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  1. i guess another reason why is that there isnt much jam/jelly culture in korea. and eating pickled green beans, cukes etc etc isnt really their thang, either. kimchi is all, everything.
  2. thanks, everyone, for your replies! id actually supposed the canning culture came from europe but i have no idea about canning and preservation today. i am also curious about whether there is any canning culture in asia. i suppose that it might be less popular the closer you are to the equator. i have no idea if there is access to any type of jars specifically for canning in places like korea, japan or china. i think its kind of a hard question to ask. in some circles of my friends, canning is seen as something rather obscure and strange. but i have other circles where its definitely celebrated, with friends putting up dozens and dozens of jars. these people tend to be gardeners (esp gardeners), or more foodie types. but i do think that its not exactly a mainstream thing but that might be different now with the younger generation embracing diy processes. im korean and i dont think ive ever seen any folks of my parents generation put up much. even the hard core korean gardeners didnt use mason jars. they *do* dry/dehydrate like its going out of style, and of course pickles and kimchi is popular. ill have to ask around. but im guessing that maybe there is no access to canning supplies in modern korea. just a guess. i love canning. id be so happy to learn that many koreans do can today.
  3. so ive been wondering about this. putting up jams, tomato sauces, pickles etc into jars for sort of long term storage (mostly to use within a year or so), is this done mostly by americans? i looked up the wikipedia page on home canning and the uk, australia and germany are mentioned... but these other jars like wecks, kilners, vacolas, etc, are they as plentiful as mason jars and lids seem to be in u.s. grocery stores? i understand pickles are done everywhere and maybe even sweet jams and jellies are made in many countries, but i am wondering specifically about canning as americans know it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_canning
  4. thanks. i just realized probably for the first time ever that ounces can be weight or volume. maybe not the first time, but 3 oz + 3 oz = 6 oz makes simple sense. i just didnt think of it as a weight thank you again for sharing the rec
  5. 6 oz of roux: how much butter/flour do you start with to end up with 6 oz? maybe roughly 6 tbsp butter, 3/4 c flour? thanks
  6. among the 100 odd items in the ingredients list, there is "coconut paste"... i like it though. i really look forward to trying these other ones. we tried a couple korean ones last year, but i still really didnt like them. my tastes have been japanified for good it seems.
  7. went to the big city and bought curry at the cool big city super h mart. its 2.5 hours away by car so we stock up. bought enough for one year (half a block about once a month which is good for about 2 dinners, maybe a lunch). i admire glico for pushing the boundaries of curry blocks. strive harder for a better world!!! all three glico ones are new for us. the s&b is new to me only in that its “extra hot”. java and vermont are our old standards. i would have bought hot for all of them, but there wasnt a selection for all varieties. our library for 2011
  8. im not sure but i dont think theres any difference in holding them between these three types. or maybe thats WHY my hands hurt when i use the korean metal ones. but i suspect that theres no difference. i think its just a matter of getting used to it and training your muscles. the japanese wooden ones do meet at the tips if you dont abuse them like i do. the chinese blunt ones i use just fine. theyre very utilitarian and they are by far, most economical. but i really like using the wooden ones. the new ones i bought arent $5 a pair but $2.50. not very cheap, but i like them a lot. and i will just get over myself and handwash from here on. no biggie. thanks so much everyone.
  9. i like reading and rereading my copy of white trash cooking. its a nice slice of another life.
  10. hi there. we eat with chopsticks everyday, for two or three meals a day. i hate korean style chopsticks (the super thin metal ones). they make my hands cramp and i never wanted to train myself to just get used to them. i am not a big fan of the chinese restaurant melamine ones, although they are okay in a pinch. we dont have any of them at home anymore though. right now we use thick wooden ones (the pic is similar to what we use). i am lazy and i throw them in the dishwasher which is really rough on the wood and they do warp. im getting sick of how warped ours are getting, which is how it always is. i generally replace a batch every 4-5 years. it feels wasteful but i hate handwashing (i run our dishwasher 1-2 times a day). so im probably going to go for another set of wooden lacquered chopsticks but ill take care to handwash them. i usually buy about 10-12 pairs at a time so that we dont run out. but before i go out and get another batch i thought i might ask what you do at your homes. maybe get some new ideas. how often do you eat with them? what kind do you have? how many do you have? how do you wash them? do yours last a long time? or do you replace as often as i do? thanks so much for reading and answering. Image provided courtesy of http://www.pachd.com/
  11. hi there made ichigo daifuku yesterday for the first time and then again today since i still had half a pack of shiratamako. overall, i was pleased by how easy it was to make and how delicious the resulting sweet was for the amount of effort (not much!), as long as you take care to get the best strawberries. ... ... ... notes. the anko was so wet and sticky, very difficult to handle. yesterday i put the anko into a nonstick fry pan to try to evaporate a bit of the water to make it a bit easier but it didnt really work. last night i read this topic and decided to try it with refrigerated anko and when i made it again today, the cold made it easier. not totally, but much better than yesterday. i also thought the canned anko was too sweet. but im unwilling to make my own anko, so ill put up with the sweetness. the recipe i used used 100 g shiratamako for 6 strawberries, but i was unhappy with the fruit/anko/mochi ratio. too much mochi. so this time i divided the dough from 100 g shiratamako into 8 pieces. much more fruit per sweet. the strawberries i used were really quite small, though. i was surprised by how easy it is to make the mochi. i was always kind of intimidated, worried about handling the hot stuff, but it actually cools down really quickly. strawberry season is here but wont last more than a month, so i will probably make this in two weeks or so to say good bye to strawberries for the year. but i will be making daifuku again after strawberry season is over. mikan, budou, cafe au lait as well as kuri daifuku are all in the plans. oh. and i will definitely try freezing whipped cream and adding that to the ichigo daifuku when i make it again. ill need to have the technique down before i tackle cafe au lait. i am hoping by the end of this year, with all my new experience, my daifuku will also be more attractively put together.
  12. percyn: "mmille24, there are a few different techniques I use for the scrambled eggs. Usually it simply involves heating a splash of half and half or light cream in a non-stick frying pan on low heat and cracking a fresh egg in. Add a pinch of salt and stir occasionally while on low until desired consistency (as egg starts to come together, turn heat down and keep stirring, scraping the bottom of the pan so that the egg does not stick or get lumpy). Remember, the egg will cook and firm up a bit even once the heat is turned off. Serve hot and it is even better with some truffle butter on toast." just found this. thanks!
  13. percyn, how do you make your soft scrambled eggs? they look oherworldly
  14. dang diana banana, your lunches are beautiful!!
  15. thanks hiroyuki! there are so many kinds, its all to personal taste. id been doing cukes + goma dare but wanted to try other ones. i will definitely try both the ones you suggest and report back. thank you again!
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