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Posts posted by OnlyTheBest

  1. OH MY G O D !!!

    I just saw Tonys new show !

    HOW FABULOUS!!! He captured what living is all about....how to eat !

    A reminder of just how special Paris is !

    All the comments about Roco and rats.... come on! whats the problem !!!! it was CLASSIC TONY !!!!

    The NYT needs to GET OVER ITSELF!!!

    There is NOTHING like THIS on television...and ONLY Tony could do it!

    A BIG sexy man ...... with BIG appetites in a dark seductive city and LOTS of ways to get yourself into trouble....be it food or otherwise....



  2. Hi.....i thought i would throw this out and see if anyone has any suggestions.

    I have a friend comming who has been a raw foodist for many years.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on raw food resturants or cafes in the sea/tac area?

    Or... does anyone know of anyplace doing raw food takeout ?

    I have tasted some of her dishes and they are very creative and quite good. She is excited about the northwest and i thought there might possibly be a thriving raw foods community in this area.

    I have a week till she gets here...any suggestions you have would be a help. Thanks

  3. OK (those who don't want to know please avert your eyes ) - the clear winner by at least 5 lengths was Kreuz' fatty brisket. Incredible. I don't know much about BBQ - but I do know about brisket - because I cook it for the Jewish holidays. And this was a perfect point cut. Fatty - but not too fatty. Was as moist as if it had been reheated in gravy (which is how I cook it). Except mine doesn't come out tasting full of wonderful smoky flavors. We also had fatty brisket at Smitty's and Black's - and neither approached the brisket at Kreuz.

    As for the beef - it was kind of downhill from there. We had the prime rib at Kreuz. It was very overdone - very dry - and way too salty (we had both an end cut which was inedibly salty - and an interior cut which was just way too salty). The prime rib looked the same at Black's -super overdone - so we passed. I want the slab of prime rib that was shown on Dallasfood.org - the one that looked pink and juicy!

    We had beef sausage at both Kreuz and Black's - and I think we plain don't like beef sausage. I don't feel bad though. We had BBQ at a local place "on the road" on our trip to Dallas yesterday. Liked the sausage - and when we asked - our server told us it was a combination of beef and pork. The fellow sitting next to us said he'd lived in that area his whole life - and after lots of years - still didn't care for beef sausage.

    I'm not sure why we didn't have beef ribs - but we didn't. A careless omission - because we had beef ribs today - and they were good.

    We had a pork chop at Smitty's which I liked a lot - particularly the little pieces of burnt fat . It was smoky and juicy. And pork ribs at Black's. Competent - but they didn't compare with the better pork ribs we get at home.

    By the way - Smitty's gets my vote for best atmosphere. Perhaps that's because the smokers seemed smokier - and the place was doing a good business (the other 2 places were really dead - it's kind of sad eating in a nearly empty restaurant).

    What you say about the BBQ being different on different days may be true.... BUT...that said.... i have to tell you that i made a SPECIAL trip to Lockart when i lived in Tucson last year....just to hang out and eat BBQ for a whole week.

    My experience was that all of it was good.... but the brisket at Blacks was absolutely SO juicy and SO tender and moist and smokey that i have been having vivid dreams about it since i left Texas

    it was flat out the BEST beef i have had anywhere and that includes Arthur Bryants in Kansas City...when HE WAS still alive....and i lived there for a whole year.

    I dont know if it was a fluke that Blacks was so good...but it was simply AMAZING.

    The others were good...But BLACKS! now that was extraordinary !

    But...maybe we all have different tastes. Its funny i should see your post becuse i just came over here to the Texas board to post and see if anyone has ever ordered Blacks brisket mail order...i am VERY tempted.

    So... if anyone reading this HAS...please post your thoughts.


  4. Hey guys... thanks for the suggestions.... i'll try it....but i dont hold out much hope. I will have to most likely go up to Seattle. Thats ok...i am sure there is some good stuff in Seattle....i'll have to enjoy it there till i move out of here.

    Any more suggestions would be most appreciated.... thanks again.

  5. Your right, no decent Chinese or Singapore noodles in Tacoma area.  I have seen Singapore noodles on the menu at Malay Sate hut in ID (12th and Jackson).  Good luck, wl

    Thanks WL its just what i expected....i really have to move to an area with more good stuff. I like it here in Gig Harbor....but theres nothing good to eat when you want to go get something in a pinch. Thanks again for your comments

  6. Hi Folks.....i am hoping that someone has some information on where i can find this dish. its one of my favorites and i am comming up empty in my search to find any in the Tacoma area.

    I finally decided i better ask the board to see if anyone knows where to get them.

    Please.... if you have any suggestions i would appreciate it...if not....where do i go in Seattle next time i am up there.

