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Stephanie Wallace

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    New York, NY

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  1. Well, 5 years on, I can say I'm quite happy with the guitar, though I'd really like a guitar with 5mm spacing as well to increase the number of possible dimensions. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!
  2. Thanks. Frankly, though there a couple of chocolatiers I admire in the States, I'm simply not terribly excited about most domestic bonbon producers. As far as bean-to-bar chocolate goes however, we're certainly experiencing a renaissance.
  3. Is anyone here aware of chocolatiers in Paris (or genuinely excellent chocolatiers elsewhere in France) who ship to the US? Both Patrick Roger and Jean-Paul Hévin used to do so, but appear to have stopped. Henri Le Roux does, and though I'm not familiar with his work, I may give it a shot. Any advice would be greatly appreciated; I'm in serious need of inspiration! P.S. I'm in NYC, so already have access to LMDC, and if anyone wants to bring me a box from Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse... I might just marry you.
  4. Thank you so much for getting in touch!!! I received spec sheets from my distributor, and have been playing very happily since--but I'm sure there are a couple of other folks around here who would love to get their hands on them!
  5. Has anyone come across tech sheets for Domori's products? I can't find *anything* online, and have yet to receive a response from the company. I'd really love to spend more time playing with their chocolate, but cannot realistically do so unless I know precise fat content.
  6. I promise to update!
  7. Thanks, that's really helpful! I think I'm going to stick with the single frame.
  8. Many of my pieces are longer than than they are wide, so they require frames with different spacing--how long does it take to replace the frame on the single lever Dedy?
  9. A huge part of the cost, unfortunately, is the minimal sales potential. The 'mini' models are a relatively recent creation; a few years ago, you couldn't buy a guitar for less than ~$1,600US.
  10. Does anyone have any experience with this guitar? I'm having a difficult time deciding between the single and double frame models, and am wondering if... 1. The efficiency gains and damage reduction are really significant enough to make it worthwhile. 2. The change in pressure distribution caused by the additional slits causes more ganache to spread or fall into the cracks when cutting. Note that I'll be using it primarily for ganache. I appreciate any thoughts/advice anyone can offer!
  11. I probably should have clarified, "without significantly changing the volume of any of the emulsion's constituents."
  12. Reverse engineering, of course.
  13. Does anyone know of a compound or technique that is capable of fully breaking lecithin-bound emulsions? Heating/centrifuge is probably an option, but I don't have easy access at the moment--unless someone in NYC is feeling charitable with their time.
  14. Public Service Announcement: I'm amazed to see some of the action on this thread after so many years, and impressed by posters' ingenuity. I've also crafted ganache frames from any number of materials since I wrote the first post, but feel obligated to mention that the frames I initially mentioned are available from Kereke's as Frames for Biscuit Batter--and they're cheap. I feel guilty for not sharing this earlier.
  15. Banana, Mayonnaise, Slice of Toasted Bread, Napkin
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