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Posts posted by JSD

  1. Recently in the news, health organizations have decried the "supersizing" of portions that have also supersized Americans. Not unrelated, is Southwest's announcement that supersized passengers will pay for the seats they occupy, two if necessary.

  2. He was called by the airline the day before and asked what his preferred wines were for the flight.

    What airline was that? The airline I usually fly asks if I want peanuts or not..

    Many years ago we were bumped from our flight and put in first class on a later flight. We were served prime rib, carved on a cart in the aisle, and later sundaes, with the scoops of ice cream in a huge bowl, and all sorts of toppings.

  3. I too loved Homer Price - all of the stories including the doughnuts.

    One of my favorite Mrs. Piggle Wiggle stories was about the kid who wouldn't bathe so the parents are instructed to plant seeds right on the child, and pretty soon radishes sprout. That's a pretty dirty child, I imagine. And the child who eats slowly and small amounts and pretty soon is using tiny tiny dishes that hold only one grain of rice and cups that hold only one drop of milk.

  4. I just checked, and our bread knife is apparently some unnamed brand X knife, serrated, with an 11 inch blade.  We've had it several years, and the technique that Wilfrid mentioned, I found is easier with a long blade.  It's kind of like having a mouse and mousepad and running out of mousepad.  With this knife, I don't run out of blade.  I can, and have, slice bread straight out of the oven.  I wouldn't recommend it, but with the right technique (see Wilfrid's) it is possible.

  5. Lesley, tinned seal meat. Nor that seal is "a good choice for our aging population". What company sells it?

    edit: Okay, I've done a Google search. Here is a site concerning this: clicke.

    I went to the web site.  Their slogan is "Naturally Beneficial for everyone".  For everyone but the seals, I guess!  Yes, they had a few pictures of canned seal, and a seal pepperoni pizza, but more pictures of coats, purses, slippers, etc.

  6. We had barbequed spareribs that had been marinated in Dr. Pepper for about 20 hours.  I know this sounds like a recipe you might pick up in the Weekly World News, but they were delicious:  tender and juicy, with a very slight sweetness.  Delicious!  We also had watermelon, a green salad from romaine lettuce from our garden, and stewed rhubarb over yogurt.

  7. Texas Hill Country has fabulous peaches.  Some of the best I've ever tasted.  

    Jaymes, you are soo right.  My inlaws had a place in The Texas Hill Country with fantastic peaches.  I think it's the cool winters or cool evenings or something.

  8. Today I bought pork spareribs rather than baby back ribs, but I was planning on marinating them in Dr. Pepper (not diet) and barbequeing them for Father's Day.  I've tried this before with good success.  It's from Master the Grill the Lazy Way by Hahn and Giddeon.  I don't consider myself in any way an expert on ribs.

  9. Those chocolate covered chocolate Riesen's, I chewed on one when it really wasn't soft enough and it took a crown off, and I almost swallowed it.  I couldn't figure out what happened at first.  Then it made me faint.  The dentist replaced the crown the following morning.  It was pretty gross.  I don't eat those things anymore, even though  I really liked them.

  10. Between Houston and Beaumont is/was a place called The Boondocks.  It was built out on a dock over the bayou.  The specialty was spicy fried catfish, but the real attraction was the hush puppies they gave you to toss to the alligators while you waited for your table. It was quite a place.

  11. We'd barbeque tri tip with a dry rub of garlic powder, salt and black pepper.  It's absolutely fantastic, and also great for leftovers.  I also make a 3 layer cocoa cake with a cocoa cream cheese frosting with triple sec.  I use an entire box of Drost cocoa.  This satisfies most chocoholics.

  12. OK, I'm married to someone who doesn't like fresh tomatoes or cantalope - two of my favorite things.  He actually prefers watermelon (ther's a reason it's called WATERmelon, because it's watery tasting).  I'm the only one in this household who likes chocolate ice cream.  Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm living amongst aliens..

  13. Things I detest:

    Lima Beans

    Canned Peaches

    Canned corned beef

    gatorade or any "sport" drink

    Things I love:



    melon, especially cantalope

    fresh tomatoes, still warm from the sun - many don't even make it in the house. they're consumed in the garden.

    Some of those other things (sheep eyes) certainly sound vile and remind me of Sophomore Biology.  Not something I'd even think of eating

  14. Ok, this was more like a snack than dinner, but it was good, and it was easy (duh):  roasted asparagus, fresh strawberries with balsamic vinegar and black pepper, and ciabatta with goat cheese.  Yummy!

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