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Posts posted by fisherman

  1. It undermines the whole process in my view.

    The only process at work is the process of making a television show that makes vague sense and comes in under budget. There were a couple of things on the Chicken Tikka Masala show that I felt the same about, I'm guessing it'll be a recurring feature of the show.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Travelling to Houston on Monday the 24th for a couple of weeks work, and will need to eat (reasonably) well while I'm there! Will be out for dinner most nights, and am not that cost conscious, I've never minded spending money on a good meal, one night we'll want to go out for something really special, so any specific recommendations for that night would be welcome too, but just want some good general thoughts please.

    If it helps any, we're a British Television crew, so would prefer places that don't mind groups (There's six of us) rather than places full of couples dining a deux!

    We will be staying in the area round the Hobby Airport if that gives anyone any clues on somewhere local, but we don't mind a cab ride.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Even Tescos hang all there beef for 3 weeks now with the finest range being hung for 28 days (No idea what it tastes like)! I'm not doubting that the beef here is better but I think more clarity is needed. At the moment it looks like any number of online retailers.

    Don't Tescos etc hang meat in vacpacs though, just so they can do it the cheapest way possible, enabling them to label it as being hung?

  4. Apologies all for the delay in thanking you all properly, we ate well on our trip, and it was mainly thanks to you guys!

    Ricky Lys was excellent, great food, and a good atmosphere.

    Angelos was booked one night, but we never made it due to a late finish, which was a shame.

    The Geisenhaus became our regular haunt, close to the hotel and reliably good food and beer.

    many thanks to you all once again.


  5. Just got back from a night in Nottingham, we were lucky enough to enjoy the 'Surprise' tasting menu, 17 courses, each one amazing in some very different ways.

    Two things stood out apart from the food, number one, James, the guy mentioned in Bapis post, an amazingly well informed, enthusiastic, friendly host, his wine choices were always spot on, and most of the time he chose things we wouldn't have, he's a real asset to the place, and for me the real star of the front house staff.

    Secondly, I got chance to speak to Sat after the meal, a perfect end to the evening, the place was almost empty by the time we'd finished, so I got him to myself for a while!. We can't wait to go back

    I'll write up what we had when I have time.

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