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Everything posted by pierre45

  1. I have eaten at both le clos morrillon and le pre verre.I thought the use of asian spices at le clos quite inventive .However i Found Le pre vert uneven ,some dishes were really stunning ,however others were duds. What I disliked mostly is the closeness of the tables , the rush and the noise.So who wants to be back in NEW york?
  2. My definition of a bistrot is quite simple and its as follows -A restaurant that's not fancy. -A restaurant that's reasonable,in other words 25 to 40 euros for 3 courses and no drinks.Therefore no expensive ingredients such as truffle ,caviar,etc.No predessert,dessert and gourmandises -A small place -a restaurant that does not have an army of waiters Today a bistrot could have any style of cuisine from traditional to modern and also creative.preparation however is simpler than in star restaurants.
  3. haha i don't think they did; or, at least they did a really good job concealing it. it was like two months later. i would have been startled if they were like, "you again ..." next up is going to be gérard mulot i think, right after le cinq. ← Ajgnet.Very well written review,very personal .You seem to be a true gourmet. Incidentally ,did you find the food quite rich?also what makes L'ambroisie different from any other 3 star restaurant.? Did you reserve under the same name as previousely? if that's the case they knew who you were.Also what did you drink and what's next.?
  4. I think it has been said by many people that tipping is not part of the culture in france.So when someone leaves a few euros ,its an indication that one has really appreciated the service. Actually waiters in france work very hard and are very different from most state employees who shuffle paper and dream of their 6 weeks vacation .
  5. MY 28 year old german oven works quite well ,except for the clock and timer. I fixed the temp swich myself using a piece of a metal foil.Afterwards I treated myself to dinner at P gagnaire ,which cost me 320 euros, the price of a new oven
  6. Sep 7 2007, 03:23 PM I have also given up on a 15 year old german dishwasher.So i wash everything by hand .If you really want a dishwasher go to Darty and speak to a salesperson . They will take away the old one and install the new. Good luck JOhn,please note that way back in sept I advised you not to waste time in repair and to purchase a new one from Darty. This is a proof of the advice i give.So people listen up .
  7. Daniel.Spending a few weeks in Japan sounds like a good idea and hopefully we will see its influence when you come back. Also don't forget that the public is fickle.today's hero can very easily be forgotten.SO if you stay away too long it may become very easy to make a reservation.ACtually I beleive you have a shot for a mIchelin star .specially if you come up with new creative dishes. Bonne chance and don't forget to eat in Kyoto
  8. Spring definitely merits a star.However i'll be suprised if it gets it.Because Spring is not the brainchild of a famous chef.
  9. The following restaurants will have a star -Sensing -Gaya rive gauche -Drouant
  10. The logic for having cheese before dessert is the fact that you'll continue drinking wine(I prefer white) with the cheese course. AS you know sweet wines usually is served with dessert. SO you can't drink sweet wine with dessert first and then swich to either red or white wine. So it all depends as to how the wine factor is important to you and to your guests.GOngratulations.
  11. THe reason for the lack of success is the low quality of the cuisine and that there are tons of restaurant today with the same concept but with high quality food .i.e les papilles.
  12. It is definitely made at Cosi, and I agree it can be quite good especially straight from the oven. The owner went to study violin making in Italy and wound up working in a bakery, which is where he learned to make the bread. I worked at Fish across the street for some time, which is how I know all this ← Felice.You did not have to say how you obtained all that info. You were quite impressive.
  13. INteresting discussion and a smart move on john's part to divorce the topic from La regalade. I agree with most of the points made by Ptipos.However what Julot is saying is that there is a need for restaurants that provide outstanding food in less hectic surrounding at relatively reasonable prices,lets say at 50 euros/person.The fact is such restaurants exist and let me name a few -Sensing -Versace -gaya rive gauche -Le violon d'ingres -spring etc and etc THis list is subjective ,of course.but let's be honnest when it comes to food its always personal
  14. I like your recommendation expressed as "Should one go? if you don't trust me ,yes"
  15. I don't think that there is a trend in france to increase dessert portions. The explanation as to why in some restaurants you do encounter large portions is very well explained by Ptipois.
  16. Here is my list of the best new 2007 restaurants. il vino spring afaria le grand pan l'epigramme Le vingt 2 le clocher periere le versace* le camelion* * in late 2006
  17. I think what pitpois means ,opinionated sommelier.Someone with strong opinions about certain wines and I assume if you mention or order a wine that he does not care about ,he will then let you know in no uncertain terms. I have run into characters like that .Actually I like them
  18. Many of the new restaurants are informal ,provide offerings that emphasis multiple dishes(tapas or mezzas) and interesting wine lists. Here are some examples.Le vngt 2, afaria, le crystal de sel,les finesgueule,racines amongst the bistrot universe and in the grand restaurant category as you said l'atelier ,plus of course senderens and Drouant.Actually sensing also offers tapas choices.I beleive this trend started in france and now is having an influence in the US .It does not mean its the end of le plat principal ,its just another option ,which always existed in the mediteranean countries such as spain and the middle east.
  19. THank you Sharon for saving me from a disaster.Le buisson ardent was on my list of restaurants to try.Like you I was attracted to its homey and warm look. Its been around for ages and I thought it was time to try it out.
  20. Ajgnet.You're right .The restaurant has changed over the years based on my own experience.However the service is 1st rate and that means a lot to many people. Nice write up describing childhood experience versus a return visit as a young adult.
  21. I'd rather answer this qustion after the dinner; just to be safe. Because the person I spoke with seemed extra friendly on the phone ... but perhaps I am being paranoid. ← Don't be surprised if they are aware about this discussion on the internet. So you may be royally treated.keep us posted
  22. Bravo.Excellent attitude.Sorry ,when i assumed that you were perceived as argumentative.Did you make the reservation under your name?
  23. Actually i am not forgiving at all.There is no justification for ambroisie's behavior.Specially in a 3 star restaurant.Its pure arrogance on their part.They should have made an effort to clear the misunderstanding ,specially when one is willing to come back . Definitely an unacceptable and deplorable attitude . Enjoy Piermont .I love their panna cotta and barbera wine.
  24. Some detective work is required to determine what happened at l'Ambroisie . I think They had ajgnet"s wrong tel # ,therefore with no confirmation they cancelled the reservation.THe interaction between the maitre D and ajgnet somewhat angered them ,for whatever reason .I assume Ajgnet must have an idea as to why,I assume ,misunderstanding mostly.Perhaps they thought that Ajgnet is too argumentative and beeing who they are they don't have to put up to it.That explains the toujours comment. WEll, anyhow Ajgnet ,This will be a nice topic at a party when you return to the US
  25. THis seems very odd.The only thing that makes sense is that they think you're somebody else with whom that have had a bad experience. It could be interesting to go with somebody else who speaks french and let her or him make the reservation under their name.Good luck
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