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  1. Theven

    Menu help

    In the famous words of George Takai: OOO MYYY GOODNESSS!!
  2. Theven


    I just confirmed my appointment at Dr. Daniels house tomorrow!!! I cant wait =)
  3. Theven

    Pigs' Head

    Really great work dan and copilot! Its really starting to come together or should I say to a point where I am able to actually look at the pics
  4. Theven

    Dinner! 2005

    Really cool pics spaghetttti. One of my students was out of class for the breaking of the fast, she was telling me about some of the food her family eats for the celebration. Your pics brought it to life. Daniel when am I invited for dinner =)
  5. Theven

    Dinner! 2005

    Really nice pictures everyone! Dan your talents suprise me more and more everyday!
  6. Theven

    Dinner! 2005

    Dan your garlic soup picture alone deserves an award!!! Great job.
  7. Dano! I finally finished reading this post and I must say you did an awesome job! I thought I would mention that I’m friends with Dan and his lovely Co-pilot. I also have the honor of speaking to them during most of these trips. It’s funny when Dan mentions something about food or people that make no sense. However, when I read his stories and see these pics, it really brings his adventures full circle. Dan you’re the man, thanks for the great ride. P.S. – No Oysters in N.O.? ACME?? Or that other place? P.S.S – I think your bronchitis was caused by those fire ants.
  8. Dano, your stories are like a good book I cant put down. Btw, is your real name Raoul Duke and your co-piolet wouldnt happen to be Dr. Gonzo would it?
  9. Great stuff Dano keep it coming. svelte Seagull's hahhaah
  10. I went to WM in JC and thought that the burgers were GREAT!, however I recently went to White Rose in Brunswick and that place has got a REALLY GREAT BURGER. White Rose is now my favorite burger joint in Jersey.
  11. So your saying you liked it? =)
  12. All I have to say is God Bless America and the sacred BLT! Also, Cherry Valley in Whitestone makes a VERY good BLT.
  13. That Burger from louis looked AMAZING! Now that I'm done reading this post I must go eat. Thanks for the great post dan.
  14. Yet again another great post Dano. Where does all the food go dan? Btw, "My vegetarian sister actually wanted me to add a picture of me being nice to an animal.. There ya go Amy. " was Hilarious! Thanks again for the great pics and stories!
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