    Thanks alot

  7. Silver teapots?

    Would you cook anything in silver? Brewing tea involves heat, liquid and a solid. So does cooking. Yes, of course silver imparts a taste. Also dependant on how one cleanes the inside of the pot.

    Stainless steel imparts no taste. Nor do glass, ceramic, and porcelain, as the brewing surfaces are "sealed" (non-porous), and non-reactive. One buys non-reactive cookware - why should it be different from tea?

    With many of the better silver utensils, the taste imparted from the teapot should essentially be minimal, but for "purists", yes, there will be a taste. "Purists" for me are the people who complain about the staples for string & tag teas.

    A better comparason - would you eat soup with a (true) silver spoon? If so, then by all means use a silver teapot. This is common sense.

    There are beautiful teapots on the market today, and the joy is in the experience of tea. Remember, tea is consumed on every continent of the world, and I'd reason that 90% of the consumers don't much think about what their teapot is made of (compare: what kind of wood are wooden spoons made of?).  They're just happy to have a beverage.

    I do enjoy tea....and drink quite alot of it....thats already been established AND.... Thats NOT the question. I am considering buying a silver teapot....because.....i happen to LIKE silver TEAPOTS!!!

    I dont care that 90% of consumers dont think much about their teapot...I DO.

    I like tea...and i like teapots.

    I dont need a lesson about the joys of tea....nor do i happen to care about the tea habits of the rest of the world.

    If you have a problem with the fact that i happen to be interested in a silver teapot...i'm sorry but thats MY business.

    The question was about tea made in a silver pot....and THATS ALL !

    You have given me your take on that...and i appreciate it. BUT...as to whether i should buy a silver teapot at all ... well.... thats up to me to decide then ......ISN'T IT !!!!

    I for one, would be interested in seeing a photo of the teapot you are coveting, once you have purchased it.

    Sometimes, it's nice to have something, just because. I have a lovely soup tureen that matches my china set. I use the "formal" china infrequently, the soup tureen even less. But once in a great while, I like to make something really special and use that soup tureen to "show off" for company, and to add a little elegance to my life.

    Go buy yourself that silver teapot, OnlyTheBest! It'll make you very happy. :smile:

    Hey Katie...i didnt realize you were in Philly. I was raised there....but oddly enough i never did get to the oyster house. I'll make a point to stop by next time i am back in town. And yeah... you are right....a silver teapot would make me happy....make me smile everytime i see it. I'll be drinking more tea than i already am. I'll try to post a picture if i can. The style of pot i like is the 'oil can' style...kind of oval and squat....usually has a wooden handle too.

    Have to make a decision though.... so many teapots to choose from. And yes... you are also right...sometimes it IS nice to have something...just becuse.

  8. Would you cook anything in silver?

    A better comparason - would you eat soup with a (true) silver spoon? If so, then by all means use a silver teapot.

    Why, yes - on several accounts I COOK in my silver chafing dish (Victorian, thankyouverymuch) and adore my silver soup spoons (which are only used when I'm not using my Victorian consomme bowls).

    It truly does not impart a discernable taste.

    And, OnlytheBest, you can come over and have tea with me in any one of silver pots anytime you like! :biggrin:

    HA! I like the thought of that. I use to live one valley over from Nappa and i do miss it. I like the Northwest but i loved being surrounded by vines when i lived there. So MUCH wine...so little time.

    Careful... i might take you up on that...... AND...i'll bring my teapot !

  9. Silver teapots?

    Would you cook anything in silver? Brewing tea involves heat, liquid and a solid. So does cooking. Yes, of course silver imparts a taste. Also dependant on how one cleanes the inside of the pot.

    Stainless steel imparts no taste. Nor do glass, ceramic, and porcelain, as the brewing surfaces are "sealed" (non-porous), and non-reactive. One buys non-reactive cookware - why should it be different from tea?

    With many of the better silver utensils, the taste imparted from the teapot should essentially be minimal, but for "purists", yes, there will be a taste. "Purists" for me are the people who complain about the staples for string & tag teas.

    A better comparason - would you eat soup with a (true) silver spoon? If so, then by all means use a silver teapot. This is common sense.

    There are beautiful teapots on the market today, and the joy is in the experience of tea. Remember, tea is consumed on every continent of the world, and I'd reason that 90% of the consumers don't much think about what their teapot is made of (compare: what kind of wood are wooden spoons made of?).  They're just happy to have a beverage.

    I do enjoy tea....and drink quite alot of it....thats already been established AND.... Thats NOT the question. I am considering buying a silver teapot....because.....i happen to LIKE silver TEAPOTS!!!

