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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. first thing i noticed was the time you posted. egulllet is set to midwest time or something? actually tommy, i left out, i don't know carmen well enough either. leave that one for holly.
  2. is that picture a regular size or large?
  3. Can't speak for the Striped Bass, but Carman will be just as happy if you're in your jeans or if you take them off. i was thinking she'd be happier if he took them off. course, i don't know tommy well enough yet.
  4. what the frig is that? should have been "pork sammies", which, i suppose, is pork sandwiches, from that place in that other place with the greens and the aged cheese. i'm on webtv and have no patience for correcting typos and whatnot. :smle: so is that supposed to be tommy dinic's, tony luke's, shank and evelyn's or someplace else? screw the typos, gimme something close to the name.
  5. i do agree with camp, that for some restaranteurs, they get bored. i think as much as anything, it's also being pushed on by the backers.
  6. btw, glad you're enjoying yourself.
  7. i imagine they can't make enough and keep the quality up unless they expand smartly. how much is a lot of cheese? and what kind? if american, normal would be 2, extra 3 or more, at least in my eyes. provolone, probably about same. i would say the cheese is always supposed to go on the steak, for about a minute. then meat and cheese should be put on the roll, which should have been warming slightly on a stove or something. not too much heat, just the equivalent of leaving it on top of wherever the pilot light would be in a stove.
  8. herbacidal


    the new chef is greg ling, i believe. should be about 26. yes, quite young, but some can hack it. i have faith, he'll be able to catch up, in time. i dined there with katie loeb last summer, i believe, and it was quite good. much more along the lines of what katie said above. disappointing to see that things have changed in the past year. especially disappointing that the owner wasn't more accomodating+hospitable.
  9. herbacidal


    rx is a solid place. within the confines of philly, you could probably call it a poor man's django, or django's little brother. they do have a new chef, i hope he's holding down the fort well, as i believe he was a year below me in grade school.
  10. i'm wondering how much of the waitstaff will be actors/actresses trying to get their first big break and hoping for more exposure at a key moment in the show?
  11. wow, i can tell that you're cantonese. jeez, gotta try some of this southeast asian islandic nation cuisine i know very little about.
  12. come on kim, we're on the edge of our seats.
  13. how so? the idea that govt must step in to regulate everything is fallacious. govt should step in as a last resort, and even then precariously. if they would arrange a structure which allows the market to decide, it would be much easier on us all. non smoking bars should happen by choice. as a perhaps future bar owner, i would have no problem owning 2 bars, one for the smokers, one for the nonsmokers. all or nothing is completely ridiculous. like killing a fly with a sledgehammer.
  14. Sara, After you've seen a few more of his posts you'll realize that 99.9% of Tommy's posts are humorous, ironic, or both. But serious, nah.
  15. i agree wholeheartedly. i've thought for a long time that what should happen is for govt to push for people to start non-smoking bars. ideally, a relatively deep-pocketed owner could open one of each. smokers can go here, non smokers can go here. let the market decide. if the market determines there's too much in one area and not enough of the other, it is relatively easy to change from one to the other, as far as structually. the hardest part there is informing the public.
  16. most definitely yes, our perceptions of a country, region, and people carry over into how we view their cuisine. in most cases these perceptions are significantly overblown and exaggerated. even so, stereotypes do usually have a hint of truth. the degree to which they apply to a people and especially to an individual are not as accurate as played out.
  17. i always thought dinardo's was just living on reputation now, but others with firsthand info are better equipped to comment.
  18. the one time i was at ron's, the ribs were okay, nothing special. spicy, but not really tasty. may have been when he wasn't really involved with the store, i admit.
  19. hey katie, call me a blasphemer but, remember not everyone is as into food as we are. some just eat to live.
  20. there is a reasonable likelihood of someone in jeans at panorama. and i'm pretty sure they have tablecloths, if not something better like really nice table surfaces. even though it was years ago that i dined there, would've noticed something particularly gaudy like lack of tablecloths on an unappealing surface.
  21. in addition to fact that it's not as high end, panorama probablt wouldn't be as good after a wine tasting. don't know that you can fully appreciate a 100 + wine by glass list right after going to a wine tasting. no doubt it does have some super tuscans buried in there somewhere though. don't dine high-end italian (or high-end at all) enough to comment with authority.
  22. Are you kidding? My six foot plus cousins are irresistable. man, i gotta hang with different people.
  23. i had a feeling after eating it that sweet sausage was not actually meant to be sweet, which was disappointing as that is what i was looking for, since i was interesting in seeing how they were going to make it sweet. i just thought it an odd description, because i traditionally expect sausages to be salty, not necessarily spicy, although that is certainly an option i suppose. airy may have been the wrong word. perhaps light would have been a better description of what i expected. but again, crepes as light as i was expecting, i don't expect to really be able to hold in any kind of meat filling, which is why i was hoping they would show me a way to make that possible. i would agree there was buckwheat flour in the batter. i don't mean to imply they weren't authentic, nor that they were not tasty. they just weren't exactly what i was expecting. you should understand that in many culinary situations, i have expectations of what is possible for something (like a crepe), and i'm hopeful that my expectations can be defeated/proven wrong. i thought ceci-cela's crossiant was quite good, but not as airy and fluffy as i expected. it may be that my expectations are too high. i will have to try Pain Quotidien next time. katie, i force myself to have that kind of metabolism by walking everywhere. crosstown, uptown for anything less than 15-20 blocks. no different than philly, san francisco, or anywhere else i go.
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