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Everything posted by tim

  1. The extract you make at home is much cheaper than grocery store extract, and much better tasting. Tim
  2. Hi, In fact, the Tramontina 8-Piece 18/10 Stainless Steel TriPly-Clad Cookware Set is fully clad and available a many discount stores. Tim
  3. Andie, Thank you for your excellent explanation. This is exactly the reason that we enjoy Pasteurized Manufacture's Cream. As explained upthread, we purchase the Meijer Heavy Whipping Cream and age it to well past the expiration date in our fridge. When opened, we have the most luscious double cream which is heavenly on scones. Tim
  4. Hi, All USA cream probably contains milk given the minimum butterfat requirements: Manufacturer Cream: 40% Whipping Cream: 36% Cream: 30% I assume that any Cream that includes milk as an ingredient is below that 40% mark. Tim
  5. Yes, the bottom would be hotter than the sides. But that would be the case anyway. Hi, Actually, heat differences between the bottom and the sides are dependent on the type of stovetop, the size of the burner/pot and the type of pot. In explanation: Gas stovetop with disc bottom pot: If the flame or heat crawls up the sides around the disc (flame larger than the pot disc), the lower sides may be much hotter than the bottom. Years ago, I witnessed tomato sauce in a 5 quart Deymeyere saucepot on a Wolf gas burner of the proper size; yes their was a thick ring of burned sauce just above the disc. Electric stovetop with disc bottom pot: In this case heat does not crawl up the sides and the sides of the pot will be much cooler than the bottom. Unfortunately, those slices of meat in your skillet extending above the disc will not cook or sear like the meat above the disc. This is the place for a fully cladded pan. Tim
  6. Hi, The easiest way to find "manufacturer's cream" (no additives) is to phone local dairies and ask if they make the product and what retailers stock that product. Your State's Department of Agriculture can supply the names and numbers of dairies. Meijer food stores in MI, IL, IN, OH an KY carry fresh heavy "pasteurized" cream from Michigan with two ingredients, cream and milk. It is excellent. We hold unopened containers until they are a few weeks beyond the expiration date and scooping out wonderful double cream. Tim
  7. Hi, The difference may be the date of manufacturer or your measuring methods. Eurofib stockpots had much thicker bottoms when they were made in Turkey. They transferred production from Turkey to a much lighter construction some years ago. Manufacturers are now wrapping their disc bottoms up the outside edges. This results in a disc that is much thinner across the bottom of the pan. I hope this helps, Tim
  8. You did not mention advance disclosure of the gratuity on the coupon. That would be imperative. Tim
  9. That "Clearance Sale" is at JB Prince's standard prices.
  10. Hi, Even "Certified Angus Beef" (which may not be from angus steers) is sold in different quality levels. We have two competitors selling "Certified Angus Beef" cuts and there is an obvious and consistent difference in the marbling between the stores. Tim
  11. Hi, You can try a wet bath towel around your smoking chamber. The evaporation will hold the temp down. Tim
  12. Rhonda, Those are great pictures that bring your adventures alive. Why don't you include your beautiful smiling face in a picture or two? Tim
  13. Dear Rhonda, This has been a wonderful hug for me but, I'd rather have a real one. I may just have a sip of Zaya this evening to bring back memories. You really bring Louisiana alive with your writing. Thank you for sharing. Wish you had been here last week--we had your gumbo! Tim Rhonda--Just got home from a very long day at work sitting in front of a computer. The last thing I wanted to do was sit down in front of our computer. But Tim insisted and I am so glad I did. What a treasure you are writing. When you mentioned the other day you were working on something, I had no idea it would be so wonderful and so full of love. What a gift you are giving both your mother and more importantly your father. We will keep you close to our hearts. Lib and Tim
  14. Hi, Philadelphia Cream Cheese contains: Pasteurized Nonfat Milk and Milk Fat Cheese Culture Whey Protein Concentrate Salt Guar Gum Carob Bean Gum Tim
  15. Hi, Read all of the ingredients and you will realize that it definitely is not Creme Fraiche! Tim I'm guessing that's pretty much the ingredient list for regular cream cheese too. Hi, The appropriate comparison is to creme fraiche. In my household, creme fraiche ingredients include pasteurized manufacturer' cream (cream and milk) and buttermilk (again, no additives). Tim The ingredient comparison to creme fraiche would be appropriate if the product texturewise or flavorwise was anything like creme fraiche. It isn't, at least in the usage I tried. It's more like a soft flavored cream cheese. The comparison to creme fraiche was appropriate only because it was suggested.
  16. Hi, Read all of the ingredients and you will realize that it definitely is not Creme Fraiche! Tim I'm guessing that's pretty much the ingredient list for regular cream cheese too. Hi, The appropriate comparison is to creme fraiche. In my household, creme fraiche ingredients include pasteurized manufacturer' cream (cream and milk) and buttermilk (again, no additives). Tim
  17. Hi, Read all of the ingredients and you will realize that it definitely is not Creme Fraiche! Ingredients: Pasteurized Nonfat milk and milk fat, water, whey protein concentrate, cheese culture, salt, tapioca starch, maltodextrin, lactic acid, carob bean gum, guar gum, sorbic acid (preservative), natural flavor, vitamin A palmitate Doesn't that sound delicious? Tim
  18. Hi, Why don't you buy a duck and cook it?
  19. Hi, I also use skillets or carbon steel paella pans for roasting. Over the years, I have found heavy racks that fit these pans perfectly for both whole birds or flat roasts/birds. Tim
  20. tim

    Roasting a Chicken

    Hi, I don't know the concept of salting early. If that means salting one or two hours before cooking the only results will be loss of moisture. Dry brining means salting well in advance (6 hours to a few days), wrapping and refrigerating. The salt draws out the moisture, dissolves and is reabsorbed by the meat. This results in seasoning and protein denaturing. Tim
  21. Friends used to bring us geese. We had two on many occasions and we usually roasted both. Many times, only one would be edible. We make lots of wonderful stock. Goose consomme is absolutely wonderful. Tim
  22. Hi, I brine and smoke the breast at fairly low temperature. Rare smoked breast reminds me of smoked beef loin. The legs require braising or confit. Tim
  23. Hi, There is a new oil and method for seasoning iron that looks very promising. It utilizes flaxseed oil and was developed by Cheryl Canter. Shery's Blog on Seasoning "It’s a “drying oil”, which means it can transform into a hard, tough film. This doesn’t happen through “drying” in the sense of losing moisture through evaporation. The term is actually a misnomer. The transformation is through a chemical process called “polymerization”. The seasoning on cast iron is formed by fat polymerization, fat polymerization is maximized with a drying oil, and flaxseed oil is the only drying oil that’s edible. From that I deduced that flaxseed oil would be the ideal oil for seasoning cast iron." This is an excellent analysis and offer new insight into a method of developing a much tougher seasoning. Tim
  24. Sheryl Canter has an interesting article on seasoning with flaxseed oil on her blog. Sheryl Canter on Seasoning Cast Iron The process is quite simple but takes lots of time. Sheryl's method uses food grade flaxseed oil to create a hard, smooth and durable seasoning. Your pans must first stripped of seasoning (oven cleaner or self-cleaning cycle) and dried at 200 degrees for an hour before starting. They are then seasoned with thin coats of oil, 6 times to complete the process. This looks very promising and should also work on carbon steel. Tim
  25. Hi, Some seafood stores and restaurants have ceased offering skate do to supply shortages and lack of sustainable fishing practices. Yes, I miss it terribly. Tim
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