    I dont care that 90% of consumers dont think much about their teapot...I DO.

    I like tea...and i like teapots.

    I dont need a lesson about the joys of tea....nor do i happen to care about the tea habits of the rest of the world.

    If you have a problem with the fact that i happen to be interested in a silver teapot...i'm sorry but thats MY business.

    The question was about tea made in a silver pot....and THATS ALL !

    You have given me your take on that...and i appreciate it. BUT...as to whether i should buy a silver teapot at all ... well.... thats up to me to decide then ......ISN'T IT !!!!

  10. What was the original question? Silver vs. ceramic?

    Silver, by nature, and DEPENDING ON THE "TEA" BREWED, can impart a metallic tasts. Ceramic, glass, and porcelain, by nature, will not.

    Depending upon the type of tea one is brewing, various teapots will come to call. Remember, tea is drunk in every country in the world (yes, in Antarctica as well), and is the second most widely drunk beverage in the world (H2O) is the first).

    "TEA" is nothing more than water infused with leaves. Why are you all so fussy? Are you really interested in drinking something good, or is the ceremony foremost?

    The only kind of tea i expect to brew will be loose green and black tea. I have a very functional ceramic pot and it does make very nice tea.

    The orginal question was would a silver teapot impart any metallic taste and would it...because it was metal.....give the tea a stewed taste. I brought this up becuse i have noticed that the japanese cast iron pot that i bought seems to do that. I dont know...maybe it is just me.

    Sorry to say there is no ceremony in my tea drinking....unless you call occasional friends round for a cuppa.

    I happen to like a silver teapot and was thinking of buying one...thats all...plain and simple...and thought the board might have some opinions....and they have.

    If you have an opinion on tea brewed in silver pots....i would like to hear it.

    It certainly sounds like it makes no difference in the taste...and thats great news since i have seen several i really like.

  11. My parents drink tea with lunch.  Their teapot is an ebony-handled late Georgian sterling silver beauty, hallmarked Newcastle, I believe. It has been making magnificent tea for over two hundred years.

    Yes...sounds wonderful. What is it about a teapot ....it is something so personal maybe that we love them so. Do you have a picture of the pot or can you describe it? I love the oval ones....there is something about that look.


  12. All the cast iron teapots I've seen have a porcelain enamel coating. Have you used one without a coating?

    Edited to clarify that the coating is on the inside of the teapot.

    the cast iron tea pot i have does have the enamel coating but it was not the coating i was refering to it was that the pot was cast iron and kept the tea SO HOT for SO long.. it seemed like it stewed the tea...therefor changing the flavor of it.....or so it seems to me.

    Ahhh, I thought you meant that it was imparting a metallic taste. Never mind. Carry on... :unsure:

    Actually no metalic taste but more of a taste that seems like i am drinking something that has been stewed instead of brewed. But yes ...actually i was asking about the metallic tase as well. I was wondering if a metal pot made the tea taste funny from the extended heating .....because it is metal....and if there WAS a possible metallic taste imparted to the tea.

    But i do see that some have said they noticed no difference...so...thats certainly good news. Not for my bank account though....hahaha...those silver teapots are not cheap....but i SOOO want one.

    Also... i keep breaking the little china ones i have.

    Ok then... thanks to everyone for your input i do appreciate it

  13. I noticed that tea made in those iron Chinese teapots seems to kind of stew the tea and I notice a difference in flavor.

    All the cast iron teapots I've seen have a porcelain enamel coating. Have you used one without a coating?

    Edited to clarify that the coating is on the inside of the teapot.

    the cast iron tea pot i have does have the enamel coating but it was not the coating i was refering to it was that the pot was cast iron and kept the tea SO HOT for SO long.. it seemed like it stewed the tea...therefor changing the flavor of it.....or so it seems to me. Thats why i was wondering if a silver pot would do the same. The teapot i am looking at is solid silver.....english sterling silver. It's so lovely i would use it every day but i just wondered about the metal and the tea.

    Thanks for your input

  14. I noticed that tea made in those

    iron Chinese teapots

    seems to kind of stew the tea and I notice a difference in flavor----

    iron japanese pots are called tetsubin

    what type of teas do you enjoy?

    glass, porcelain, yixing clay are better than silver in mho

    I like most kinds of teas....usually i use a loose green tea. I know that glass and porcelain etc are better but i was just considering a silver teapot becuse i liked them and was wondering if it altered the taste of the tea.

    I do have other pots...but i was wondering about the silver ones.

    Have you had tea brewed in a silver pot?

  15. I was wondering about silver versus a ceramic pot. If you make tea in a silver teapot.... does the metal make any difference in the brewing of the tea...that somehow it might alter the flavor?

