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Posts posted by rooftop1000

  1. So thats what I have been making LOL...

    I had the idea to take leftover Saurbratten (not enough for another meal) and stuff it into wonton skins. I served the dumplings in a broth of carmelized onions and beef stock with a touch of sour cream. Even with the wonton skins it takes so long to make enough for dinner.


  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rozanne-gold/pine-nut-mouth_b_1310216.html?ref=food&icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl7%7Csec3_lnk2%26pLid%3D139534

    I dont know how long these links stay active so I will cut some pertinant info in

    Rozanne Gold-Chef and author

    ""The condition is called "dysgeusia" or "metallogeusia" and not everyone is affected. The FDA says it is not an allergy but instead is an adverse reaction to something in the nuts. Its cause is still somewhat of a mystery. Lots of pine nuts have been shipped from China because they're plentiful and cheaper, but starting about ten years ago one particular variety of white pine nut grown there -- pinus armandii -- has been infiltrating packages of the good stuff. Pinus armandii is not classified as edible by the Food and Agriculture Organization, and is called "unfit for human consumption" by food safety experts at the European Commission. Strictly speaking, they're poisonous but don't cause permanent harm, which is why you still find them on food market shelves. These nuts, if you trouble to look, are much shorter than the more expensive ones from Italy that we once exclusively consumed; they should be avoided.""

  3. While I realize that home cooking isn't dead, it seems there are a lot of skills that were taken for granted 50 years ago that would get you a blank stare now. I am thinking specifically now about White Sauce.

    I am sure there are cooks in large swaths of the country that know how to make white sauce (gravy) or as a cassarole base but there are so many that don't....I am nominating Campbells Cream of Whatever as a skill killer.

    What else?


  4. the moment I saw the sesame variation in the recipe above I knew I had to try it. I love love love crunchy sesame candy.

    So, no clue, no candy thermometer, and no experience....

    It came out perfect.

    I guess it helped to start out with untoasted sesame seeds so I could really tell when it was browned/cooked enough

    DEC 011.jpg

    This is awsome LOL :laugh:


  5. I agree with the tabletop convection and a nice rolling storage cart. I used to run a cafe in an office building lobby and we had one to bake off pastries and cookies...I even made meatloaf in it. My boss didn't want to spring for the 3000 dollar commercial one, we just got a standard household 300 dollar one and it worked great.


  6. My local store has "parted out" it's leftover turkeys and I just popped a bone-in half breast in the oven. They do this every year and I like to grab one to make up lunch packets for the freezer, except this year I just realized my probe thermometer is dead and I didn't get the half with the pop-up timer LOL.

    Any suggestions on timing, it's in the oven at f375 ??


  7. I picked up some "wild caught USA" shrimp this week also...also used to bag o'farmed and frozen.

    There really was something odd in them, almost like an extra part beyond the poop and intestine. It was another tube but thicker and pink...dont remember ever seeing that before, even in "good shrimp"


  8. We measured and ordered our countertop ourselves and had a union carpenter come install it....nothing fancy just new Formica. We were replacing a piece of furniture with a dishwasher and a base cabinet forming a new corner with the dishwasher. I'll be damned if a dishwasher installed in a corner needs a few inches of clearance for the door to open. Not included in our measurements of course, so our new counter top is 1/2 inch shorter than the base cabinet instead of having a 2 inch overhang.

    But it is cleaner and prettier than the old one...and the seam is not under the cutting board so it doesn't fill with crumbs.


  9. Dont forget that the roast will need about 45 min resting time before serving...so then the oven is free. Last Christmas my rib roast hit temperature almost an hour early and it was puuurfect when I sliced it almost 2 hours later.


  10. This was Sunday's lunch

    Tuna packed in oil with the oil as the base for a lemon dressing, Austrian Crescent Potatoes from the farmers market, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Beans, and Radish Curls from my garden

    Heartland Gathering 093.jpg

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