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Posts posted by OnlyTheBest

  1. I REALLY need to get some GREAT olive oil....but I have not been able to find any stores that carry a REALLY good selection. I suspect that DiLaurenti will have a good selection but they will charge top dollar for them. I am looking for a place that will have the good ones... at reasonable prices.

    My favorite is dark green, unfiltered..thick and rich Italian extra virgin oil with a peppery bite to it.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


  2. Mario...let me say first that I ADORE your shows but Mario Eats Italy is my ABSOLUTE favorite. I taped them all and look at them regularly. I am Italian myself and even though I have been there many times...I learned SOOO much about Italy watching those shows. Will there be anymore of them as I consider you THE go to guy for all things Italian. I live in the Seattle area and I could not live without your father's cured meats. In fact HE is one of the reasons I moved here!

    Your direct ...no nonsense approch to real Italian cooking is a pleasure to watch....especially all those little tid bits you throw in about Italian culture as well. I hope someday I get to eat at one of your resturants...or even a Friday dinner at Salumi.

    Thanks so much for all your hard work....I do really appreciate your talent. I have learned so much. Would you ever consider opening an Italian wine store out here?


  3. Thanks for the mention I had no idea they had another store. I went to the roosevelt store last sunday and was very impressed with it compared to the other whole foods I have seen all over the east. SO.... the fact that this one is bigger is even better news.

    I think it's great to have markets like whole foods and metropolitan in the same town. You can never have too many great places to shop.

  4. tomorrow I am going to the sunday market at ballard but I got to thinking which market do you like the best ? Which is actually the biggest with the most selection? ( and I don't mean Pike Place)

    The farmers market here in Gig arbor is very small as is the Proctor market in Tacoma.

    SO I have decided to drive up to check out some of the others in the Seattle area?

    How does the market in the U district compare to the one at Ballard?

    I know the U district is a Saturday market.

    I would appreciate your input. Thanks Alot.

  5. this morning I defrosted that cake donut I had in the freezer and it was fabulous. Top Pot's donuts are wonders. They really do freeeze and thaw well and that chocolate topped cake one had been in there for 3 weeks.

    So... I am looking forward to my trip up to the main store to get a load of them to take back.

    If anyone has anymore favorites I can add to my list please let me know. I really appreciate your suggestions.

    Thanks again

  6. I HAD THEM ! I discoved that little stand the last time I was in pike place market.

    They were so good I bought 2 dozen and froze what was left when I got home. YUM!

    But... I have to say I like Top Pot better. I don't know why I just did. I still have one left in the freezer...a chocolate coated cake one. I may have it tomorrow for breakfast.

    And Phaelon56...thanks for your comment about the donut plant. I have been wondering about them. Glad to hear for once I am living closer to something that is actually better then you can get in NYC.

    The proctor farmers market in Tacoma also has a girl tht makes fresh donuts but still the flavor is not as good as Top Pot. What do they do to make the donuts so good? The plain donut just has more flavor.

  7. I have frozen donuts before and if they are fresh and properly wrapped they really do keep rather well. All they need after the thaw is done...is a gentle few minutes in the oven..it will bring them back. the oven has to be just slighty warm.

    So yes...I have expirmented and it does work well. I have had to figure something out because I have not always lived near good donuts.

  8. Since I do not live near Top Pot...I am making a special trip sometime next week to get a load of them for my freezer. So tell me which ones you love and why because I want to try different ones.

    I got one when I was at pike place the last time I was there...it was from a store that was carrying them. I asked if they had Top Pot donuts and they pointed to them. There was only a few left..and the price was a whopping $1.50 a donut.

    Surely it can't be that much at the store.

    I had a cake one with coconut on top. It was lovely.

    Has anyone ever been to or had donuts from the donut plant in NYC? If so..how does Top Pot compare?

    I do love great donuts...and I look forward to hearing from you.


  9. I do have a car and I do like the idea of driving to places. Farmers markets and great shopping for artisan foods like bread, coffee and various necessities is a big part of my life I use to shop everyday but I can't really do that here in Gig becauses there are no great places to go....unless I went accross the bridge to Metropolitan. That's not possible given the bridge traffic later in the day. I work online so I can live anywhere.

    I am not rich so yes I am looking for a good deal if it shows up. I call good quality of life having access to great shopping and a maybe some place near the water. I gave up the shopping to get that here in Gig.....but I think I might have made the wrong choice as it does get anoying not being able to shop everyday when I need something.

    SO... I do appreciate your input. Thanks so much for your help.

