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Posts posted by fisherman

  1. Also - and it was so low-key you could easily have missed it - we had teamed up with Audi who wanted to do a larger scale sponsorship job

    So low key I thought 'Fuck me, not Audi again,' someone in the Press department there obviously likes food. The first time I saw them on a food program was on French Leave with the delightful JBR and his even more delightful wife enjoying a free A4 soft top, then more recently Gordo ploughing his own furrow in Kitchen Nightmares in the latest uber-wagon the Q8.

    Always seemed a strange pairing, the teutons and the foodies?

    I love food but hate Audis, so if anyone at Audi wants to lend me a Q8 for a while, to make me change my mind, well, if you give me a petrol card too, I'll even pretend to like it!

  2. I certainly don't have a halo, but I also somehow manage to never eat ready meals or battery raised chicken (and intensively reared pork for that matter)

    I can only assume you never eat at restaurants then.

    Of course I do, but I never order chicken or pork unless it's provenance is good.

    Lamb and beef are much safer bets for anyone wanting to avoid intensively farmed meat in most restaurants.

    It's much easier than most people think exclude such shite from your diet.

  3. I certainly don't have a halo, but I also somehow manage to never eat ready meals or battery raised chicken (and intensively reared pork for that matter) Yes we're all busy, and no, not many of us have quite as much money or time as we'd like to spend on our food, but it's hardly difficult to have some kind of basic standards regarding what we eat.

    This site at it's most basic is for people who on some level give a toss about that they eat, quite how that sits with eating ready meals I'm not sure.

    You mention the 'Basic human attraction to a bargain' we should never forget that just because something is cheap, that doesn't make it a bargain. Bargains rely on some inherent value in the product. And now you've got me going, since when were ready meals bargains?

    As I said in my earlier post 'But horses for courses, if you want to eat that shit, who am I to say anything :)'

  4. Hugh is a role model to us all, walking it like he talks it!

    Great first episode, I'm going to watch the second one tonight, and I can't wait.

    My friends are sick me getting all high and mighty with them about their shopping and eating habits, but the ones who saw the first episode are all thinking about the subject a lot more

  5. I haven't even watched the second show, I couldn't bear to. One thing that winds me up is the awful sit down interview with HB which just seems to be used in lieu of any interesting sequences of him actually doing anything. A cookery/science show where a large part of the show is taken up with a moodily lit sit down interview? A new direction maybe, but one I hope no other producers take.

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