    I noticed that tea made in those iron Chinese teapots seems to kind of stew the tea and I notice a difference in flavor.

    Has anyone been using a silver teapot? I am so tempted to get a lovely older one but i want to really use it....but not if its going to alter the flavor of the tea.

    I would apprecaite your comments....thanks so much.

  16. OK...I need help.

    What about Breakfast in Tacoma/Gig Harbor?

    Have a friend comming to visit....and i am still down here in Gig Harbor...not too sure there is anything here.... but what about Tacoma? Any suggestions?

    I am sure she is going to want a NW style breakfast.....maybe salmon or oysters in some breakfast thing....omelet or benedict or the like..

    If you dont have any suggestions for Tacoma then what about a place in the Seattle area that might have something like that.

    Thanks alot

  17. I finally got to the shop.  I have driven past it many times without ever giving it a thought.  I tried the cake and the french cruller.  Both had different qualities that I liked very much.  The cake was not overly sweet but sweet enough.  The cruller was greasy and sweet but not cloying.  20 more donuts to try.  Thanks OTB for the heads up.  WL

    Yeah......a pretty good substitute for Top Pot I think. At least there is an alternative to the supermarket donuts. If you like maple bars...try one of theirs...they are great !! AND ! so big i had to eat the one i had half at a time.

  18. I would love to know what you all put on your salmon. I have seen the spices from Tom Douglas and wondered about the salmon rub....still havent bought it though.. Has anyone used it...and if so what do you think.

    I usually just bake it in the oven or do it in a pan on the stove top....i would love some suggestions...maybe good local marinades...anything that you like..tell me about it.

    Still trying to find that perfect seasoning.


  19. OK then...THEY ARE HERE!!!

    TIMs new Hawaiian Luau BBQ chips are WONDERFUL!!!

    I was told that they were in some stores...but i decided to drive over to the factory this afternoon to get some. When i got there a man asked me if i had ever tasted them and i told him that i had not. He gave me a small bag to open....it was love at first bite.

    At the factory you can only buy them by the case.... so i bought a case of the 3 oz bags that i am going split up with some equally chip crazy people.

    They give you the wholesale price so if you know someone that wants chips too you can get a discount.

    The flavor is sweet ....spicy...smokey and completely satisfying. I demolished a bag on the way home.

    Yet ANOTHER great chip from Tims !!! If you try them i would love to know what you think. As far as i know...they should be in most stores by Monday....or call the factory to find out where they are.


    I am on my second bag as we speak......Hmmm...maybe i should keep that whole case.

  20. OK...more on the donuts.....

    I went back there to make sure i was not dreaming about the size of them.

    And... i was wrong....they weren't the size of dinner plates but about 2/3 the size.

    These dounts are all hand made so the sizes vary greatly. The raised yeast were HUGE whilst the cake were normal size. What was REALLY HUGE was the danish style rolls.

    The donuts are .65 and i didnt get the price of a dozen. But i will tell you that by the time i had ordered 4 of them the donut box(the size used to pack a dozen donuts) was full.

    I got 4 raised yeast topped with strawberry, bannana.... and chocolate....and of course i could NOT resist the BIGGEST maple bar i have EVER seen.

    I also got 2 cake both vanilla...one topped with chocolate frosting and crumb...and then a cin/sugar.

    I have to say...they were ALL excellent!...very VERY fresh and light and quite tasty. They are so big i could not finish a whole on in one sitting.

    I was looking for just such a place...and i stumbled on it purely by accident.

    Ask and ye shall recieve!

    I would say that from what i have tasted so far.....i dont miss Top Pot at all.

    Dont get me wrong....Top Pot is great...but i now have a local substitute thats VERY good.

    If you are in the area....try it....love to know what you think.

  21. are you sure you weren't dreaming?

    HAHAHA!!! Thats SOOO funny!

    Nope! I am NOT dreaming !!! Its there and i saw those donuts with my own eyes!!

    I about fell over when i did!!! I dont have a camera or i would have taken a picture...but its real.

    Surely someone from the area knows about this place....there must be SOMEONE here on egullet that does.

    I guess we will find out.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  22. I was out doing some things in Lakewood when i saw a HUGE donut sign on gravely lake rd. I stopped in but did not get anything...the donuts were the size of dinner plates ...some of them. As it turns out this place has been there since the 50's the girl told me all the donuts are all home made. I will go back when i feel like donuts but if anyone has been there or knows of this place....let me know what you think.

    It was tiny but the donuts were the biggest i have ever seen....and they had toppings like strawberry and orange...and even marionberry.

    Everything look very fresh.

    If its good..i will be thrilled to find some good donuts down here in the south sound.

    I will let you know what i think when i get to try them.

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