  10. Well gang ..I have now been living here in the area for about 2 weeks nd I can already see that when my lease comes up for renewal in November I am gonna have to move out of Gig Harbor and into a neighborhood that has more access to better stuff.

    As I just read Abra's post about the Malay Satay Hut I realized that I would have to plan to drive up to Seattle just to get there even once. I couldn't just drop in.

    SO it got me to thinking..... where do you think is the best place to live to give fairly easy access to great Vietnamese...Chinese and the like...great coffee like Lighthouse Roasters and Vivace...great bread from places like Tallgrass and Dalhaia(sp) and a great farmers market or two...AND... great dounuts like TopPot !

    I don't mind driving 15 to 20 minutes to get somewhere but when I see how much traffice I have to fight to get from Gig harbor it is not worth it.

    I rented my apartment on the net and I like it...but I need a better location for dropping in to the interesting little joints that sell great food...be they Asian or otherwise.

    I love the little asian neighborhood on 38th st in Tacoma but I am looking for more access to others.

    So if you can....please give me your eating neighborhood ideas and what they might be close to because I am going to start looking at areas now.

    Thanks so much for your help

  11. right you are!

    I sure did pay too much.... and you are right again about there stuff being avilable other places I have not even been here 2 weeks and I have seen alot of things in stores that I saw there.

    Well...all I can say is I know better now. The question is where to go for good pizza down where I live in the gig harbor area. I have been too busy to look but I think chow girl will have some ideas.

    Thanks for your comments

  12. thanks for all your replies. I do not live close to the market so it will have to be a weekly trip or maybe even monthly. I was so hungry I just thought I would grab a slice and the looked SO GOOD! WOW...looks really can be deciving and that pizza was the worst. I mean I could see maybe if it was just some lttle food stand...BUT a place that prides itself on all things Italian? WHAT a joke!

    I will keep all your suggestions for other places in mind. Thanks

  13. I don't think I spelled the name right I got the pizza in the pike place market. Oh my GOD is that the worst pizza I have ever had!

    It was totally tasteless. I could have done better to buy a loaf of french bread and melt cheese on it and it wuld have tasted better then that. I took 3 bits and threw it away. That store seems to pride itself on being all things Italian...HOW on EARTH can they justify sell crap like that and calling it pizza? it sure looks like the real thing....but YUCK!

    If you see it don't waste your money.

    Guess my east coast taste buds are too tuned into the good stuff for that junk.

  14. I tried to do a search on coffe beans but for some reason I did not turn up anything. Since I now live here in the city known for great coffee....tell me where I can get the freshest beans just out of the roaster..

    DO you have a favorite place? a favorite blend?

    I would love to find a person that will sell me the beans RIGHT out of the roaster.

    Where do you suggest?

    Thanks for your help.

  15. Another question...cxt mentioned the pugliese loaf at Essential. Does anyone know how that compares to the same pugliese loaf from that Italian bread bakery in NYC that Mario uses all the time on his show...the name escapes me but the loaves are very dark and crusty.

    I just cannot remember the name of the place.

    Can anyone compare them...if you have had that NYC bread?

    Thanks alot.

  16. WOW Thanks for all the information. I can't wait to get moved in. I will be in Gig Harbor. I wanted a place with some kind of water view and it was it was the least expensive in Gig. I work on the computer so it does not matter where I live.

    I guess I will be going into Seattle several times a week to get bread and stuff. I do intend to buy stuff from salumi and make my own sandwiches.

    I am amazed to know they also sell poiline bread...I thought that you could only get that mail order.

    How do they sell it ? in quaters?

    Good to know that...I have had it before.

    I can't live without a good baguette I am moving from arizona so I am looking forward to fresh fish and all the farmers markets veg.

    Thanks again for all your help I am sure I will have lots more questions.

  17. Hi Folks,

    I just signed up here and I am thrilled about my move to Seattle. Can't WAIT to go to Salumi..... but my question now is about REALLY good bread. I did a search and did not turn up too much.

    Does ANYONE make a baguette as tasty and fabulous as Acme in Berkley?...or the baguettes from the Cheese Board there?

    As an Italian girl...my meals revolve around fantastic bread.

    So tell me WHERE is the REALLY good stuff...shattering crust....interior that holds lots of breath and taps hollow when you turn it over....

    AND LOTS of REAL flavor????

    Italian bread...French bread.....I want it all.

    Is it in the Seattle area ? if so...where?

    Any help you can give me would be fabuous.

    Thanks so much.

    And by the way....when is the next get together....would love to meet people that value their taste buds.

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