through your new stomach really quickly and can eventually lead to weight gain because you don't stay full. There are some built-in safety measures even for that though.....the biggest one being "dumping syndrome". When you take in too much sugar or fat at one time, it can basically give you the sensation of having the worst hangover of your entire life hit you in about thirty seconds......it SUCKS. Due to the reconfiguration, the fat/sugar dumps straight into your system all at once and makes you sick. So you learn your lesson quickly with that......at least I did the first time I put way too much mayo into a tuna salad.

    Anyway, sorry to threadjack or speak for Kim, and I'm not sure that even really answers any questions. I guess the bottom line is you are always conscious of calories, amounts, etc., but it's easy to "splurge" one day and make up for it the next. AND you have built-in safety measures that keep you from going TOO crazy. The common misconception is that gastric bypass is the magic pill, which it is not....it's just a tool, because plenty of people have gone the surgery route and still gained a ton of weight. From looking at Kim's breakfasts/lunches, she's really sticking to the plan as far as amounts go. And this is only a guess, but I'd say this week for her is out of the ordinary due to the blog. The one advantage I have is living alone now......I can't imagine still having to cook for others!

  11. Watching Ryan last night, I finally figured him out........ he's Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)..... someone who knows how to parrot what it is to be stylish, friendly, outgoing, hip, etc......but basically has no soul or originality of his own. He's lost in the Ryan character and doesn't know how annoyingly transparent he is. In other words.........total douchebag.

    Nikki......in the name of all that is holy, how did she even make it onto the show? She's better suited for Hell's Kitchen, and maybe that is even a stretch.

  12. Kim, congrats on the weight loss! I am SO glad I opened this thread...after my gastric bypass I haven't been reading as many eG food blogs and am lucky to have stumbled upon this one. I'm finally "over" letting my friends and family see how small my meals are now, and it means a lot to me to see someone else post a pic of a post-surgery meal (and the vitamin regimen). At some point I'm sure I'll get over the awkwardness of telling a server how FANTASTIC the meal was as I ask for a box for 80% of it....

    Glad to know there are other WLS folks who still love to cook (and have well equipped enough homes to showcase on eG :biggrin: ).

    I recently reached the 130lb mark as far as the weight loss, and have decided that if extra skin becomes an issue and insurance won't approve removal I'll go with a totally different method......more tattoos!

    Looking forward to updates......

  13. When Valerie said she was making blini's ahead of time I thought, "Oh nooooo...!!!"

    And were they saying "Bellini?" as in the drink?

    ah, yeah, valerie kept calling them "bellinis," even at the end when colicchio corrected them. just bad. bye, valerie (just watching it now, tivoed so no idea who gets sent home)

    on tv, people always say "bellini" and "mar-sca-pone" and they said "parpadelle" once... there's others i'm sure. maybe it's a regional thing, but blini is blini, mascarpone comes from mascarpa in italy and pappardelle is just that. at least in my experience. ::shrug::

    Actually, Valerie, Antonia et al. kept saying "buh-lini", which is even worse. And then there's saying "carmel corn" for "carAmel corn", or "carmelize" for "carAmelize". Carmel is right by Pebble Beach and Monterey. Caramel is the candy. Drives me wild every time I hear it.

    You people are driving me nuts.....I have to get away from the computer for a while.....if anyone needs me I'll be at ChiPOLTE. :biggrin:

    I watched last week's episode again, and I think we're going to see some Jerry Springer action between Spike and Jennifer unless one of them goes home first.

  14. And why was Dale holding his crotch while he was yelling at Lisa?

    That was....strange (almost as strange as Spike's new Greek Fisherman meets Goober from Mayberry hat). I was half expecting Dale to bust out into some "Whoomp! There It Is!" when the crotch-cupping began...which actually would have been some great television.

    Zoi started in with the waterworks pretty quickly, I wonder how much we missed with the editing.

    If I were Spike I'd invest in some kevlar.....hell hath no fury like a lesbian scorned.

  15. I...watched....exactly 90 seconds of this show tonight, and as much as I love the worst of the worst of reality TV (Bret Michaels Rock of Love = GENIUS for me), all I could hear while watching Hell's Kitchen was the classic Jesus Lizard lyric..."don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, I like him just fine......but he's a mouth breather"....and that was it for me. The litmus test for all of you people should be, when I tune out, it's time to pack it up and join some very marginalized religious order.... :raz:

  16. I forget who it was, but I remember some comedian a few years ago calling the pepper-grinder guy "the peppier," pronounced "zee peppeeyay," of course.  :cool:

    It may not be the same thing, but there was an SNL skit quite a while back with Adam Sandler as the "pepper boy in training" and Chris Farley as a customer...... "Why THANK YOU PEPPER BOY! That was the PERFECT amount of PEPPER!".

    I can't stop thinking about that skit whenever someone comes up to add that magical dash of freshly ground pepper. The best is when the servers have those little pepper holsters on their belts.....ready to wield the mill like a blackjack if a pepper-related emergency should arise. I imagine one of them looking across the crowded dining room and noticing a customer about to shove a pepperless bite of caesar salad into their mouth, and they run across the room in slow motion, reaching for their pepper holster and screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOO!". Then, cut to the server station a few seconds later while the other servers console them...."there was nothing you could do.....it was too late".

    Yeah, too much time on my hands today..... :biggrin:

  17. Does anyone recall whether or not the cheftestants have always had beer available to them as they sit in the back waiting for judging? For some reason it stuck out to me this week when the weepiness about the white chocolate began....booze is a major reality show staple, and I couldn't remember if they always sit back there drinking. I know from one of the reunion shows that they can sit back there for four or five hours as the judges deliberate....but I'm sure the Bravo producers would NEVER set them up to provide us with spectacular alcohol fueled drama... :rolleyes:

  18. The kicker...there was only one other couple in the lounge (aside from the Garrelts (chefs/owners) and their guests, also hanging out in the lounge) the whole time we were there.  I don't understand that at all.  It was a little cold and drizzly, and I know it's early, but still.

    Thanks for the great report. As far as the lack of crowds, my mind is boggled as well.....on one hand I'd hate to fight my way through a plaza-ish happy hour crowd, but I'd definitely rather see the place packed out than empty because I do think it's the best value around. Plus, once people taste the lounge menu they'll be intrigued enough to try the tasting menus.....and with spring arriving I can only imagine what great things await us.

  19. Glad I saw this thread, it reminded me that I am missing a mandatory addition to my collection.

    Did a web search and found the paperback version for $25.00CDN on Amazon.ca. With shipping to Kansas City it came to about $35.00. That's "standard" international shipping.....so hopefully I won't be waiting too long.

  20. I liked the creative editing, because it was obvious that instead of Padma saying "Manuel, please pack your knives and go", in reality the whole line HAD to be "Manuel, you're too nice of a guy and Spike just makes better TV, please pack your knives and go".

    And with last night's scruffy brimmed hat, Spike is no longer K-Fed, he's one of the Pussycat Dolls. :raz:

  21. I still don't know what you guys are talking about, the dialogue between Marc and Guy is ENTHRALLING!

    Guy: Hey Summers, I could be wrong but from looking at what's going on down there......it looks like she's making a SAUCE!

    Marc: That's right Guy, and what some people might NOT know is that a sauce is generally made from some sort of warm liquid that has spices or food suspended in it. Sometimes both!

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